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As a reminder...
  • Terrorist attacks. They attacked a rave with young people just there for music. The strength, size, and surprise of the attack is akin to a 9/11 or a pearl harbor for the Israeli.

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    Israel-Palestine escalation live: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive
  • You've been defending terrorists the whole time. Israel has never taken hostages like the Palestinians have. There's no end goal in these attacks. Whatever problems the Palestinians have will not be fixed by what they're doing.

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    Israel-Palestine escalation live: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive
  • Israel does not have a charter that calls for the death and destruction of Palestine or Palestinians. Throwing around the apartheid buzzword doesn't make the Palestinian cause seem smart. It just shows that they have no clue what they're talking about and just trying to throw labels around. You want peace, you want a better life? Then go to the bargaining table and negotiate, don't attack. Actually try for a peace and your own self determination. No attack will ever reach any supposed goal of theirs. An attack like this is the most pyrrhic of victories. They only lose more than they gain. It's just completely moronic, suicidal, illogical, stupid, etc.

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    Israel-Palestine escalation live: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive
  • Stop conflating two separate issues. If you want to discuss how the Palestinians have accomplished nothing but their own suffering, while having nothing to show for it, then I'm all ears. Ukraine is separate topic that I'm more than willing to discuss but not in regards to the current terrorist attacks that have taken place today all throughout Israel

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    Hamas militant group has started a war that 'Israel will win,' [Israeli] defense minister says
  • When they stop hurting themselves in their confusion and sabotaging the peace process, then maybe a peace will come. Right now, as it stands, they couldn't care less for their own self determination, success, livelihood, existence etc. Nothing they do now will accomplish anything.

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    Non-stop Rocket Barrage on Israel: Woman killed, terrorist infiltration from Gaza, strike on Tel Aviv
  • They're not being oppressed if they choose to live the why they do. At some point the drug addict needs to come to terms with the fact they are the ones causing their self harm. They could compromise and stop their killing/ bloodshed to build a peace but they don't. Continuously attacking is one of the most dumbass moves they keep making. I'm out of sympathy and patience for these idiots. Keep crying but do nothing. Other parts of the Arab world have moved on and made peace with Israel. The Palestinians only have excuses and children to sacrifice at this point.

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    Non-stop Rocket Barrage on Israel: Woman killed, terrorist infiltration from Gaza, strike on Tel Aviv
  • Quiet day with people trying to mind their business equals terrorists🤦‍♂️🙄yeah ok. Do you people even read the shit you write or just going off some nonsense script?

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    Non-stop Rocket Barrage on Israel: Woman killed, terrorist infiltration from Gaza, strike on Tel Aviv
  • They're only bringing about their own ruin. Fuck, if they actually wanted to do something, then be human fucking beings and adults and come to solve agreement/ compromise. Israel isn't going anywhere. They only stand to lose more and more by not coming to the table but instead being violent terrorists. They can keep killing for hundreds of years. They'll end up with even less and accomplish nothing.

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    Non-stop Rocket Barrage on Israel: Woman killed, terrorist infiltration from Gaza, strike on Tel Aviv
  • Let those with a death wish meet their just end! They're not freedom fighters. They're simple terrorists taking hostages, gunning people in the street, etc. They have no end game but death and destruction. They'll accomplish nothing but murder and subsequent hardship for their people. They could be thriving but they'd rather kill people indiscriminately. They have no code of conduct nor rules of engagement. If they saw a Jewish toddler or infant, they wouldn't hesitate to kill it. There is no reason to champion these losers.

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    Militants enter Israel from Gaza after woman killed in rocket barrage | CNN
  • Why are the Palestinians so fucking stubborn to negotiate in good faith and to bring some sort of peace and conclusion to this bloodshed? Aren't they tired of killing and destruction? Perhaps they could build something great. It's the same fucking story all the time. Nobody cares anymore. You only get so many chances before you're the problem. Like the saying goes, "If you go through your day and you meet an asshole. You've met an asshole. If all you meet are assholes, then maybe you're the asshole." They're the asshole. There's an insane cognitive dissonance there. Like shit and get off the pot, actually sue for peace, actually try to do something instead of sending idiots to slaughter.

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    Militants enter Israel from Gaza after woman killed in rocket barrage | CNN
  • No, no, these are peace operatives /s. But yes, get rid of them all. They have a death wish, simple as that. They can never/ won't ever build themselves up. The Arab world is moving past the Palestinian nonsense cause. They should've done a deal years ago instead continuing the bloodshed. Life could be so much better for them if they only chose a better way.

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    Militants enter Israel from Gaza after woman killed in rocket barrage | CNN
  • Innocent my ass. Oppressors my ass. They negotiate in bad faith and have never wanted a peace, nor will they ever achieve anything by this violence. They're a disgusting one trick pony that the world has seen through.
