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To help you decide on your next daily driver
  • The pic is confusing because they used similar visual cues for vehicle “hood height” compared to child “distance from vehicle”.

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    Newey divulges when and why he decided to leave Red Bull F1
  • Noting that “the other way around” refers to the numbers that are backwards (six constructors championships, seven drivers championships). Not that Red Bull helped Newey win those championships. :-)

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    Is Linux As Good As We Think It Is?
  • It’s hidden by default but it should be there in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp for “all users” and %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup separately for each user.

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    Is Linux As Good As We Think It Is?
  • XP-7 had this right with a folder in the start menu for startup items, just drag a file or shortcut there and it runs on startup.

    It’s the same in 10. This is actually one thing I find obnoxious in Linux, even as a user for 25+ years… menu “shortcuts” aka .desktop files are harder to make and poorly documented.

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    Is Linux As Good As We Think It Is?
  • Also a testament to how much of a benefit it is when the vendors just get out of the way and don’t feel the need to add their own Special SauceTM to the drivers.

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    NYC car addict sues after his $315K Lamborghini supercar gets ticket from noise camera
  • You sure about that?

    According to city violation data aggregated by the popular website How’s My Driving NY, Aquilino did receive two tickets on that same day in the West Village for blowing through a red light and speeding in a school zone.

    He says he was just driving normally but I get the feeling he may be at the very least stretching the truth.

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    'Knife fight': GOP panics after 'huge uptick' in Dems’ chances of flipping House
  • I thought the last line was as simple as I could make it...

    Right, which is why I found the one sentence I quoted strangely at odds with the rest of what you said. Most of your comment suggests she should get started right out of the gate, and then that one seems to say she shouldn’t.

    IMO If she doesn’t already know what she can do by that time, she had darn well better start finding out ASAP so she can get it done immediately…

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    'Knife fight': GOP panics after 'huge uptick' in Dems’ chances of flipping House
  • If she does the "now that I'm in office I'm going to start trying to find out if I can do anything"

    Not sure what you’re trying to say with this. Are you saying she shouldn’t try to do anything? If so what is the point of electing her? As I see it, it’s the exact opposite and she should immediately try to accomplish some goals. Why wait?

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    Microsoft backtracks on deprecating the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel | Microsoft has either backtracked or clarified its language to remove the note about Control Panel being deprecated
  • I get why they did it ( because it’s “printers and other devices”) but seriously would it be that hard to link it in both places? Or actually make a printer settings that works worth a shit so you don’t need the control panel app?
