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Roasting pepperule
  • Did you put any spices on it? I like to roast mine with oregano, chilli flakes, and a general herb mix. Putting a light layer of cheese on top halfway through is also a great option :3

    Cannot go wrong however you do it honestly

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    What rooting method do you use?
  • Yep as soon as I saw the title I did a double take... but it's 7am here and I cbf thinking of a clever answer so early in the morning

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    Privacy recommendations? Improving our community's tech literacy 🧿 (Updated)
  • Never knew about syncthing, will help me immensely sync game saves for non steam games and not have to pay for bitwarden

    E:oh also my music collection!

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    Help me on my (rule)ablurary
  • Ah ok cool thanks for the clarification, I have been seeing a lot of people calling anyone on the left who is not an anarchist a tankie, and I was getting concerned as a marxist. Like fuck Stalin, and I know plenty of anarchist comrades, but I was worried it was being applied in a too wide brush.


  • The game is well, a game that you play the moment you read these rules for the rest of your life. The only objective being to not think of the game. Once you do, you lose and you play again. Basically go as far in life as you can without thinking of the game, good luck!

  • Hey sorry to whoever is doing the bread/toast on the bottom right corner, I had the bug where I only saw recently placed pixels and thought it was free! Wanted to make a pink corner lol.


    From the legendary Contrapoints YT channel


    Hey all, first time posting here. Just a heads up there is someone going around with 3 accounts all named after insulting the mods just posting transphobic, racist, and sexist Facebook tier "memes". If you want to avoid them, they're mostly in new as time of writing.


    I'm sorry for the shitty photo, I'm playing this on a 3ds and CBF getting screen capture to work just for this.
