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Everyday, as an American
  • As a mechanical design engineer in America having dual systems creates unnecessary complexity and frustration and cost for me all day every day. I full force embrace switching to metric

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    What's the strangest job title you've ever heard?
  • I was being recruited to design and develop a machine that sorted bull semen into male and female and I half jokingly said I’d consider it if i could have the title of Sr Semen Sorter and manager said ok. COVID stopped the project though

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    Prototype Nazi multistage cannon ('V-3'), Occupied Poland, 1942
  • The nazi ww2 one is more similar to coil guns as the projectile is propelled by synchronized pulses. Rail gun is more similar to typical gun which has basically a single time pulse at the beginning (but magnetic field instead). There’s also light gas guns which have a gun power charge to move a plug that compressed a light gas like hydrogen Ina second chamber, which then bursts a membrane to then propel the projectile. Iirc sadam was doing light gas guns

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    periodic tablets
  • I’ve found the fastest ways to get religious folk that knock on my door to scurry in a hurry is:

    1. offer to listen as long as they like but only after they roast a bowl with you
    2. tell them to pay their fucking taxes

    Now if science folk came knockin that would be great over a roasted bowl as well
