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If it works it works.
  • I switched over to development/experimental package repos cause I was impatient for a new feature. I switched back to prod but I didn't revert my packages. It worked fine for a couple weeks but they eventually became to outdated and I couldn't post.

    Luckily you can use a live stick to chroot in to fix. Felt pretty cool being able to do that, but yeah it was a stupid mistake lol. And I'm always gonna have a live USB on the side just in case I do something similarly bone headed.

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    Meditation [MrLovestein]
  • I'm feeling unreasonably upset at the yellow character in this one.

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    Illinois Man Wrongly Convicted of 2008 Murder Is Awarded $50 Million
  • Well, considering I gave up 10 years of my life to be left with about 500 dollars tied up in future bills, with the promise of more work and more bills never balancing out to where I can ever save or progress further in society and enjoy life.. I think I would.

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    The dark arts
  • I take 30-40 calls daily, before this job I would never call, now I feel very comfortable calling, but I will still never ever answer an unknown call outside of work.

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    Biden moves to crack down on Shein and Temu, slow shipments into US
  • Right, only approved slave labor is okay. I'm not fans of either, but I'm not going to kid myself that this decision isn't anything less than protecting corporate interests. Neither is ethical, but one is both overpriced and has regulators in their pockets.

    Edit: ahh I see, I accidentally commented on a server

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    Biden moves to crack down on Shein and Temu, slow shipments into US
  • Can't allow inexpensive cheap products, Americans are only allowed to buy expensive cheap products, from proper US stores.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • Glad to know I can do anything and just say "oopsie" afterwards and you'll be there to back me up.

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    If it works it works.
  • I made a major mistake that bricked my system, all my fault, but I was able to plunge my arm into the smoldering pit it fell into and drag my install directly from the gates of hell. Still working great like half a year later and I now know not to do what I did before that broke it all.

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    Which distro?
  • EndeavourOS, Simply Arch with an installer, has KDE as an option for DE.

    I use it, I love it. Arch is great. E-OS just cuts out the first few hours/days of set up.

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    Running was invented in 1748
  • It's just a cheap imitation now though, ever since they ran out of walker the chips/crisps are nowhere near as good.

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    Steam Families is here - Steam News
  • Steam said my partner was ineligible, so no, steam gets final choice. 😢

    It's like the meme, is there someone you forgot to ask?

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    Post some creative ways to say "I am trans"
  • I grew up with a severe hormone imbalance.

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    Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys?
  • Feels a lot better when my partner grabs them tbh

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  • I'd love to have a standard transmission miata, or another mini..

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    Linux File System
  • You can just make a new folder, I put mine on /data

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    The Temple (short comic)
  • Did some diving and I was about to lose heart but what looked like a repost was actually the original artist.

    The comic posted by artist kore85 on imgur

    Their first printed release: Tank Mcgreggor and the Mechanical Menace

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    Valve is so back
  • Because you keep trying till you run out of cake, if we are eating pie we are way past cake so we shouldn't be trying anymore.

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    Cat Scientists Theorize About Third Type Of Food That Neither Wet Nor Dry
  • It's cereal at the exact split second moment it is perfectly in between dry and soggy.

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    Anon visits New Zealand
  • I don't know, I have a not insignificant amount of indigenous blood (not Maori) and without any cultural ties I don't think it's significant as an individual. My family was raised and then raised me with no real connections to any of our hereditary cultures.

    I don't really have an interest in submerging into a culture that is foreign to me, nor am I interested in attempting to benefit from any sort of reparations. I'm just a white girl with a large fraction of indigenous blood.

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    Gr(ule)inding for jesus
  • Glory to him!

  • How do I look? I've been feeling very euphoric with the new clothes but nervous if I pass or not..

    But I've at least been feeling super cute lately and I try to push the doubts down. -


    Update: Thanks to a few of y'all who got me to look at things differently I think there was a miscommunication. I called my mom, and sorta cleared things up, they said they thought that my message out to them was saying I was planning on celebrating trans day of visibility, and not just mentioning it off hand after accepting the invite. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I am not fully convinced but I love them enough to forgive. Things have been rocky with them, my dad is teetering on the edge of ultra-conservative and still misgenders and dead-names me. In my mind there was a very real possibility my dad told my mom to dis-invite us after knowing it was a trans day.


    Kinda posting to just vent, family instantly cancelled when I just mentioned it was a trans awareness day.

    Crazy thing is they know me, they know we're not religious, they know that all we'd like to do is just see family (most importantly the two doggos.) And now I'm not going to be getting to do that and I just feel pretty hurt after this. I've sent some messages back and forth and they've re-invited us, but without a clear explanation or sincere apology, my partner doesn't feel comfortable around them now. I agree with her, so we won't be going.

    This is the first overtly discriminatory thing I have experienced from them, and it is just so strange this is what hill they decided to claim.

    I hate being a social war politic pawn, any other situation, birthday falling on the same day, solar event, or an "acceptable" awareness day, would have been met with open arms. They've just treated us as degenerates.

    I wasn't expecting or wanting anything, other than perhaps a minor acknowledgement, just getting cancelled on is bizarre and I can only see it as hateful or at least extremely overly defensive over my perceived motives?

    Well idk after this I feel like on march 31st it would have been really fun if I spent the day misgendering them so they could experience a taste of some of the experiences I have. But I'm still just hurt, I would have loved to get a hug from my mom and sis and pet the dogs.

    Hopefully this follows the rule and venting is ok, this is my first post here and I would have rather it be something more lighthearted but I just want support and validation after this.
