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Introducing Steam Families
  • You clearly don't understand how it works. My sibling lives in another city, but we're in the same steam family and have had no issues.

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    Steam Families is here
  • This is the same as the beta version, but is distinctly different from what we used to have. Previously playing a shared game locked down the entire library, now it just locks the one copy of the game. Previously you had to sign in on the same device to make it happen, now you can invite into the family remotely. Previously you could switch people in and out easily, now there's a six person limit on the family and a one year cooldown on both the slot and the member who chooses to leave a family.

    Overall it's better as long as you didn't abuse the system before.

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    Steam Families is here
  • It's fantastic tbh. Less convenient for people who just abuse family share with random people, but for actual families or close groups of long-term friends it's glorious.

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    I don't think flashcards are working for me.
  • Could try this:

    Think the dev has given up on it, so new updates are unlikely, but I had good retention until I got distracted and completely moved on to other things.

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    What's your favorite controller?
  • Steam deck's controls hands down if that counts. If not, surprisingly I'd have to say my stadia controller. Got one for $20 and it's fantastic.

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    Why do emulators stutter the same was as my NES did?
  • It's emulating the hardware of the system, which includes its limitations. Some emulators are capable of overclocking to fix that, though it won't have desirable results in every game. It also can make games significantly harder. One of the Gradius games is known for a section where slowdown makes it viable to beat.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Apparently you can use generative AI to summarize videos. Try using duckduckgo's !ai bang to do so anonymously.

  • Given the rapid decline of reddit this month, I decided this would be a good new home for us. Feel free to chat about your latest achievements, ask for technical help, and generally be yourselves here as always. And of course, feel free to just say hello!
