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American woman shot dead at anti-settler protest in West Bank
  • The victim here said she wanted to go to the West Bank to "bear witness," which is coded language for "be martyred," which is coded language for "wilfully disregard your own safety and get yourself killed in a warzone." That's why she arrived in town, went straight to the front, and started some shit.

    That's called martyrdom and Palestinian nationalists and pan-Islamists encourage and reward it. Get an air raid warning? Go stand on the roof, if you're a true victim of the infidels. Soldiers working nearby? Throw rocks at them until they start shooting, if you're a true patriot.

    That's the greatest ambition the leadership in Palestine celebrates; the greatest blow they can deal to their oppressor is to put a body on them, get some sympathetic international headlines. And, obviously, for that reason, Hamas and their ideological allies throughout the region love nothing more than for Israel to kill a foreign national from somewhere with clout, but they'd settle for shooting one themselves and blaming it on Israel.

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    Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA?
  • Corporations, now. Can't even really call it a practice. They are businesses that employ doctors. In law, most civilized places, you can't own stake in a law firm unless you are a member of the bar. Makes for a more service focused industry.

    Another thing I haven't seen mentioned is the way people find doctors now has changed. People look online, and there are plenty of sites that are just aggregators for data about doctors. Anyone can scrape that info and then setup a webpage to rate doctors. So now doctors are finding that they aren't getting patients if they aren't getting good ratings, so now we have doctors just telling patients what they want to hear, prescribing what they want to be prescribed. Gotta keep up that 9.8/10 rating to keep patients coming in.

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    Judge Moves Donald Trump’s Sentencing In Hush Money Trial To Nov. 26
  • He won't be inprisoned before January. The sentence will be stayed immediately while Trump appeals for the next two years, minimum.

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    American woman shot dead at anti-settler protest in West Bank
  • “They have weapons from America. It is not an accident that they hit her in the head. That was on purpose."

    Everyone understands this is bullshit, right, that that's not how evidence or logic work?

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    American woman shot dead at anti-settler protest in West Bank
  • The ICC is already exercising jurisdiction.

    Edit: Know nothings downvoting this bc of their feelings.

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    Should we stop splitting sports by gender and just let everybody compete together?
  • Men and men aren't physically equal. Maybe basketball should have a rule that everyone in the team has to be the same height. Can't have anyone with a physical advantage over anyone else.

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    'Closer than people think': Woolly mammoth 'de-extinction' is nearing reality — and we have no idea what happens next
  • "We have no idea what happens next."

    Scientists: we know almost exactly what will happen.

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    'Closer than people think': Woolly mammoth 'de-extinction' is nearing reality — and we have no idea what happens next
  • Wooly Mammoths may be a keystone species that could reverse a lot of the warming that's happening in the subarctic tundra and taiga. Bringing biomass to the tundra is essential to any climate plan.

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    The vaccine drive [in Gaza] has been more successful than expected, a W.H.O. official says.
  • Actually the UN asserted jurisdiction over the parties and they will have an evidentiary trial on the merits. If all South Africa has at trial is a bunch of fundraising solicitations from NGOs, and "reports" from state media of Qatar and Bahrain, they might be compelled to find against South Africa.

    Go read the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro. Sorry international law is more complex than you feel it should be.

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    ‘Who dreams this crap up?’: Kevin O'Leary slams new rule that allows employees to ignore their bosses after hours
  • This has all you need to know about who he is as a person and what his childhood must have been like.

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    Israel launches largest occupied West Bank offensive since Second Intifada
  • You're literally here accusing Israel of the thing that Hamas does, day in, day out as it's primary strategy.

    Tell your friends to stop hiding under people's houses and using rooms full of kids to hide their military assets.

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    Two sworn enemies hold the key to ending the war in Gaza. Does either man want a deal?
  • And frames it like they're both equal people. One is the democratically elected leader of a country, the other is a wanted terrorist and mass murderer, dictator of unincorporated, lawless territory.

  • Scientists have unearthed the remnants of more than 1,700 viruses from deep inside a glacier in western China. Most of these viruses are new to science.

    With this discovery, the number of ancient viruses recovered from glaciers has grown fiftyfold.The viruses, gathered from a 1,000-foot ice core taken from the sprawling Guliya Glacier on the Tibetan Plateau, date back 41,000 years and span three major shifts from cold to warm.


    Vaonis Vespera II. 350 images or so over ~1.75 hours, stacked by the scope software. .

    If you zoom in you can see some steaking and lines. Is that clouds or condensation?


    Just caught some Olympic qualifying finals for breakdancing?! Kazakhstan versus Netherlands. They both crushed it and Netherlands won. I thought the Kazaki won the whole thing with his opening move in the final bout.

    I haven't read these links yet but apparently this is the first games that will feature break dancing.

    I can't seem to find a video of the bout. Very cool to see breaking at the world level.

    I've enjoying seeing how the games have evolved over my short life. I remember when Johnny Mosely pulled that perfect helicopter (360°) at mens moguls in Nagano in 1998 and it completely changed the sport of skiing. It launched entire categories of competitive skiing: freestyle, big air, and half pipe, eventually became Olympic events. I'm not really a big Olympics fan or anything, just wanted to share the news about breakdancing for Paris 2024. Can you believe it?

    8 US aircraft carrier counters false Houthi claims with 'Taco Tuesdays' as deployment stretches on

    The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower may be one of the oldest aircraft carriers in the U.S. Navy, but it’s still fighting — despite repeated false claims by Yemen’s Houthi rebels.

    > “I think it’s been about two or three times in the past six months we’ve allegedly been sunk, which we have not been,” Hill told The Associated Press during a recent visit to the carrier. “It is almost comical at this point. They’re attempting to maybe inspire themselves through misinformation, but it doesn’t work on us.”


    500,000 stars in that ball.

    Taken with Vespera 2 smart scope. 104 stacked images over 17 minutes. Processed by the scope and Singularity app.


    Taken with Vespera 2/Singularity. 322 images captured over 54 minutes.


    Taken with Vespera 2 smart scope. 272 stacked images over 45 minutes (10 seconds per image).

    This is one of my first shots and I think it came out great for having very little idea of what I'm doing. The scope does all the work and processing.

    5 Neo-Nazis Swarm Home of New England Governor

    Massachusetts filed civil rights charges against the hate group. NSC-131 demonstrators unfurled a banner reading: “We’re not going anywhere.”

    Comment on Headline: I don't know if swarm is the right word, I think that implies they entered the home? I guess a group of insects is a swarm whether it's inside or out. They had their Nazi party in the street, and the governor's home is protected at all times by state police.


    > Dozens of Neo-Nazis demonstrated outside the home of Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey (D) on Saturday night, in an intimidating display of hate. Members of the group NSC-131 — which seeks to create a white-only ethnostate in New England — marched Saturday night through the Boston suburb of Arlington, uniformed in khakis, black jackets, face masks, and baseball caps.

    > The NSC-131 members moved under cover of darkness, co-opting the progressive activist chant, “Whose streets? Our streets!” The neo-Nazis then lined up on the sidewalk across the street from the Healey’s home, which was protected by state troopers. The group’s members lit red traffic flares, and held these aloft with stiff arm Hitler salutes. They unfurled a banner reading: “WE’RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE.”

    > The action by NSC-131 was an in-the-streets response to civil rights charges brought against the group by the state late last year. A 26-page complaint was lodged by Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell (D) in December. Campbell denounced the group’s efforts to “target and terrorize people across Massachusetts and interfere with their rights,” and insisted the state of Massachusetts is dedicated to “holding this neo-Nazi group and its leaders accountable.”

    > That legal complaint hits NSC-131 for actions that “unlawfully target and disrupt LGBTQ+ events,” including drag queen story hours; “unlawfully target immigrants based on race and national origin,” including by trespassing at hotels where asylum seekers have been offered temporary housing; “unlawfully attack members of the public,” with frequent brawling at NSC-131 marches; and for numerous efforts to “disrupt public peace and safety.”


    Maura Healy was an aggressive lawyer for a long time before she was governor. I'm sure the AG is no exception.

    Interesting that they think they are the ones not going anywhere in the state where America drew its first breath of liberty. Fuck Nazis.

    106 Supreme Court allows Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire installed by Texas at Mexico border

    The court weighed in on a dispute between the Biden administration and Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who installed the wire in an effort to prevent illegal border crossings.

    "The brief order noted that four conservative members of the nine-justice court would have rejected the government's request. They were Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Samuel Alito, Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

    The Biden administration says the wire prevents agents from reaching migrants who have already crossed over the border into the U.S.

    Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott, a Republican, installed the razor wire near the Rio Grande at Eagle Pass as part of an operation to address illegal immigration that has brought the state into conflict with the Biden administration.

    Texas sued after Border Patrol agents cut through some of the razor wire, claiming the agents had trespassed and damaged state property.

    A federal judge ruled for the Biden administration, but the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last month reversed that decision, saying agents could not cut or move the wire unless there was a medical emergency.”


    Comment: I am unsurprised by this decision. The Constitution clearly grants immigration authority to the federal power.

    Here is the order:

    17 The U.S. just expanded its territory by a million square kilometers

    The U.S. has officially expanded its geographical territory by one million square kilometers -- an area nearly 60 percent the size of Alaska.


    ”In a historic move, the United States has officially expanded its geographical territory by one million square kilometers — an area nearly 60 percent the size of Alaska. The catalyst for this territory expansion lies in the redefinition of the U.S. continental shelf boundaries.

    By invoking international law, the State Department has outlined new areas under the sea where the continental shelf, a seabed area surrounding large landmasses with relatively shallow waters, extends further than previously recognized.

    This monumental addition is spread across seven distinct ocean regions, with over half of the new territory located in the Arctic.”


    1,000,000 square kilometers! I know, nobody knows how much area that is, what even is a kilometer? But it's an important area of the world, gives us a legit claim to keep Russia out of the area, and takes ownership of tons of natural resources.

    The Arctic may be the cradle of the future of humanity, as the rest of the planet becomes to warm to inhabit.

    Further reading: America's Arctic strategy:

    "We seek an Arctic region that is stable and free of conflict, where nations act responsibly in a spirit of trust and cooperation, and where economic and energy resources are developed in a sustainable manner that also respects the fragile environment and the interests and cultures of indigenous peoples."

    Of course if the Republicans win again the strategy just reverts to "drill baby drill" and Trump will probably sign Alaska over to Russia as a gift.


    Title. Having some issues with inadequate heat in an apartment and need to compile some hard data. Can't seem to find something that checks all the boxes. Needs to be under $100.

    Thank you.

    Edit: Needs to be friendly enough for an old lady to be able to plug it in and turn it on.

    9 Investigation continues after couple became the target of harassment, stalking by eBay employees

    A couple running a news site about e-commerce became the focus of intense, targeted harassment by eBay employees. Sharyn Alfonsi reports on the stalking case.

    7 Missouri Supreme Court orders the GOP attorney general to stand down in fight over abortion costs

    The Missouri Supreme Court is ordering the Republican attorney general to stand down and allow an initiative petition to legalize abortion in the state to move forward

    The Republican Attorney Genera argued "the state could lose $12.5 billion in Medicaid funding and $51 billion in annual tax revenue because of fewer births."

    Yeah, you know, the party of freedom and small government, where you're so free that the government comes into your family affairs, forces you to have a baby you dont want to have, in order to get free money from the federal government from taxes paid by people blue states.

    What a joke Republicans are. Just the dumbest, most gullible people.


    Florida passes another blatantly unconstitutional law (full faith and credit clause) to waste tax payer money and further alienate decent, non-fascist people. These are the 5 state driver's licenses no longer valid in Florida under new immigration law

    Driver’s licenses from five states are no longer valid in Florida under a new immigration law.
