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  • Did he pay for it to be rebuilt taller or is there just not a bridge now?

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    How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • I disagree. Fascists want to simplify every conflict this way—“They’re coming to kill you, so we need to kill then first”. By accepting the conflict on those terms, you’ve already conceded a rhetorical battle.

    Leftists have rarely excelled at martial conflict. It’s not typically our strength. Our strength instead is that we fundamentally want to help people and make the world more free and just. We win by making sure people understand that. Getting into fist fights with Nazis undermines this strategy and doesn’t do anything to fundamentally undermine their power.

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    How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • This is a false dichotomy. There are effective ways to defeat Nazis beyond punching them or reasoned debate.

    Violence is justified in life or death struggles where other options have become unrealistic. That’s not the situation we’re in in the West 99% of the time. Deplatforming, doxxing, civil resistance, and various other forms of nonviolent struggle all have a better track record than street brawls which have done nothing but empower fascists. In fact, the sense of fear and chaos that these events creates is exactly the environment in which fascism will thrive. Street brawls between fascists and leftists were prominent in the Weimar Republic and did nothing to stop Nazi power—if anything it made it easier for the right to unite and paint leftists as unreasonable extremists. We see similar patterns happening today.

    Politics is not the same as armed struggle. We are not engaged in armed struggle against fascism in the west. Perhaps we will be but right now one of our goals should be to avoid that becoming necessary. In the current moment public relations and persuasion matter immensely. Punching Nazis achieves little other than making people lose sight of the dangers of fascism and focus instead on “extremism” from “both sides”.

    And OP has done nothing to suggest they are sympathetic to fascism so your threats against them are extremely rude and unjustified.

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    Historical centre turned into giant parking lot😮‍💨
  • Not as bad as the US isn’t saying much. I just looked at an aerial image and there’s still a fair bit of sprawl around the city center.

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    For some sick reason
  • Car is a lot safer than a tent though. Especially these days when state-sanctioned violence is omnipresent thanks to the Supreme Court.

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    11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • Likewise. I like to spread the good word as well haha.

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    11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • I wonder what kind of structure they used. I’m also a mod mainly because somebody has to be. But my communities are small and not controversial so I haven’t had to do anything controversial either. It’s mostly that I’m willing to keep an eye on things.

    However, maybe I should walk the walk and start thinking about how that might work in case they grow to the point where more moderation becomes necessary.

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    11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • The Lemmy/Reddit moderator structure is a failure. Communities should have democratic governance.

    On this specific issue I think everyone involved needs to take a deep breath, step away from the issue for like 24 hours, and talk to each other respectfully to work out how this should be resolved. But that is just my opinion.

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    Why does one party keep interfering with voting?
  • The Supreme Court has already placed strict limits on federal intervention in state elections. So it probably wouldn’t go anywhere although I would support an attempt at least.

  • NSFW
    Histories Mysteries
  • What are the bull horns meant to be???

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    Green Party candidate Jill Stein brings pro-Palestinian message to Dearborn
  • I recently heard a phrase I really like: “Vote with your protest boots on”. Because let’s face it—the Harris campaign will not do the right thing on their own. They need to be pressured until they have no other option. So vote but make sure that’s the least thing you are doing.

    Trump will not do the right thing no matter what. It’s just not in his character, and his political coalition won’t allow it anyway. I expect attempts to pressure him will be met with extreme violence.

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    TIL that climbing the full height of Everest means starting at sea level
  • Weak. To really say you’ve climbed Everest, you need to start from the Challenger Deep.

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    Wikipedia is facing an existential crisis. Can gen Z save it?
  • Yeah Bing Chat had sources for a while (not sure if it still does) and when I checked the sources, the frequently didn't contain the claim in question. So even if you get it to cite real pages, it just doesn't work the same way as human citations do.

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    NATO apologism
  • A lot of it is from many articles and podcasts I’ve read but here’s a decent if long overview.

    If you prefer an audio format, I recommend this video (the visuals are optional so I usually listen in the background).

    The whole series is worth a listen but would be a big time commitment.

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    What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • Earlier in the year I collected some fruit from a Ficus macrophylla which is a rare tree in my area. After annoying my wife by soaking the fruit in water on our counter for a few weeks, then sowing the seed in a small humidity box, I had almost given up hope when nothing germinated for over a month. But this past week, some finally popped up. I transferred a few into bigger containers but I need to figure out what to do with the rest.

    Hoping to grow some magnificent trees someday. Here’s what they’ll grow into for the uninitiated:

    I’m also trying to root and propagate some water spinach I bought at a farmers market recently. Delicious, I hope it takes. Got some good roots growing but the plant looks a bit sickly. I am going to move it to a more sunny position and hope that helps.

    A maple tree I planted last fall has almost doubled in size which is a really good growth rate.

    On a less successful note, I think I didn’t water my raspberry enough and it looks pretty dead. Was a bit of a stretch in my climate but my wife loves them and I love her… oh well.

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    I got a replica Nalathni Dragon from Dragon Con Swag and Seek!
  • What’s the story here?

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    Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate
  • I agree. It’s technically true but intentionally misleading. That said, I think there are other, better examples to label as lies that don’t get into this gray area.

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    The Most Important Issues for Voters Reflected in the Debate
  • Climate change. Climate change. CLIMATE CHANGE!

    Wake up, you stupid mother fuckers.

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    Trump Demands ABC Be Shut Down for Daring to Fact Check Debate
  • Biden wasn’t a sitting president though.

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    It turns out cyclists actually should roll through stop signs. Here’s why
  • So using stop signs “properly” to you means in a way that is proven more dangerous to cyclists? Yes I’m sure “sharing” is extremely important to you!

    By the way I do stop at stop signs but my behavior has nothing to do with advocating for better and safer policies.

  • The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong

    The influential idea that in the past men were hunters and women were not isn’t supported by the available evidence

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    > A short film about war. Just watch it.


    A short film about war. Just watch it.


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    We’ve seen a lot of media chatter about these AI generated foraging books and unfortunately I think the danger is real. Be careful what information you absorb and make sure it is from a reputable source.

    Although, to be completely fair, I’ve seen plenty of wrong or misleading information from books authored by humans as well.

    0 Scientists discover entirely new wood type that could be highly efficient at carbon storage

    Researchers have identified an entirely new type of wood that does not fit into either category of hardwood or softwood.

    5 Disrupting Punchbowl News Event, Climate Advocates Say Exxon 'Should Have No Place at the DNC' | Common Dreams

    Climate campaigners disrupt a Punchbowl News event sponsored by ExxonMobil on the sidelines of the DNC, calling for an end to fossil fuel involvement in politics.

    Pretty pathetic for democrats to be collaborating with Exxon in 2024.





    Just watch out for the mosquitoes, ticks, flies, leeches, thorns, and poison ivy!

    12 Homeowners are increasingly re-wilding their homes with native plants, experts say

    The days of the perfect-looking yard -- often lawns that guzzle copious amounts of water to stay green -- may soon be gone.

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    > The days of the perfect-looking yard -- often lawns that guzzle copious amounts of water to stay green -- may soon be gone. > > Homeowners are increasingly opting to "re-wilding" their homes, incorporating native plants and decreasing the amount of lawn care to make their properties more sustainable and encourage natural ecosystems to recover, according to Plan It Wild, a New York-based native landscape design company. > > About 30% of the water an average American family consumes is used for the outdoors, including activities such as watering lawns and gardens, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In the West, where water is absorbed almost immediately by the sun or thirsty vegetation, outdoor water usage can increase to an average of 60% for the average family. > > As concerns for the environment -- as well as increasing utility bills -- grow, so do homeowners' preferences for how they decorate their yards.


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    > Great work by residents. But next time they need to have a more organized force to keep the city at bay, bring in the media, call their reps in the city council, etc. > > You can’t beat the government in force but you can embarrass them until they give up.


    Great work by residents. But next time they need to have a more organized force to keep the city at bay, bring in the media, call their reps in the city council, etc.

    You can’t beat the government in force but you can embarrass them until they give up.

    6 To Discover L.A.’s Neighborhoods, Let the Trees Be Your Guide

    There are palms, of course. But the city has one of the most diverse urban forests in the world and each neighborhood has its own characteristic plantings. Just follow the greenery.

    cross-posted from:

    > In case of paywall:

    0 To Discover L.A.’s Neighborhoods, Let the Trees Be Your Guide

    There are palms, of course. But the city has one of the most diverse urban forests in the world and each neighborhood has its own characteristic plantings. Just follow the greenery.

    In case of paywall:


    Interesting video on the nuances of the categories of native, non-native, naturalized, and invasive. While we tend to be pro-native species here because they are hugely undervalued by our current society, non-native species can also have their place in urban landscapes. Invasive species should be avoided however.

    0 How Lahaina's more than 150-year-old banyan tree is coming back to life after devastating fire

    The deadly wildfire that tore through Lahaina last August scorched the 151-year-old banyan tree along the historic town's Front Street.

    1 To Protect Giant Sequoias, They Lit a Fire

    After thousands of sequoias were destroyed by extreme wildfires, tribes are conducting cultural burns.

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