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D&D is anti-medieval (2016)
  • Considering ~95% of the native population died of disease within 50 years of the settlers landing? Yeah you can say it was pretty empty. I'm always fascinated by the willful ignorance of "settlers" in the context of the old west. Journals talk of "miraculous" groves of fruiting bushes and trees or other edible vegetation and how it's clearly a gift from their white god while studiously avoiding any mention of the signs of previous habitation in the area. We're still discovering massive irrigation networks in AZ and NM with satellite LiDAR that no "settler" ever mentioned.

    Don't overlook the first genocide of my people by focusing too hard on the second. The Europeans struggled to quell the survivors. I honestly don't think settlers had much of a chance otherwise, even with the difference in technology.

  • I'm sorry to post again. I tried finding a "lastimages" lemmy but I couldn't.

    Bear was laid to rest at 10:50am 16th of September 2024. I had him for 15 and a half beautiful years. We went for walks just about every day and he was the king of his block. Neighbors and friends come and go but my stinky man was always finding something to smell in the next bush. Even when the weather was against him, he could always sneak around and find something new stuck to grandma's shoes.

    He loved nothing more than salmon, PINK salmon (none of that red or smoked nonsese), and so he ate pink salmon every day he could. His kibbles were never empty for long and the house just wasnt right if he didn't have at least 3 different glasses to drink from at any time. Though we bought him beds and blankets enough to supply a small army, he loved sleeping on news paper more than anything else. Something about inconveniencing the humans by weight of his sheer existence I'm sure.

    We bothered him constantly his last two days, making him absolutely sick of us. We pet and loved him every moment of these last two days, and I held him sleeping on my chest for hours this morning. I don't think he could possibly have been more fed up with our emotional human nonsense if we'd tried. But I stayed with him every last second, and the last thing he could see when his eyes dilated was me.

    I will never stop loving my boy.


    Pretty sure I'm going to have to put my beautiful baby boy to rest on Monday. He's been getting very lethargic and lost his appetite. Spent 48 hours at the vet and he was treated for pancreatitis, kidney disease, and now we find heart failure. He's back home with all the meds he could need and he's comfortable.

    He's my 17 year old very special boy. We've been extremely lucky with only 2 minor health issues that needed vet care and otherwise normal visits with clean bills of health. He's always been very strong (if very picky when it comes to eating) and he's been with me through the death of my mother and father.

    Im honestly feeling pretty lost right now, but every time I look at him I can't help but feel it's time. He's got the best chance the vet can give him, but I still don't want to watch him suffer.

    I really don't have much faith, but if you do, please pray for Bear.

    Edit: Bear was laid to rest at 10:50am. It was extremely fast and he was so out of it he barely felt a thing. His suffering is over and so mine begins.

    If you don't want EVERYONE to participate in your community, then you should really make it private.
  • Literally eat shit. Can't hurt anything besides yourself if you just eat big juicy pieces of shit. Plants can apparently feel pain. You have been torturing vast swaths of plant life with your dietary choices. You could have just been eating shit instead and everyone else would've been happy.

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  • This has always struck me as a dumb argument. Before "intellectual property" innovation was just technological advancement. Patenting is just enabling punishment against actual innovators. I am a welder. I make things. If I set out to make a stove, I don't give a shit who patented what fuel distribution system or air intake methodology, I'm gonna make a damn stove. The entire concept of being able to exclusively "own" a design or concept is reductive to human learning as a whole.

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    All four brought us together
  • God inventing man is a non canon event. Pls use historically accurate historical events. We will also accept the monkey scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey

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    The $700 PS5 Pro doesn’t come with a disc drive
  • I'm not justifying console vs PC. I'm just pointing out that the $300 on the original comment I replied to for ps plus is insane. $80 a year for a positively moderated, optimized gaming experience the vast majority of the time is worth the money imo.

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    The $700 PS5 Pro doesn’t come with a disc drive
  • I can use it as long as I like. Ps plus just gives you 3 "free" games a month and let's you play online with games that require ps plus. Imo the three games a month for six bucks and change is already worth it. And you keep those games for as long as you have your account, even if you don't renew your subscription. You can also just get games that don't require an online component, though those are becoming harder to find.

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    Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • Is a 15% chance of death during the surgery lower than the 100% chance of death if she doesn't get the surgery?

    Yes. Yes it is. It is THE lowest possible chance of death she had among her remaining options.

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    Have police finally overstepped enough that reform could happen?
  • Abolish police entirely and mobilize the NG into law enforcement. The rules of engagement alone is miles better than the policy shit police forces have now, and cops are all already carrying or being supplied with military gear anyways. If we already have a militarized police force, why not cut out the middle man and turn our actual military into the police force?

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    James Earl Jones, Distinguished Actor and Voice of Darth Vader, Dies at 93
  • Doesn't feel like it but everyone gets older all the time. I'm always worried about a headline like this for Morgan Freeman. I was blown away finding out Donald Sutherland was born in 1935 when he passed earlier this year.

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    Have police finally overstepped enough that reform could happen?
  • As a Californian, do not look to our state for police reform. IMO the best example is Colorado removing qualified immunity. Discipline doesn't work and the system refuses to jail their own, so you gotta hit them financially. Bankrupting shitty little town police forces either forces reform or kicks authority up to the state, which is more regimented in its regulation. Either way it's putting bad cops out of a job.

    Honestly legal immunity needs to go as a concept. It might be annoying for judges to fight off lawsuits, but fuckem. They're paid damn well and they have the time. Judges are public servants, not public sovereigns. Some of them need to be reminded of this fact, and lawsuits are a good way of opening crusty conservative eyes. And the entire civil suit system needs to be simplified into plain English so that the average citizen can use it. This legalese fuckery was designed from the start to disadvantage uneducated people. That's downright un-American. The ruling class has forgotten that this is the land of the free, not the land of the fee.

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    Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • This is a bunch of CYA from the hospital that got a woman killed. The article talks about how transfer success rates are up around 80-85%. That's just for the 6% of people who magically fit through all the "qualifications" the hospital has decided determine whether you get to live. This lady had a doner tested and lined up, but was rejected on the "off chance" (read: low probability) that IF the transplant failed, she would almost certainly die without an immediate whole liver transplant. So the fuck what? Her options were to maybe die from surgery or absolutely 100% die an agonizing slow death from liver failure. The hospital took away her ONLY chance at life. This is murder by committee and I hope the estate sues the entire hospital into the ground.

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    How come drug dealers seem to have a messed up house or at least a messed up car with a bunch of trash in it?
  • You have sub quality drug dealers. My dude flips cars on the side of his hustle so he always has something nice to drive. He's a fan of rare models, so his latest is a Saab something or other with all the goodies including 4wd and a ls9 under the hood.

    Other than that he's got a nice little house in the burbs. Nothing big or fancy. Just a normal 2 bedroom place with a small yard.

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    Spectre Divide Reduces Cosmetic Skin Price from $90 to $70 After Backlash
  • Honestly never got into satisfactory (besides watching silly runs on youtube) but I absolutely fell in love with goat Sim. Nothing beats that damned goat when it comes to a happy, silly reset for the burnt out gamer.
