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Female Q and K'Ehleyr are the same person.
  • Do you not?

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    With apologies to Admiral Patrick
  • I liked Disco, I love SNW and Lower Decks, and I’d agree that Prodigy is somehow still the best Trek of the current era. It’s actually amazing when I think about it.

    “But it’s just a cartoon for kids”

    And yet. Here we are.

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    Why the narrative of Wales being too poor for independence is false
  • Interesting ideas, although there is one major issue with the pensions:

    After all, most people in those circumstances would only be getting back the money they have paid in.

    That’s not how National Insurance works - we’re not paying into a pot we can draw from later, we’re paying for current pensions with the expectation that when we get to retirement, the younger people will be paying for ours.

    So that would be an interesting negotiation point.

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    Brighton: Southern Water apologise for 'botched' crossing
  • Lucky they didn’t just brush it into the leaky pipe before they fixed it…

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    Donald Trump owes more than $100m from lawsuits, financial disclosures show
  • Donald Trump owes more than $100m from lawsuits

    No shit, he hasn’t paid the half a billion dollars from that single lawsuit yet, never mind any of the others…

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  • It depends. If you own a second home just as an AirBnB, you’re part of the problem and should be eaten after the millionaires…

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    Zen Z
  • Apparently it’s literally in the standardised tests… that’s what’s causing the problems! 😉

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    Ah sweet!
  • You can't eat the brain.


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    Dirty talk
  • Is that Young Kevin Sorbo?

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    TIL from my own post in HistoryPorn that Wesley's sweater was off-the-rack.
  • Baby Wesley was taught to play Donkey Kong by Captain Anderson???

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    Courts Witness
  • With those massive green eyes I’m just imagining it’s Gir, so the answer is going to be “I LIKE WAFFLES!”

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    SDCC First look trailers for the new season of Strange New Worlds plus teasers of Lower Decks, the Section 31 movie, and a couple of Star Trek games. Linked is the SNW one. Rest in body.
  • I'd feel the same if The Incredibles and The Fantastic Four had a crossover.

    Although I will point out that The Fantastic Four is looking like it’s set in an alternate 1960s and will clearly involve superheroes AND Michael Giacchino is doing the music for it, so that’s probably as close as you’re going to get…

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    Any funny captions for this picture?
  • The Leroy Jenkins Memorial Bench

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    If I live in a red state, would it be better to vote for rfk to take votes away from trump?
  • To demonstrate the lack of a “clear mandate”.

    Yes, Trump will win if he gets one more vote than Biden, but the more he loses the popular vote by, the more justification people have for protesting.

    So if he wins on electoral college votes but loses the popular vote by a landslide, at least it shows what The People are actually thinking.

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    Those of you who don't vote, why?
  • I’m not an American. I don’t live in the US.

    I can’t control who the DNC put forward as a candidate.

    All I can do is go on the internet and tell Americans “when the choice is The Fascist or The Other One”, don’t vote for the fascist. Don’t take votes away from the one who’s not a fascist that could win, either by voting third party or by not voting.

    Why do I care? Because the president of the US has a disproportionate amount of influence over the rest of the world. Leaving NATO, selling Ukraine down the river, appeasing Putin, none of this makes the rest of us safer.

    So go and vote.

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    Those of you who don't vote, why?
  • Cool, I’m sure a second Trump presidency will do way more for you, so enjoy that.

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    How many email addresses do you have?
  • Kickstarter are the ones for me - I get spam unrelated to any projects I’ve backed, so somehow they got hold of that address…

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    Copper Nanotubes
  • Because it’s not made of cobalt…

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    computer, replace the irish barkeeper with james bond 👀
  • I’m assuming Columbo was another of Janeway’s “holonovels” (is that a posh future way of saying “videogame”?)

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    computer, replace the irish barkeeper with james bond 👀
  • That’s the great thing about single player games - you can just use a save editor and retcon anything you need as you go along…
