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For younger generations, what was it like growing up with the internet?
  • I'm OoTL - what is up with the bouncing fruit?

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    The two types of DMs
  • You should look into Mork Borg. Very grim and easy for everything to die, oh and the world is ending.

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    Disney gives up on trying to use Disney Plus excuse to settle a wrongful death lawsuit
  • Do you have some reason why you think they will be bankrupt and/or split up?

    I wouldn't hold my breath for a bankruptcy - Disney has Gross profits of ~30 Billion a year and net profits of ~2-5 Billion a year. Even if their lawyers become completely incompetent and allow them to be sued for max penalties every month of the year, it wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket.

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    What fresh fuckery is this? 🤦
  • Is there a website or resource that describes this in more detail? First I've ever heard of a cracked .IPA

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    Kamala Harris campaign trolls Trump with video of empty seats at his rally
  • The ad they put together was fantastic!

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    Florida attorney pleads guilty to bomb attempt outside Chinese embassy
  • Wow, that video. [Almost dies] "Lol, I'm the main character of my narrative so I'm not going to ever get seriously hurt!"

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    Outsourcing emotion: The horror of Google’s “Dear Sydney” AI ad | The company suggests using AI to write a child’s fan letter and the ad is so bad that Google turned off comments for it on YouTube
  • LLMs can also be helpful when your actual feelings should NOT be conveyed. For example, I can have a genuine response to someone along the lines of, "You are dumb for so many reasons, here are just a few of them that show you are out of touch with what our product can do, and frankly with reality itself. {Enumerated list with copious amounts of cursing and belittling}" Ok LLM, rewrite that message using professional office language because I emotionally refuse to.

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    Banks are bracing for consumers to stop paying off their credit cards, delinquency rates hit 12-year high
  • The truth is SO MUCH WORSE than that. (Last Week Tonight segment on it) TL:DW - all of the initial payments only go to the insane interest they are already planning to charge you, then when you've paid back the amount of the original loan (all as interest, so not even denting the principal yet), then they jack up the cost even more. Scum.

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    Fallout: London Is Now In Testing Ahead Of Release
  • Bethesda activy hindered this project by releasing a patch no one asked for like 3 days before the initial planned release date.

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    Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • When a car crashes, there's usually a magnitude less people impacted then when a plane crashes. But you know what? Air travel is still much, much safer than car travel. Large but infrequent incidents can be much less dangerous than smaller but more common incidents in the aggregate.

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    Seriously, where do I go?
  • Accurate, but be careful because once you go 2+ hours outside of Portland, OR you will likely find yourself once again among cognitively challenged folks...

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    Chrono Trigger (SNES 1995)
  • I agree with everything you've said and reading this comment filled me with joy, but I'm still hungry...

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    Treat your body right
  • There is an art to it - picking away strategically for maximum feels-good relief. Bonus if you get it off in one piece using tiny scritches over a long period of time.

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    Ah the memories
  • If they have no problems with impropriety, blatantly breaking established norms and laws, and getting impeached a couple times, a President can do quite a bit!

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    Meta accidentally leaks Quest 3S in Meta Store, quickly deletes it
  • I hate to burst your bubble, but Meta bought Oculus in 2014 and the Rift S didn't come out until 2019, so you already have a Meta product. I understand if it's more of a branding concern, and I love my Rift S as well, but it's still a Meta headset.

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  • So the thought is that, sure they may have happily voted for someone found guilty of sexual assault, but felony fraud is the step too far? I'll take it, but I'm constantly amazed at how this is still a competitive race.

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    Video Game Execs Are Ruining Video Games
  • Many people can be selfless and wonderful, true, but the people who are selfish and cruel often work hard to be in positions of power and authority regardless of the system.

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    I used resume spammers to apply for 120 jobs. Chaos ensued.
  • Yup! Nepotism = getting a job because of who you are related to. Networking = Getting a job because people who know your work give you an advantage.
