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George Santos expelled from the US House
  • Here's a list of all 20 people previously expelled from the House and Senate, and their reasons for being expelled (mostly during the Civil War).

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    I don't like how people free themselves with violence so I, a Westerner, am going to side with the decade long oppressor
  • Many leading French revolutionaries were abolitionists. They ended slavery in Haiti. But then Bonaparte launched a fascist counterrevolutionary coup and made slavery in Haiti legal again.

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    How do you deal with a existential crisis?
  • quantum mechanics literally revealed that the world is not loaded when you are not looking

    I don't know where you got that info, but that is not at all what quantum mechanics says. If you want a deep dive into what quantum mechanics actually says, here's a good video series from PBS by a real physics professor that explains it:

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    Ukraine to fire all regional military recruitment chiefs
  • I'm not even sure MLK ever explicitly considered himself a socialist.

    Well then.

    "I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    "Today, capitalism has out-lived its usefulness." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    "Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    "We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    "The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    "If America does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty and make it possible for all of God's children to have the basic necessities of life, she too will go to hell." - Martin Luther King Jr.


    It says a lot about the education system wherever you come from that you never learned MLK was a socialist. He HATED capitalism! Hated it! Also, the scientist Albert Einstein was a prominent socialist who wrote a famous article, "Why socialism?" explaining in detail why he was a socialist. Einstein and MLK believed in the same anti-capitalist struggle.

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    Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • I was answering his question, not trying to be hostile. I did not insult him at all. Just voicing my opinion.

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    Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them?
  • Where is this imperial core you keep mentioning?

    Probably start with where all the giant battleships come from:

    Why does the USA need all those battleships if they're not doing imperialism? Are they just cosmetic battleships? Just for shits and giggles?

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    Already cracked
  • ... Do you think workers in a car factory don't get paid until someone actually buys the car they helped build? All the devs have already been paid!

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    Anon is tired
  • The constant revamping of the production process, the uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, and the everlasting uncertainty and agitation of society distinguish the bourgeois era from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relationships, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away. All new-formed relationships become outdated before they can solidify. All that is fixed melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned, and people are at last compelled to face with sober senses their real conditions of life, and thier relations with each other.

    -Some guy, in some manifesto, in 1848

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    Anon is tired
  • Permanently Deleted

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    Capitalism Annual Death Toll
  • Now do imperialism! I wonder how many people have died in Yemen this year, besieged by capitalist Saudi Arabia, with weapons they bought from the capitalist USA. We don't actually know the number, because our capitalist media is not interested in making it a big story.

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    US approves potential $500m sale of military equipment to Taiwan
  • one of these states is an authoritarian piece of shit, and it's definitely not Taiwan.

    Tell that to the indigenous people of Taiwan. I bet they'd love to hear about how they genocide was "non-authoritarian".

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • I think it is important to take a critical look at past tragedies

    Those who care more about past tragedies than current tragedies don't care at all. They're just looking for some excuse to feel self-righteous.

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • Lib - "Markets make everything cheaper, which is good."

    Leftist - "But if there is a labor market, won't that make labor cheaper?"

    Lib - "Yes, and that is good."

    Leftist - "How is that good?"

    Lib - "It leads to more profits."

    Leftist - "But why is it good to have more profits?"

    Lib - "Because a good country is when corporations make profits, and the more profits the corporations make, the gooder the country is."

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • Markets have brought more people out of poverty than anything.

    Yes, just like the Irish people who were "helped" by the free market in the 1840s. Or the Indian people who were "helped" by the free market in the late 1800s. You might be interested in this book by the late, great Mike Davis which completely refutes your ideas with hard evidence that the free market can be used (and has been used) as a tool of genocide:

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • You should e-mail that to the presidents of Cuba, Venezuela, and China, to show them the error of their communist ways.

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    *patriotic guitar twangles*
  • Gob, go run to the opioid store and buy mommy one fentanyl.

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    *patriotic guitar twangles*
  • If you are more angry against some poor people addicted to opioids than you are against the billionaire oligarchs who made their money off of addicting millions of people to opioids... you might have a severe case of myopia.

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    China helping to arm Russia with helicopters, drones and metals
  • Tech-wise Russia has nothing to offer

    Oh no, their Twitter and Facebook exports are too low. They'll have to scrape by on checks notes one of the world's largest supplies of oil, precious metals, and other natural resources. Surely, the Russian economy will collapse any second now!

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    China helping to arm Russia with helicopters, drones and metals
  • "I am not debating you."

    "Here, now let me debate you."

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    Hexbear federation megathread
  • the genocide against ukranians

    Which one? The one in the 1930s caused by capitalists or the one in the 2020s caused by capitalists? I take both seriously, and I want the current one to end.
