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When I tell people I'm vegan
  • This is the attitude of a lot of non-vegetarian catering chefs when they are catering vegetarian meals. You absolutely do get protein deficiency, because they just take meat-oriented recipes and replace the meat with eggplant. Or they just put lettuce salad, and like nothing else.

    (I do occasional volunteer work for a pretty progressive organization that probably has some vegetarians in it. They feed us, but sometimes they are forced to use cheap crappy convention center catering that doesn't know how to cook vegetarian food.)

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    If you had to divide your life by one event, before and after, what would that event be and why?
  • That first part is eerily similar to what I was about to post.

    In 2011, I was a lonely introvert. I spent my time binging TV shows and reading.

    In 2012, on an IRL meetup thread on the 4chan x (paranormal stories) board, I met a new friend. I think deciding to meet them was the critical moment. They introduced me to a local arts and crafts club, a certain sci-fi fandom, and Minecraft.

    The arts and crafts club became the basis of a friend group that is still my main friend group today. They brought me to a local convention in 2013 where I discovered I was trans.

    In that sci-fi fandom, at a 2016 convention, I met my current partner, and a bunch of new friends.

    I played a lot of Minecraft from 2012 to 2016, but then my partner in 2016 introduced me to Factorio.

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    People Who Paid Extra To Play The New Test Drive Early Can't Due To Server Issues
  • Beta testers should get a discount, or even get paid, in exchange for writing good bug reports. These people are fools for paying extra for earlier access to a bug fest.

    I would never pre-order a game. That just makes it harder to refund it if it sucks.

  • https:// /markets/currencies/major-russian-lenders-say-yuan-coffers-empty-urge-central-bank-action-2024-09-05

    cross-posted from:

    > Major Russian banks have called on the central bank to take action to counter a yuan liquidity deficit, which has led to the rouble tumbling to its lowest level since April against the Chinese currency and driven yuan swap rates into triple digits. > > The rouble fell by almost 5% against the yuan on Sept. 4 on the Moscow Stock Exchange (MOEX) after the finance ministry's plans for forex interventions implied that the central bank's daily yuan sales would plunge in the coming month to the equivalent of $200 million. > > The central bank had been selling $7.3 billion worth of yuan per day during the past month. The plunge coincided with oil giant Rosneft's 15 billion yuan bond placement, which also sapped liquidity from the market. > > "We cannot lend in yuan because we have nothing to cover our foreign currency positions with," said Sberbank CEO German Gref, stressing that the central bank needed to participate more actively in the market. > The yuan has become the most traded foreign currency on MOEX after Western sanctions halted exchange trade in dollars and euros, with many banks developing yuan-denominated products for their clients. > Yuan liquidity is mainly provided by the central bank through daily sales and one-day yuan swaps, as well as through currency sales by exporting companies. > > Chinese banks in Russia, meanwhile, are avoiding currency trading for fear of secondary Western sanctions.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • zero stars, do not buy

    I bought this, and the lithium-ion battery started bulging on day 1. My boyfriend touched it and said it was really hot. I don't think these batteries are safe.

    Also, Temu is a scam site.

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    Batteries start to rival gas on California’s electricity grid
  • Can someone explain to me how this is economical? (The article is pretty light on facts, and the few facts that it has are suspect anyway due to the article's technical mistakes, like measuring capacity in "megawatts".)

    The maximum price of electricity (that I could find) in California is $0.66/kWh . That means, if you charge at night, or at some theoretical time when electricity is free, and then sell at that maximum price every day, your round-trip profit is $0.66 for each kWh of battery capacity. Lithium-ion batteries, if I'm being generous, last up to 2000 charge cycles. Let's say they don't lose any capacity during that time, either. That means your profit $1320 per kWh, for the whole life of the battery.

    The cheapest grid-tie batteries I can find are about $3000 per kWh, so about twice as much as the total lifetime profit.

    Is there something I'm missing?

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    What's with the downvotes in here?
  • Your post here contains a homophobic slur.

    "Shock troops" implies actual violence.

    "the final solution" implies violence, genocide, and antisemitism.

    Your first link goes to a post suggesting that people put pro-Monero messages inside new books at bookstores. Most people would perceive this as vandalism, and possibly as advertising that they don't care for.

    If you want to promote Monero on Lemmy, to start, you will need to stop being homophobic and antisemitic, and stop promoting violent themes.

    Try making a message based on positivity. Compared to paying with a credit card, where I have the right to make a chargeback in many situations, what benefits are there to paying in Monero?

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    Could the dogwhistle blow any louder?
  • Thank you for explaining it. I have been confused about this for hours. I thought he was talking about congress members. I don't think I could have ever figured it out.

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    Looking for advice and shared experiences - ADHD medications stressing my body out
  • Sorry if this isn't what you're looking for, but my answer is basically "no".

    I can take a 10mg Adderall 4 hours before bed, and fall right asleep. Sometimes, I can take a 10mg Adderall in the morning, and fall asleep at my desk at work, only 30 minutes later.

    Adderall makes me feel relaxed and totally unstressed. I've never had HRV stress measured, though. What is the experience like, to you, when you are having high HRV stress levels?

    Wellbutrin and most other SSRI's and SNRI's make me feel a little TOO relaxed. Some of them make me feel less conscious, and a little bit brain fogged. At the time, I described it as if my soul was detached from my body.

    To me, methylphenidate (Ritalin) gives the same effects as Adderall.

  • All the communities on are mirrors of Reddit boards. does not accept posts from Lemmy users -- only its bot may post and comment, and its posts and comments are just mirrors of Reddit posts and comments.

    This doesn't seem like a useful way to use Lemmy. It's more like just a mirror of Reddit, in which case or would be more useful, in my opinion.

    Better not to waste bandwidth and resources on this, in my opinion.


    2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He's running Windows 7 right now, so I'll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.
