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HuMaN NatUrE!
  • People will always suffer. There’s a multitude of variables as to why people around the world suffer.

    Let's take a step back. Why does the majority of people suffer under capitalism? Because they have to live in a world where they don't get good, free healthcare, don't have a right to a house, don't earn nearly enough to live comfortably, don't have enough vacation, can't afford to take a trip, don't have time to enjoy their lives, are alienated from their work, have shitty jobs, work too much, etc, etc, etc.

    That creates a necessity for charities for all the basic stuff everyone should have, but doesn't currently have. If we give free good healthcare for everyone, the need for charities to threat people disappears. If we give everyone a home, the need for charities for homeless people, disappear.

    Okay, so how about they don’t donate to charities… no more technical advancement in medicine, so people can be poor and die from disease.

    What??? You do know that most breakthrough advancements doesn't come from the private initiative right? It comes mainly from public, government expending, into research. This idea that private entities advance society is just a liberal propaganda lie that is peddled to us all the time since birth.

    Charities isn’t something you enforce or eliminate. It is a free choice to give. Mandate it and you’re just legalizing theft by the authority.

    I'm not talking about making charities illegal, I, like every other communist in the world, am talking about solving the issue at it's roots, eliminating capitalism, and that requires eliminating exploitation through labor and eliminating the rich and insanely wealthy as a class.

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    HuMaN NatUrE!
  • They donate not because of the goodness in their heart, but because they get tax cuts from it.

    Furthermore, what does donation really accomplish when:

    1. People are still suffering, regardless of how many charities there are and how much money they get;

    2. Those wealthy donors are the reason people continue poor since they are only wealthy by exploiting other people's work.

    Charities shouldn't need to exist in the first place.

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    Do you know any singleplayer games that are infinitely replayable?
  • The Binding of Isaac with all the DLCs. I really mean it. It's the most replayable game I ever played, not only that, but there's tons of mods on the Steam Workshop too.

    I don't think any other roguelike comes close in just the sheer amount of things to do and see in this game. I've been playing on and off for years, have more than 500 hours and I still have challenges to complete, characters and items to unlock and item synergies to see.

    I gotta get back into Ultrakill, I really wanted to start P-Ranking to get to the big boss fights.

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    What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #24
  • What video games have you played recently?

    Last time I think I said I was playing Lies of P, Elden Ring, Sekiro, Hollow Knight and Dark Souls III. Out of these I have finished Lies of P and started NG+, my plan is to get all achievements, but I haven't played in a week, I hope to get back to it soon. For the others same thing, but more like 2 weeks without playing.

    Other than that I got the platinum in Die in the Dungeon: Origins. Also, I started a new Bloodborne run and it's the second time I actually play for real, I basically finished everything in the main game but the final boss. Right now I'm doing the DLC for the first time since on my first run, 4 years ago, I didn't do it because I heard it was hard and waited until the end to do it, found out the worst way that killing the last boss throws you into NG+ automatically like DS1.

    I'm also giving Chalice Dungeons a proper chance this time, since on my first playthrough I didn't care about them. I gotta say, they are fun, albeit a bit repetitive, and the worst part is how separate it is from the rest of the game. The way Elden Ring tackled this is infinitely better by having it integrated into the world, it feels like just a detour for exploration instead of a chore like in BB.

    Unfortunately I'm dumb and thought there was 6 depths instead of 5 and ended overleveling because of that, doesn't help that the dungeons give you a shit ton of echoes, making you think that you need to keep leveling up. Right now I'm Blood Level 112 still on NG and while Dungeons get tough sometimes, the DLC is challenging, but the bosses are too easy at this level, I just beat Lady Maria first try and felt disappointed because of it. :(

    I'll have to play again to get the last ending for the platinum, so I'll probably just stop leveling up and do NG+ on this level and see how hard the DLC is supposed to be since I should be around a good level already for doing it there.

    What games coming out in 2024 are you most anticipating? Or games that are coming out sometime in the future?

    Cuban indie game, Saviorless, that launched recently looks interesting, I want to give it a try sometime in the future. Other than that, Hades II, No Rest for the Wicked and Elden Ring's DLC.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • It's wild that Elon is currently beefing up with the head of the judiciary system here in Brasil, lol. I hope twitter is blocked in the process, it would be a blessing for everyone's mental health.

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    Sometimes what a person needs is a decentralized collection of free and open source social media platforms
  • I remember seeing tankie being used only a couple of times when I was a lib, then eventually as I was leaning ever more left, I joined r/196 and that's when I started seeing it being used a lot more and started understanding what it meant. By that time I didn't even know much about socialism, let alone communism, so I just thought that the folks there were probably right in "attacking the tankies" since they probably knew much more than I did.

    Well, was I wrong, lol. Good thing there's a lot of good ML content on youtube, otherwise I probably would still be a lib by now.

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    What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #23
  • Impressive.

    Thanks! I realized I phrased it a little weird, I didn't mean run like in a roguelike because it is not that, but meant that I finished the game 7 or 8 times now lol. If you like short fast-paced sidescrollers with outrun themes and a perfect soundtrack I highly recommend it, it's a literal gem. Also, the later plot points are inspired by the Vietnam war.

    Also, “ComradeTarnished,” nice.

    The shotel and hammer I mentioned is supposed to mimic the hammer and sickle, I hope the build works out lol.

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    What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #23
  • I'm trying to play a lot of stuff at the same time to see if the constant shifting keeps me interested in all I'm trying.

    What video games have you played recently?

    • Recently I started my second playthrough of Sekiro, I first played and finished it when it launched I think.
    • I'm in the middle of my first Hollow Knight playthrough and this game is fucking amazing.
    • I recently started a new Elden Ring character too, she is named ComradeTarnished and I don't know exactly what build I want, but I want to try a shotel with parry and a hammer on the right hand, it probably won't work well so I'll most likely end up trying a Grave Scythe blood build, this is probably gonna be the character I do the DLC with when it launches, but I don't know if I wanna do it in NG or NG+1.
    • Yesterday I started Lies of P for the first time too, and while I'm still getting used to the movement, this game seems to be really good, at least on first impression, I hope it lives up to the hype surrounding it, I'm having fun so far.
    • Today I tried an hour or so of the Archthrones mod beta for Dark Souls 3, I picked the starting class with a bandage in the head that looks sick as fuck. Besides a few things it's really cool, can't wait to finish the demo.

    What are your favorite video game genres?

    I think my answer above shows that its Souls/Souls-like lmao.

    What game have you completed recently and what are your thoughts on it?

    Haven't finished a game in months sadly, the last one I did was Katana Zero, but it was like my 7th or 8th run. Still great tho, I gotta get around to finish getting all the achievements, there's only two left.

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    Avatar: The Last Airbender's Colonial Problem - Why Jet Was Right.
  • I love the show despite the gripes. But it is also just a show.

    Yeah that's completely fine, but what people consume, specially pop culture since it is so popular and specially as a kid, help mold what they think. You're not wrong that it is just a kid's show, but I think it's great to have people do marxist analysis of this type of stuff, we need to dispute these spaces that are already occupied by neolibs and fascists, who critiques shows all the time already. But you're right, there should be more effort into critiquing from our side on shit that is much more problematic and actually fascistic.

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    Avatar: The Last Airbender's Colonial Problem - Why Jet Was Right.
  • I get what you're saying and while Aang wouldn't kill Ozai out of principle, which does make a little bit of sense since he is the literal last of the Air nomads and want to continue to live in their way, the show made it pretty clear that killing Ozai was the absolute right thing to do. Every single other Avatar Aang talked to literally said to him that he should kill Ozai, even the other Air nomad Avatar that came before him said that. And while Aang didn't do it, the option of killing was never showed as wrong in this particular case.

    It's a show produced in the imperial core, and the liberalism comes with the package, but I do believe there's a lot of good stuff in there too.

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    What technical issues did you ignore for an extended period of time?
  • Right now, my phone's front camera is busted since 1 and a 1/2 to 2 years now.

    But in the past, usually issues with my PC. First was the CPU or my motherboard, I still don't know which one was the problem, but it would freeze and I needed to hard reset. Ended up changing both, so the issue went away.

    Then it was my GPU, it would crash frequently on some titles and had heavy stuttering. It would downclock extremely for a brief moment all the time, but only when at 99% usage. I had to hard reset all the time too, had to RMA it twice before the issue was fixed.

    And lastly it was my SSD. I still have this 1TB nvme, where again it would just freeze and require a hard reset. I knew it was the SSD because there was some indication on the logs of my system. I ended up buying another one, but I should still RMA the old one because I think it's still under warranty, just need to check it.

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    What are some things you can/should cheap out on?
  • Gachas and lootboxes are addictive and money grubbing. You cannot do much about them. Casinos, gambling and lootboxes have existed for thousands of years, with not just capital but objects, kingdoms and even people used as bets. Now in modern world its just some currency bills as bets.

    I get what you're saying, but there's a difference between me gambling 50 currency with my friends on who is gonna win X match and a full blown casino or videogame that uses every psychological tactic possible to manipulate me into spending more and more money at every turn. One is a social interaction between people, the other is an exploitative tactic to make you spend. You can a 100% allow one and ban the other.

    I have a principle set in stone as a belief and basis for all things in life and beyond, Pareto's principle. I think morality, communism/altruism and all these things are also not 100% applicable, but only 80% (or 85, 90% whatever). So we will always be stuck with that 10-20% of capitalism, for example. And beyond that is diminishing returns. It is better to accept that, and work towards efficiency and optimal results.

    I don't want in any shape, way or form to disrespect what you believe and since you said it's set on stone I have no intent on changing it whatsover, but I think a more materialist approach could help here.

    The DPRK exists and it is full on socialist. Sure it isn't communist yet, and won't be until the rest of the world becomes socialist, but there's nothing to suggest we can't fully achieve it.

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    What are some things you can/should cheap out on?
  • Again, I agree and I'm aware of the stuff you talk in the first paragraph. I'm from Lemmygrad, I defend China as an AES country.

    Now for the second paragraph, I'm not trying to blame China for gacha, I'm just pointing it out as an issue that also exists there. That comes with their acceptance of capital, and is something they can be criticized for. My criticism is not to belittle them, but because I believe they can do better.

    There was recent news of China clamping down on lootboxes and predatory monetization in gaming, which would be great and would set a precedent for the rest of the world, but last I saw they walked back on it.

    I don't play Genshin, I only used it as an example, but I play League Of Legends, which is owned by Riot Games that is owned by Tencent and recently there has been the inclusion of gacha mechanics for skins that heavily relies on fomo for people to spend money on, and it's really expensive. Meanwhile Riot also just fired 530 people worldwide and killed multiple projects and iniciatives inside the company, while starving other projects too. This is a billion dollar worth company owned by Tencent, and it all deserves criticism like any other games and companies.

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    What are some things you can/should cheap out on?
  • I agree with you, I was just giving a simple example of more simple product, I didn't mean to imply that the relations are exactly the same to the ones in a capitalist country, neither that China isn't responsible for basically all the production in the world and affordable access to said production.

    Still, while most private companies can't just do whatever they want like in the rest of the world, the fact of the matter is that profit is still the primary concern for a lot of consumer products made in China, and it's something worth to keep in mind. The existence of gacha games like Genshin are a perfect example of this.

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    New record breaking game being icky as fuck
  • I get what you're saying, but I think it's a bit of an overreaction.

    The 4 first screenshots could very well be criticism what you do in-game, tho I doubt it is, it's probably the devs just wanting to be edgy.

    The reviews are pretty standard from g*mers too. Most are probably just making fun of the fact, but since it's Steam there's 100% someone that wrote stuff like that unironically.

    I think discussion about possible AI use by the devs and it just being another lazy survival game with ripoff pokémon and guns are better talking points. There's also the IP infringement, but I don't care about Nintendo's property.

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    What are some things you can/should cheap out on?
  • Yeah, but Chinese private companies are still that, private companies that are profit driven. There's exciting and even cheap to buy stuff coming out of China, like IEMs for example, but it's still a good ideia to keep expectations in check for the motivation of these companies.

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    What is with Steam's shading cache updates nowadays?
  • I prefer to keep Shader Precaching on for the Media Foundation fix that Valve uses, but I left Background Processing of Vulkan Shaders off, if I'm not wrong this way it should only update when you open a game.

    Alternatively you could disable it and use Proton-GE for the games that need the Media Foundation fix. Performance should be the same nowadays with it on or off.

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    On this day, 100 years ago, Vladimir Lenin passed away
  • RIP to one of the greatest o7

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    Is it just me, or have the comments on Lemmy become extra aggressive over the past 3 months?
  • I'm only gonna comment on Hexbear and you're completely wrong. They do have less patience with libs comming there saying shit, but everytime that happens, there's always people actually engaging and backing up all of their claims. It's not only dunking.

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    The DPRK abandons hope of peaceful reunification
  • Funny how your response to claims of a war perpetuated by the US that took the life of millions is to call us "stans" and point that we are the ones with the wild takes uh.

    Either engage in good faith and at least try to understand what is being talked about or get your liberal ass out of here.
