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  • From all developers honestly but just from indies would be great considering they already have it in their contract that the % goes down after X$ of sales (which benefits larger devs).

    Valve makes enough money to pay their employees more than the competition while also having surplus to have tons of side projects that will lead to nothing and making the boss a billionaire... I don't mind the first two, but that last bit means money coming out of our pockets and going towards buying yachts...

    (Disclaimer: I hate all billionaires, this applies to all platforms, we overpay for games [and most other things] in general because there's billionaires at the top of the creation/distribution chain)

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    I am a Georgia poll worker. Republicans’ new rules are making me lose sleep
  • What I meant is that if you look at Canada for example, provincial elections are separate from federal elections and the federal government manages its own elections and the provinces aren't involved at all (it's even seen as a faux pas for a premier to tell people who they would rather see in power at the federal level).

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    Jeremy Corbyn addresses meeting on formation of new leftwing party
  • Ignorant Canadian but I know that around here the Greens aren't necessarily seen as the left wing party, in part because their program isn't broad enough

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    The new Flappy Bird game has a hidden secret: crypto
  • From the get go, you're wrong

    The more people mine, the more decentralized it is, the more energy is necessary because difficulty is increased. The more transactions happen, the more blocks are required, the more energy needs to be spent to confirm all the transactions. The more it's used, the higher the value, the more people mine.

    There's a limit to the number of transactions per block as well, so no, your can't just say "1 or 1000 it's the same".

    Visa is already able to handle 24000 transactions per second as is, no need for more infrastructure.

    Crypto uses 1% of the world's energy production for a couple trillions in assets, the financial system uses 2.5% for quadrillions in assets, multiple thousands more than crypto, no, crypto can't scale to that without a huge environmental impact.

    Yes you are trying to greenwash crypto, just stop.

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    Gig economy
  • For some people eating oats = poor, people with money eat bread and eggs and bacon and cereals in the morning...

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    That door must be very heavy
  • 15b without talking about the number of transactions is meaningless and prices wouldn't be lower without agents as the person buying is still paying that price, they don't care who the money goes to.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • I've had to fuck around with my Windows saves (backed to the cloud) when installing the Linux version of Wasteland 2 and the two Pillars of Eternity games and I eventually just gave up and installed them with Proton so it would download the saves to the right place for them to work.

    If you play Deadfire on multiple Linux devices you need to install with Proton compatibility otherwise cloud saves don't work at all because Steam doesn't back up the right folder (it uses the Windows folder name which has a lower case o in the word Of), that means that if you wipe your hard drive and rely on cloud saves then you're fucked because Steam will have created an empty folder to backup.

    And remember, as I said, the Deck installs the Windows version by default but if you have Linux on your PC then chances are cloud saves between your Deck and PC won't work unless you force the Deck to install the Linux version of games.

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    The new Flappy Bird game has a hidden secret: crypto
  • Visa can process a maximum of 24k TPS

    Crypto energy usage goes up the more it's being used and the more decentralized it becomes. Centralized services like Visa can increase the network load while barely increasing the energy requirements.

    Crypto bros always forget that to replace the banking system, crypto would need to replace the infrastructure as well, but because of decentralization it would be less energy efficient for the same result.

    You can just stop, there's no way to greenwash crypto and decentralization. The amount of transactions happening on all crypto networks at the moment could be handled by one server if it was centralized. There's benefits to it, stop trying to sell it as being green, it's not and never will be.

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    The new Flappy Bird game has a hidden secret: crypto
  • Ok, I was in agreement with you (the concept of NFTs is great, what people do with it is dumb) until the environment part

    Crypto, even proof of stake, isn't energy efficient and never will be, the banking sector uses more energy but it also manages quadrillion in funds and transactions, crypto's value as a whole is orders of magnitude less than that and there's more energy spent per transaction than in the traditional financial sector. Crypto replacing banks and cash would be an environmental disaster.

    Next, even if mining is done using green energy, it means that this energy isn't used to reduce emissions in other, actually essential, sectors. There's an environmental cost to green energy (what do you think was under the dam's reservoir?) so having to produce more infrastructure just for crypto is wasteful.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • Only issue you'll probably have is if the cloud saves are for a different OS, so if you're playing on Windows make sure it's the Proton version of the game that's installed on the Deck, if you're playing a native Linux version of the game on your PC then make sure it's the native Linux version that's installed on the Deck (usual defaults to the Proton version).

    It's just an issue with the cloud save feature being too dumb, the path to the save folder isn't the same on both platforms so it doesn't sync well (although I think it does on some games).

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    Garlic showdown
  • If you have enough customers that you can sell 4 lbs to one at a rebate and the rest is sold at regular price to the other clients, but then that one client starts buying all your stock at a rebate, you're losing money compared to the past situation, so you might be better off losing that client or forcing them to pay full price and hoping that they just continue buying depending on how the math works out...

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    Analysis shows Trump loyalists have ‘infiltrated’ election boards in key states
  • It's crazy the kind of mental gymnastic you need to do in order to be both talking about the greatest democracy in the world (lol) and actively preventing people from voting, therefore getting in the way of democracy...

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    if this post gets 27 upvotes i will post again with 3 times as many triangles
  • I was only counting "by color"but if we add the outline as well then a Triforce is 5 triangles (three white,1 black, the shape itself), the Triforce of Triforces is 3 x 5 + 2 (middle + outline) so 17 and the shape as it is now is 3 x 17 + 2 so 53

  • On vient de le regarder et je suis plutôt déçu je crois... Le film était prévisible du début à la fin, les personnages n'étaient pas particulièrement intéressants parce qu'ils étaient stéréotypés gros comme le bras... J'ai l'impression que je ne m'en souviendrai plus dans deux jours...

    0 Russian opposition leader Navalny has died, prison service says

    Jailed Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny has died, Russian media report, citing the prison service

    More details added (no cause of death at this time):

    The prison service in the Yamalo-Nenets district said he had "felt unwell" after a walk on Friday.

    He had "almost immediately lost consciousness", it said in a statement, adding that an emergency medical team had immediately been called and tried to resuscitate him but without success.


    (On Windows anyway, don't know if different on Linux)

    Just wanted to share that as a user of both Firefox and Chrome, it's one thing that makes me hate switching to Firefox. I often need to use two different profiles and the way Firefox does it sucks.

    With Chrome I've got two shortcuts (that Chrome creates by activating an option) pinned to my taskbar that look distinct from one another and the instances that I open are combined under their respective profile shortcuts.

    With Firefox I need to manually create two shortcuts, assign two distinct icons to differentiate them, change some properties so they open the right profile, pin them and because they're "regular shortcuts" instead of the default Firefox launcher shortcut, when I open the program I end up with a third Firefox icon in my taskbar (it does not open under the shortcut I used, it acts as if I clicked a shortcut on my desktop) where all instances get merged together no matter which profile they're associated with.

    41 Un gros projet d’éoliennes pour Rio Tinto, sans Hydro-Québec

    L'incapacité de la société d'État à fournir de l'électricité à tous les projets industriels crée un engouement pour l'autoproduction privée.


    J'espère qu'on va finir par ravoir un gouvernement avec un peu de vision avant qu'il soit trop tard...


    Still seems to be available now (not going to order a second one to confirm 😂)

    The scalpers trying to resell them for 100% profit must be mad right now!


    Est-ce que c'est juste parce que je suis déménagé en Estrie? Me semble que j'ai pas vu autant de Hell's Angels s'afficher depuis une vingtaine d'années... C'était pas interdit au Québec de toute façon? Je trouve des articles sur des essais de faire interdire ça au niveau fédéral, mais rien comme quoi la loi aurait changé au Québec...



    31 Le taux de criminalité en hausse au Québec

    Le ministre François Bonnardel affirme que plusieurs mesures ont été mises en place pour réduire la violence.

    Qui aurait pu prévoir qu'une succession de gouvernements qui ne s'occupent pas de prévenir la hausse des inégalités sociales finirait par avoir des conséquences?


    FiskFisk23 and my comment are both replies to Botree's comment, it gets even more confusing when tapping Show context a second or third time.


    J'en ai plein mon casque de passer proche me faire passer dessus aux arrêts parce que ça l'air que c'est totalement optionnel à Sherbrooke de s'arrêter et même souvent de ralentir. J'ai vécu dans pas mal de villes au Québec, c'est la pire jusqu'à date.

    Merci d'être venus à mon Tedtalk.

    0 Azure Power Global | Un placement de la CDPQ en Inde continue de s’enfoncer

    Le désordre est répandu chez un producteur indien d’énergie solaire contrôlé par la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ). En une journée, Azure Power Global a vu son auditeur – chargé de passer ses finances au peigne fin – jeter l’éponge en plus de se faire montrer la porte à la Bourse de N...

    Je me demande si le monde va en faire quatre fois le scandale que Celsius a été vu que c'est quatre fois l'investissement qui a été fait là dedans ou si vu que c'est dans une industrie verte les gens vont juste faire comme si de rien n'était...

    0 Michael Sabia touchera 639 000 $ à la tête d’Hydro-Québec

    Le nouveau PDG, dont le mandat de cinq ans débutera le 1er août, touchera un salaire de base de 639 000 $, ce qui est plus que sa prédécesseure.

    C'est drôle parce que quand la vérificatrice générale avait critiqué les bonis pour les gestionnaires dans les sociétés d'État, Legault avait dit qu'il pouvait pas y mettre fin à cause que les contrats étaient déjà signés, mais qu'il allait arrêter ça... Et là c'est un nouveau contrat et Sabia a droit à des bonis...

    0 Québec veut réformer la protection du territoire agricole

    Le gouvernement Legault est pressé par les municipalités d'offrir plus de souplesse au développement au sein du territoire agricole.
