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Pornhub Sues Texas Over Age Verification Law
  • ok KuKluxKaren

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    The U.S. Government Wants To Control Online Speech to “Protect Kids”
  • Knowing Biden he's all in on this, he signed off on the Patriot Act too so f*** him

    neoliberals are just as bad as Republicans

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    Pornhub Sues Texas Over Age Verification Law
  • Did you just come from reddit with that lame cliché

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    Sweden All In On Nuclear Energy, Dumps Renewable Target
  • Heckin' basedarino

    Wonder where they're going to get all that fuel to power the reactors from lol

    Oh wait, that's right, Middle-East and Africa like always, so piss all has changed 😂

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    The TV streaming apps broke their promises, and now they’re jacking up prices
  • Yeah idk what people were thinking. Ads have ALWAYS been around, there were ads on radio, ads on TV and now ads on streaming. Facebook's entire revenue came from selling digital ad space, well not entirely true, 99.999999% of it was ad revenue, the rest were shareholders. YouTube is the one outlier though for some reason, they don't seem to care about people using adblockers, no idea where they're getting their revenue from

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    Fully Half of Americans Have Tried Marijuana
  • I'm sure this user isn't a nazi or anything with that username.......

    nope, can't be 😂

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    Fully Half of Americans Have Tried Marijuana
  • 50% is too low

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    Pornhub Sues Texas Over Age Verification Law
  • There was no CP on there, it's the go-to excuse conservatives use whenever they don't like something they think is "degenerate", you've seen them do it to trans people recently. It's the same old BS song and dance I remember from the 1990's with right-wing conservatives whining about DOOM being too violent for children and GTA being a bad influence on kids, it's literally the same argument

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    Pornhub Sues Texas Over Age Verification Law
  • When we started opening up about sexuality, sexual assaults tanked. It also tanked when we started teaching sex ed to kids

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    Disapproval of Elon Musk is top reason Tesla owners are selling, survey says
  • Tony Stark was a POS

    So it's fitting

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    we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas
  • If you cared then it wouldn't matter where they protested

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    We have made it, thanks everyone ^^
  • It's literally a nazi flag from the SS

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    We have made it, thanks everyone ^^
  • Ok nazi lol, have fun losing all support next year when everyone finds out you're white supremacist's

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    We have made it, thanks everyone ^^
  • Why is lemmy hosting a nazi instance?

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    About our recent downtime, and likely upcoming downtime.
  • Yeah that was such a heartbreak, like over half the website just disappeared over false allegations and so much really popular amateur content gone forever was deleted for no reason in the purge.

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    Lizzo accused of sexual harassment and fat-shaming
  • Well she's black, so you already made up your mind anyways because you hate black people. It's always the same deal with racist people

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    3000 Empty Threats of Putin
  • Are you seriously defending an apartheid state that's insanely racist and another country that routinely locks up political prisoners and journalists and attempts to attack it's democratic neighbors every year?

    Wtf is wrong with you racist people?

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    Lizzo accused of sexual harassment and fat-shaming
  • What is with you people and your hatred for black people?

    Why are all of you so racist these days

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    Kuwait to distribute 100,000 copies of Quran in Sweden after Muslim holy book desecrated at one-man protest
  • the quran burner had his family killed by muslims, he's from Iraq. He doesn't need russian money to express his hatred for people who killed his family
