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Donald Trump calls for Taiwan to ‘pay’ for its own defence
  • There was no war between China and Hong Kong?

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 18
  • A year ago I wouldn't have thought I would be going out regularly with new trans friends. I'm so grateful for that. Every day I relate less and less to loneliness, although when I do feel lonely now the loneliness is more extreme.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • It's Kings Day in the Netherlands today. I'm against the monarchy so I'll not wear the royal color Orange when I go outside. For me it's just an excuse to go party, but this year I'm less in the mood than usual

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    Chad move
  • And now the ISS will be decommissioned this decade and Tiangong will be the only space station in orbit.

  • Russian Forces in Control of Novomikhailovka Village in DPR - MoD

    Russian armed forces have taken control of the village of Novomikhailovka in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), the Russian Ministry of Defense said on Monday.

    Russia calls on UNSC to impose sanctions on Israel
  • China is way too appeasing in their foreign policy. I think it does partly explain China's good cooperation with other countries, which is good, but sometimes I wish they had more of a backbone. I just learned an hour ago that China doesn't even recognize Crimea as part of Russia.

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    BreakThrough News calling Dugin "a very esteemed Russian political philosopher"
  • I mean, it's relevant since they are talking about terror attacks by the west

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    BreakThrough News calling Dugin "a very esteemed Russian political philosopher"
  • I don't necesarily see an approval of Dugin in his statement. It could be, but don't think that's what he meant

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 16
  • I think I have some guilt over going to Eurovision in Concert. I don't regret it, but feel like I have to make up for it by going to pro-Palestine protests. I've added a few actions to my agenda

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 16
  • Since becoming a socialist, my results for those tests have become very unpredictable, which shows you how unreliable they are. When I was a GroenLinks voter, the results for those tests would always be GroenLinks. Those tests don't take anti-establishment thoughts in account

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • I said a couple of days ago that I was questioning whether I would go to Eurovision in Concert. Well, the protest was during my work and couldn't go. And since I already had a ticket, it decided 'fuck it, let's go to a concert'.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • Yeah, been thinking about it. That's probably what I'm going to do. Plus it will be a nice story telling them I actually have a ticket but decided not to go.

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    Schwarzenegger and Stallone express support for Israel
  • They're Hollywood actors and Arnold was a Republican senator, doesn't surprise me much

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • I've had a ticket for the Eurovision in Concert preparty since before the genocide after 7th of October started, but I've been questioning if I should go. Israel's participant is not performing there, thats why I'm on the fence but I'm still leaning more towards not going. On the other hand, I already have the ticket, so it doesn't matter if I go but there will also be a protest at the venue and I know that some of my acquainted comrades will be there and I don't want them to think I support it.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • Went clubbing yesterday with friends and had a blast. Maybe clubbing a day before an exam wasn't smart, since I have a huge hangover but don't regret it (yet).

  • Niger Breaks Military Agreement With US - Reports

    The Nigerien government terminated the military agreement with the United States, which allows US troops to remain on the territory of the African country, Reuters reported, citing the spokesman for the military transitional government of Niger, Amadou Abdramane.


    The text of the flag translates as 209th Seperate Anti-Tank Division. And it operates in the Poltava oblast, explaining the Poltava cross. We all know why they choose the flag of this specific division.

    Why is this shit still everywhere?


    When people think of propaganda, they think of state propaganda, but they don't realise that the advertisements between their tv shows are just as much propaganda. The myth of consumers being responsible for climate change was spread through advertisements for example by fossil fuel companies. People don't realise how big of a role advertising has in trying to convince people of this status quo.


    I liked his tweet where he thanked Corner Späti for making a podcast episode about him.


    (I don't know why it also says Pirate Bay, since I clicked on the Sputnik News URL)
