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  • I used to know someone who drove one almost like this. It was a RAV4 though. He was a swole short stack with bouncy blond curls who was always laughing and flirting and the car fit his personality to a T.

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    They used to have 8 plus cashiers... I won't steal but I don't need to report it.
  • If you're ever feeling too confident in your appearance, go through the Target self check and watch yourself on the screen. I'm a pretty normal looking person, but goddamn.. not at the Target self check. Maybe people steal less when they feel bad about themselves..?

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    How do you feel about Kamala Harris prosecuting thousands of people for smoking pot while she did the same thing?

    Much has changed since then. She sponsored a comprehensive federal legalization bill in the Senate, and she’s called for ending prohibition altogether as recently as this March, at a roundtable event with pardon recipients where she also called on the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to quickly reschedule cannabis, as the Justice Department has since formally proposed.

    If elected, Harris would become the first president who openly supports marijuana legalization. And the list of potential running mates that she’s reportedly considering also includes a majority who share that position, as well as some who have signed legalization into law in their state.

    While Harris has a complicated history with cannabis policy, she has come out in full support of legalization in recent years, sharing that “the War on Drugs was an abject failure. It's time to legalize marijuana and bring justice to people of color harmed by failed drug policies.”

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    How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy?
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy workbooks work almost as well without a therapist as with one. You just have to have the self discipline to actually do it.

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    Unions are what you need.
  • Anyone else delete Duolingo yesterday when the owl suddenly looked sick and haggard with snot coming out of his nose? It was odd the first time when they just made him haggard, this was gross and annoying. I need a new language app.

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    Catching up on sleep at weekends may lower heart disease risk by a fifth – study
  • OR! I could go to sleep at a reasonable hour on work nights instead of staying up watching crime dramas while playing mindless games on my phone.. Naw... not gonna do that..

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    California officials get aggressive on homelessness after Supreme Court ruling
  • Get aggressive about not letting corporations hoover up all the housing and price gouging renters. A stupid amount of housing is being built in CA right now. Homeowners are being tirelessly harassed by Blackstone to sell their homes at well over market value in an effort to get all the houses out of private ownership. Like, ALL of them.

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    Too close to home
  • Pizza was the coveted flavor because kids = love pizza. But it was so bad. And you had to convince yourself that the rectangle of cardboard "crust", the cold sauce packet and unmelted shredded cheese product were just absolutely making your day, because this is a treat. I will enjoy this. My friends are envious. Today is a good day.

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    Respect for hippos.
  • Deer will MONCH on some bird nests full of eggs and babies. Also on adult birds if they are injured or caught on something.

    Fucking deer. Get out of my roses.



    >🏅 #1 RANKED YELLOW APPLE > >The Opal apple looks like it shit itself. I apologize for being uncouth but there is no more apt observation. Just look at the top of it. The Opal apple looks like a jaundiced, freckled, unwiped anus. In fact, this may be the ugliest apple of the modern era. That being said, if you’re going to be an ass, you might as well be a good ass. And like a good ass, the Opal apple is exceptionally sweet and juicy. In fact, the complex flavor profile featuring hints of banana, coconut, and pear make this Czech-born, oddly-named monstrosity a delight to consume. And while the outside may be stained with a toddler’s accident, in an ironic twist, the interior of the apple does not brown for quite some time. So I say, if you’re looking to spice up your life with something a little different, close your eyes and eat ass. Who am I to judge? > >BONUS POINTS: +2 Taste


    cross-posted from:

    > Info on the bigot Nick Adams: > > Relevant part: > > > Adams opposes education regarding LGBTQ topics in schools and said that only a "bad parent" would take their children to see a drag queen show.[18] LGBTQ Nation, an online news magazine, has alleged Adam's apparent hypocrisy on this topic as he has suggested taking children to Hooters.[18]


    I’ve been really enjoying John Scalzi’s catalog- Started with Starter Villain (delightful!), The Kaiju Preservation Society (Sweet..), Lock In + Head On (fun who-done-its), The Android’s Dream (clever, enjoyable read), Agent to the Stars (funny, creative, pretty good).

    I’m half way through the first book of Old Man’s War and it’s depressing AF. I don’t see how it’s going to get any more light hearted, given the subject matter. All the aliens are enemies, more battle scenes than anything else, graphic descriptions of war injuries and deaths.. I’m not really compelled to keep going. Can anyone vouch for it being worth it to continue?

    Edit: I'm realizing that "better" isn't a good descriptor. I guess what I mean is "Will there be fewer graphic descriptions of injuries and death; as well as general despair on the part of the MC." It is a "good" book by all metrics except "feel-goodiness" and "Not making me queasy at descriptions of faces being blown apart." I'd come to expect a light and clever romp from John Scalzi, and from everyone's replies, he is more varied in his styles than I'd previously been aware.

    I'd been half hoping this would all resolve into a lovely, heartwarming story about how the universe was saved by a race of benevolent, highly intelligent cats who tricked everyone into getting along. I tried to go further this morning and am, for now going to set it aside after another scene with an exploding face.

    Thanks to all who replied!

    18 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances

    Over half of young Americans say that rising food prices are the most noticeable effect of inflation.

    54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances

    3 A river otter took a selfie in Ridley Creek, ending a 100-year absence for ‘the most elusive aquatic animal in Pa.’

    The sighting shows that the revival of the animal, which was once nearly extirpated from Pennsylvania, continues throughout the region.

    cross-posted from:

    > The sighting shows that the revival of the animal, which was once nearly extirpated from Pennsylvania, continues throughout the region. > > The river otter ogled the camera, posing for an inadvertent selfie on a chilly winter night. The adult critter explored its surroundings for 45 minutes before slipping off into the darkness, ever elusive. > > The unexpected December cameo marked the first known presence of a river otter along the Ridley Creek watershed in Chester County for 100 years, signifying that the revival of the animal, once nearly extirpated from Southeastern Pennsylvania, continues throughout the region. > > “We haven’t caught much else by way of footage, but a homeowner has reported seeing it swim in their pond just few weeks ago, which is a good sign that it’s hanging out in the area,” said Lauren McGrath, director of the watershed protection program for the Willistown Conservation Trust, a nonprofit in Chester County. > > McGrath’s team installed a game camera on private property to monitor beaver on private land near where the trust recently acquired 90 acres of the 218-acre Kirkwood Farm at Plumstock and Providence Roads in Willistown. > > More in link.
