Different providers have different spamfilters, different rules regarding html mails, attachment file size, use of tls, policies regarding exspired certificates, and might have different log in procedures, so yes, if there are problems the question which providers are involved.
Snake liver oil would be more powerful.
The key word here is used.
So - a modem?
Napoleon? Hitler?

Depends. They have six cases, which is standard for a lot of indogermanic languages, and their declension is mostly consistent. I never learned German as L2, but I imagine the fact that in German cases are not clearly marked on the noun but by the combination of article and noun and that we use two different but very similar marking systems depending on context as utter nightmarish for L2 learners.
Furthermore it's the only European language there is. Every other language spoken in Europe descends from the Eurasian steppe. Well, most likely with a pinch of Kaukasian. It's several millennia overdue that we honour the Euskari!
TrakCare – wow, intersystem offers a bunch of data management software in > 20 countries.
At first glance, TrakCare seems to be targeted at hospitals. GNUmed is targeted at small practices.
Billing the public health insurance. It's perfectly usable for private practice, but there are only very few private only practices in Germany.
Angelsächsisch-Dänisch-Normannisch Kreol.
You need checks to send money from the government to the oligarchs, and balances to know how much money they earned. So yes, checks and balances are fundamental and necessary.
Z.b. die Verwendung der Buchstabenkombination "luigi".
The most European language of all. (Totally serious here – it's the language spoken for the longest time here. All other are later immigrants.)
Depressive graue Brille oder Zweckpessimismus?
Main problem with it is lack of certification, which prevents it's use ironically in Germany, the country of origin. I would have loved to use it. If you live in a less–regulated health system, I wish you success!
Data migration will be a huge problem – medical management system companies tend to lock their customers into their system by preventing data migration.
I just didn't bother with migration. I used an autohotkey script to print all patient charts of the old system into pdf files – unconvenient but failsave – and built the new data base from scratch.
There are more than I ever wanted to know:
Especially with these wings!
Märzens Wind nimmt der Bäu'rin ihr Kind. Alte Bauernregel mit der Botschaft: niemals ohne Jacke usw. in die Märzhitze gehen. Die trügt.


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One Lane Bridge - Staffel 1 (1/6) (bis 30.11.)

Neuseeland. Detective Ariki Davis tritt seine neue Stelle in Queenstown an. Gleich an seinem ersten Arbeitstag wird Ariki zu einem Todesfall an der berüchtigten Selbstmörder-Brücke One Lane Bridge gerufen, und schon bald schafft er es, seinen Chef durch wilde Spekulationen mächtig zu verärgern. Eine...