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A tale of two systems
  • Indo-Chinese war of 1962 begs to differ. Many more border clashes with India that are happening almost every year, with continued annexation of Indian land inch by inch, without any retaliation by India because India is weak.

    Also Annexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China.

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    Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sat 13 July 2024
  • Thank you. I guess my training paid off.

    None of my friends are into running. So, I think I will have to order a bluetooth earphone then.

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    Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sat 13 July 2024
  • It did go fairly well. I was nervous till I got there. But as soon as I reached the race venue, the people and their excitement made me excited and I ran the first half at a pretty good pace for my standards. But after 11k, I was slowly getting bored and lost the fun in the run. Nevertheless, I pushed myself to finish line with a reasonable timing for my first half-marathon(2:15:00).

    I always get bored after 11-12k, maybe because I don't listen to music while running(?). I am not sure.

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    Running General Chat - Weekly Thread Sat 13 July 2024
  • I am going to run my first half marathon in 2 days. I have been preparing for this for last 6-7 months. Now, that I am here, I am getting tensed. If you guys can give me any tips, it would be helpful?

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    What's something small you achieved recently that you're proud of?
  • I can’t imagine having that kind of cardio endurance right now Even I was thinking the same when I started running. Now, here I am. I think you can also do it.

    I started with the target of 5k, once I reached that, my target was to run for 1 hour, then 10k and after that under 1 hr 10k. Now my target is to run a half-marathon.

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    Sunset [OC]
  • I just changed saturation, contrast and enhanced shadows to make it look as close to the real thing. Because I don't have a good camera.

  • One more photo in the comments.
