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Best way of switching between keyboard/controller?
  • While I'm all for dynamic swapping during gameplay, in the menus I suggest an option to disable controller, in case there is a malfunction. Also, to the same problem I'd suggest havinge the mouse cursor to have a) priority, that affects the menu element under the cursor (not the element selected) and b) a fade out time, so it can be active at the same time as controller is active, to prevent the case, where the game detects controller to be drifting. This will be a godsent feature, when, for some reason, even removing the controller does not fix the game detecting the drifting input.

    Also, it would be cool to have a manual option to force displayed prompts, not only between keyboard and controller, but also between x-input, Direct-input and PlayStation controllers.

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    Pixelfed introduces Loops, a Short-Form Video App
  • I would so much like to love peertube, but I have yet to find any instance that hosts the trash reevant to my interests. Mostly they either are filled with reuploads from YouTube, or are full of radicalized conspiracy theories (which I encounter very rarely on any other form of fediverse).

    And then there is the "dumploads", which makes the instances seem like they only have one active contributor, as they dump like 60 videos right after another, resulting the frontpages to have just one note content. This, however, could be gixed by otion to group conecutive uploads as "[latest video] and [n] other videos from [user]", which would help to find more diverse content, as well as discourage dumping.

    Then again, that is only my opinion, and if PeerTube is fine for others, who am I to complain. It just doesn't seem to be for me :/

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    Its beautiful
  • And I meant, that as fat has insulating properties, the lack of fat, ergo "tiny body" does not have insulating properties. Thus, a tiny body exhausts more heat, and therefore 1) feel cold more easily and 2) heats the surrounding area.

    So yes, tiny bodytype tends to exhaust heat under a blanket.

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    Its beautiful
  • Well, fat is insulant, so it helps to keep the heat energy inside the body. Fat, therefore, also provides some protection against cold. On the other hand, if you live in areas with higher ambient temperature, it is more comfortable to be able to exhaust that heat, instead of storing it.

    So, yes, it is a feature?

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    Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • No, I know people prefers veganism due to ethical reasons. But the unfortunate fact is that there is always someone somewhere suffering, and in all honest, I'm down to reducing the overproduction of meat, and ensuring humane treatment, but stopping meat production just results all those animals being left to die on their own devices, which in turn, is more cruel I feel, considering most of those animals are at this point dependant on humans.

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  • This is quite the point I tried to make. Yeah, at this poi t beans are the only plant protein that I get even decent. Never heard of a black bean burger, to be honest, it won't be the first recipe I'll be looking with my cooking record.

    And for tofu. I know it isn't originally meat replacement, and I've seen dishes that look amazing, but I still have trust issues when it comes to tofu. Maybe I need to retry some time if I encounter it in a (proper) buffet sometime. Still, I don't trust it. I haven't been a fan of shrooms either, and they just wasn't my thing even now, when I recently tried to cook some. My SO liked the muahroom sauce though, so it wasn't just about my inability to cook them.

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  • I think I'll try that, even though blackeyed ones are not my favourite beans (I feel I never get the consistency of them right). Also, I might need to try these by myself, or figure out a way to make gluten free tortillas that don't crumble when slightly looked at, as my SO has gluten allergy.

    Also, might need to keep cumin in mind, when making beans.

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  • Seems believable. But to my understanding, people did either hunt before, or began hunting during the same perioid. And yeah, for the meat people ate what was available, when it was available. Meat still played a big role, and perhaps in peoples minds (like mine) the part is very exaggarated due to it being a matter of celebration, when the hunt ended successfully. The celebration of meat might also be one of the leading reasons why our food industry has evolved so meat-centric. None the less, good to be reminded/educated myself.

    I'd also imagine that hunting tribes were more dominant over those who exclusively foraged. Not because they ate meat, but because they were more prestieged in killing.

    And no, I don't want to be "true nature", but I'd rather eat more balanced foods, which was one of the points this thread eventually started.

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    Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • And I'm saying that I don't like the meat replacers. You have not suggested any recipe that would, by default, fall in to the category of not removing the meat, and my problem is not that you think saying "just make pasta wothout a meat" is a new recipe. My problem is that if I want an option to find something to build a meal around, meat is the best option, because that is available, and easy to make taste good, a vegans answer is "just make whatever you would do, and remove the meat". Vegetable soup is not a recipe, because soup in of itself is so varied dish, that it's not just "throw carrot in water and boil". Vegetable soups fo have names, and you have provided none. I, however, mentioned that I like a sor of vegetable soup: the bean and tomato soup. You can google a recipe, and get quite consistent results that quite consistently have a recognizable common recipe.

    I am perfectly willing to find vegetarian meals that nourish me, but I have no interest to become a vegan, partly because culture is hostile. And if you didn't know, hostility rarely welcomes new people in.

    As for vegan "meat-free options flourishing", they do because some people feel more incentiviced to eat meatless, and perhaps the quality has probably improved. However, for people who loke the taste of meat, and are not willing to compromise that, you need to provide a good curry by a name, because if I search for curry, I get loads of good curry recipes with chicken, pork and meat, instead of the "OG" curry that, allegedly, does not have meat. What is the protein in that curry? Is it lentils? Is it chia beans? Nobody knows, it's just meatless.

    I am ready to try vegan, but by experience I've been birned too many times by asking for the foods that are marketed towards carnivores, but are vegan, that I am not willing to eat meat replacements. And every time I ask if there is a recipe, every time I suggest that I'd be willing to try a meal thst is "accidentally vegan", I am bombarded with "well we have this meat replacer..." or "just make these foods but not with meat".

    Tofu is something I don't like, because I associate it with meat replacements, even though I am aware that that particular "meat replacer" has been used for long before meat needed to be "replaced". I just don't fancy those foods.

    Now, for lentils or chickpeas. How the fuck does one spice them? How can you make them taste good? Beans are easy peasy, you can spice them pretty much like meat, but with more herbs than pepper. That is why I want recipes. I want references. I want to add options. And yes, I will still eat meat, because that is readily available, easy to make and tastes good.

    Oh, and to add to the mix: my SO can't consume pasta due to allergies, so there is that. Do you know how hard it is to bake, when wheat flour is the main baking ingredient for anything slightly puff?

    And for you to change your mindset, I'm not saying "consume meat, heretic", I'm saying if you want people to try vegan foods, don't market them as vegan foods. The vegan market is so fixated on "meat replacements" that they've forgotten that traditionally (accidentally) vegan foods can be used as a base to create more interesting culinary options, rather that "compromising the meat".

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    Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • Pre-history. This happened during the time human figured out how to work with fire, and started consuming cooked meat. The cooked meat itself was not what made human start "socializing", but it introduced something no other animal did: waiting. To fill the void, people started to fill the time with what we now call culture. It is part of our evolutionary history.

    None the less, in my first post I spesifically pointed out that I am not looking for "just remove meat", which was the point. And your answer was "well these foods are good if you just remove the meat". That is the issue why you do have issues to convert people to eat vegan: Instead of pointing out WHAT in WHICH cousine is originally meatless, you prefer to ignore the idea that it's hard to start searching the vegetarian cousine, if the available cousine around you is based on "we'll build this around meat", and "Just build it around meat, and then replace or remove the meat". This is the modern western viewpoint, and I am looking to break that for myself.

    As per the other commentor suggested, I will look in to lentils in Indian cousine. However, I find that the modern vegetarian cousine has stagnated because of the need to sell "meatlesd meat". Making a good food is about not making compromises. Not "deciding to just drop the meat". I have tried a lot of "vegan options", and as said, I am not looking to turn vegan. That is why I can decide NOT to compromise when it comes to meat. I, however, am open to try vegan cousine that, simply said is not "better by just adding meat". And if you want to convert people to veganism, you need to change of mindset. You need to relize that people who eat meat are not willing to compromise with the meat, when they have already tried that cardboard they call "vegan meat".

    A recipe is a start.

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    Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • Same to you. This is why people who eat mainly meat don't even consider vegan food. All vegans seem to be fixated upon replacing the meat, when the answer for vegetarian food that tastes good is to have recipes that don't try to mimic meat diet.

    Just one recipe. Is that too much?

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    Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • And that's why I'm still very carnivorous.

    There is always a design of a mean. The origin of a meal. And when it comes to health, there almost every time has to be protein. Most naturally to humans, who started to reach their human nature by cooking the meat they've captured, and builing a culture while waiting for that food to cook, most common source of protein is meat. Thus, most of the meals tend to be born from the meat being a center piece, which is then extended with everything else.

    There, however, are many means (that I would like to know about), that have originated from the lack of access to meat, yet with the need for the culinaristic taste in mind. These are the meals I am lookong for.

    As said: not removing the meat, not replacing the meat but not in the need for the meat. This is a concept every vegetarian wants to ignore. I am not looking to becoming vegan, or replacing my meats with replacements. I am looking to balance my meat with originally vegetarian recipes. Partly because of health reason, but also becaise I also want to have a collection of recipes for carnivores, that does not sound repulsive.

    I repeat: not to remove, not to replace, but designed from the beginnig around something other than meat. Considering all the replies I tend to get to these requirements tend o be "just drop the meat m'kay", I'm starting to doupt if there is a way to properly design a meal without centering it around the meat.

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    Gay? Okay. Rule? Unacceptable.
  • As a carnivorous fattie, I do care about nutrition. And in all fairness, I'm open to suggestions for naturally vegetarian foods.

    Now, before I get a list of "vegan beef and tofu", what I mean by naturally vegetarian, is foods that don't include tofu (which I personally don't just like), or need to advertise being vegan. I am looking for foods that, from the beginning of the time, have never had meat removed, or replaced. I want "accidentally vegetarian" -foods.

    My current favourite is bean-tomato soup, but it gets rather one note.

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    How to switch thr state of Fn keys?
  • I personally find it rather infuriating that swapping those is made so difficult, and to this day don't know who has more usecase for media keys and varied power buttons over function keys.

    And the worst thing is, if the upper row defaults as mefia keys, and toggling Fn to be function keys by default, you also toggle numpad to the right side of the keyboard. Don't get me wrong, I like numpad, but I quite don't like losing half of my keyboard, because keyboard manufacturers don't know what keys should be behind the Fn.

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    Ukraine's Security Service blows up railway connecting Russia and China
  • Well, it might be some weird russian naming convention. I've understood that people have hard time reading Tolstoi and Dostojevsky and kind, because a single character in those books have up to seven names, because it's part of russian culture. And apparently those nsmes are completely logical to every other character in the stories.

    Then again, I'm not sophisticated enough to have read anything from them, but that's what I've gathered from how other people speak about those books.

  • Yeah, I understand that everything can't be loaded at the sam time, but this is not the solution. The reason to browse by chronological order, from oldest to newest, is so that I don't miss posts. But on everey single microblogging app, decentralized or ran by a lunatic wit too much money, there is the barrier between the last few new posts, and where you last left reading.

    The eorst part: this loads the newest first, and prefers to push you to the top, requiring you to search where you actually left off.

    How about we just have a button to "go to the newest" that throws you to whatever has been published within the 5 minutes, and assume if you're browsing from bottom to top, you want more to be shown, but properly chronologically.


    So, past few days, the instance I have my account in, seems to crash and burn every morning, when I would like to browse it. I wouldn't otherwise mind waiting fir the few minutes it takes to the issue being fixed, but Jerbia decides it's a great idea to PURGE EVERYTHING if there is any sort of hitch in the login.

    Now, I do notice I get a some sort of javascript error every time this happens, and I suppose it's a null reference error, but I also imagine the issue is not isolated to a situation where the instance itself is down, but can probably be replicated by a local network outage. And an easy solytion is to add a variable that tells the app that the logins used has been valit, with an option to change the password, rather than just lose everything. Zure, it might be cool if there was a tiny check to see if the instance exist, when loging in with a saved credentials, and notify about not being able to reach it, but the most important feature would be to have a "newly invalid login" to still exists within the app.

    [EDIT]: To clarify: even if the logins on the app would still be there after the instance comes back up and the app has been restarted, the issue still presists, because there is no excuse for displaying the credentials as forgotten, and defaulting to anonymous, where you could simply display an error that implies the logins are still ther, but not reachable. Tint the username red, and add [login error] at the namespace. Or better yet, add a tiny ⚠️ icon in front of the handle, that will provide information aboit the error.

    I am not looking how to solve this for myself, I am reporting a bug/oversight that will affect peoples retention rate with not just Jerboa, but with Lemmy as a whole. Now, I know Jerboa isn't the only client out there, but I'd rather see it get better than try and find an alternative, but if the welcome for suggesting an improvement is "it's not really a problem to me, so I don't even care if it's a good suggestion, you should just get over it too", I'm rather tempted to jump ship if an alternative pops up.

    While some people might consider this "just a quality of life thing, L2B, noob", I'd say this is one of the things why open source centric apps rarely take off properly: the UX sucks because it's dismissed as "unimportant, because I coded it, and I know how to use it and whst it does under the hood".
