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Details On Hangman Page-Swerve Strickland AEW Dynamite House Burning Angle
  • Numerous talent both in and out of AEW congratulated Swerve, not knowing buying the house was an angle. One wrestler told us that Swerve actually kayfabed them and thanked them.

    TIL I would be great at keeping kayfabe, by complete accident. There are times I have no idea whats being said, so I just nod my head and go along with things. Then like 3 minutes later I'll figure it out. But I'll realize "Oh shit.....I can't correct what I said NOW!!! That was three minutes ago! He asked me how the weather was, and I said "thanks, you too". Just keep nodding. He already knows you're an idiot. Which you are."

    So if I were swerve, they'd be like "Hey man, heard you bought a house! Congrats on that!"

    And I'd be like "Yeah, it's hot."

    And then Hangman would be like "Ghat's called foreshadowing!"

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    How the heck did she do that?! [Comiclicious]
  • I mean......I'd be upset too if my wife apperently made a habbit of cooking dirt with M&Ms as a dish. Then somehow teleported me outside my own house. And apperently changed the locks.

    What is even happening in this comic???

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    Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • If "TomHanks" is his username on every other service, like twitter, and youtube, and tiktok, and instagram, then he would want to use it when he comes to the fediverse. Now, if only ONE person can have the username TomHanks (and it just so happens to be @Lemmy.World), then he could send a cease and disist letter, and if that doesn't work, a lawsuit. Madonna did it in the 90s with

    However, if TomHanks@Lemmy.World can exist, and can exist, and can exist and.....and.....and.....then it gets a little impossible for him to really own that username, because it can be duplicated on an infinate amount of instances, some that may not even exist when he shows up to the fediverse.

    But if only one instance can have TomHanks, than he could absolutely show courts he's had a vested interest and usership of that identity and thus that's HIS username. Even on services he's never signed up for. Like if he doesn't have an instagram account at all, but someone else starts using TomHanks on instagram, he can take it to the courts that they are not allowed to do that, because that's his username.

    But the way the fediverse is currently set up right now, that's not feasible. Because he could enter a court battle with, and then 5 more instances with his username popup. And eventually it becomes harder and harder to prove that people know his ownership of that username if there's 500 other people also using the same username. It's the reason you can't email celebrities. They can't control their presence in email, so they don't use that as their identity.

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    Do you ever get frustrated at your own creation?
  • It’s a thing.

    Well the majority of the post was me trying to explain the question. I can't just say "Has anyone else had the same thoughts I had?" because the first thing that would be asked is "What thoughts are you having?"

    So yeah, I had to backtrack and explain my thoughts before I could ask if anyone else is having them. I was trying to learn if there's other people who feel this way, or if this is among the many many many other things that people say "No, it's just you".

    You saying that this is a thing other people experience is what I was trying to figure out. You're taking a tone like it's obvious, but it's not obvious to me, so I thought this would be the place to ask things like that.

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    Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • I mean sure......but essentially you're using the facts as they stand as justification that it will never work, when my whole point is that these facts as they stand need to change because they will never work unless we change them.

    People keep using email, and domains as reasons for why it's not an issue, but there's a reason celebrities aren't known for their email. You can tweet at celebrities, and you can follow celebrities on instagram, and all the other services, but you generally can't email them.

    Now, the reason for this is that celebrity wants to own the exact spelling and exact letter/number combination that they're known for. I like to try to make things relatable to the person that I'm talking to, but let's face it, abff08f4813c is a really really bad username for branding purposes. But, be that as it may, IF you were a celebrity, and everybody knew abff08f4813c on instagram, and everybody knew abff08f4813c on twitter, then if you were to come to the fediverse, you wouldn't want a second abff08f4813c to exist. You would want to own "abff08f4813c" on every platform, even if you're not on that platform. Even if you don't use tiktok, you would want to make sure nobody else has the name abff08f4813c on tiktok.

    The problem is, the fediverse is so fractured that's not really logistically possible. Because if you try to sue one person on one other instance that has abff08f4813c, now suddenly 300 more abff08f4813c on 300 different instances all pop up.

    What I'm suggesting is, no matter which instance you're on, if you search abff08f4813c, the search should find that username, and direct you to the profile that corrilates with you. And even though that profile is only on one instance, it would make it so if I tried to make abff08f4813c, on another instance, I would be told that username is already taken.

    From there, you could absolutely create an old twitter style verification system. And NOW celebrities will be more willing to use the fediverse. But until that changes, I don't see any celebrity who values their own brand on an international scale, be willing to publically announce they are on the fediverse, and their fans can migrate to the fediverse to follow them.

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    Swifties wasted no time...
  • And he keeps losing. That's my point. If he were dead, they might find someone who would/could actually win. Because let's face it, Harris isn't exactly everybodies first choice. She was kind of the only thing left once it became blatantly clear that Biden wasn't going to be the 2024 nominee.

    So, if trump is alive, trump runs, democrats win. That makes trump more useful alive than dead.

    But I don't think putin/GOP would be stupid enough to run him a 4th time.

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    Swifties wasted no time...
  • I'm at a point where I think he's more useful alive than dead. I feel like he's ALREADY going to lose 2024. I'm a little baffled that it's even a close race at all, but I'm still confident that between the debate, and the Taylor Swift endorsement he's dug his own grave. And with that, it means he lost 2020 election, and the 2024 election. Would the GOP really endorse a 2X loser in 2028?

    I think him being alive forces them to support their own self made loser. And now even fox news is calling him a loser.

    He likes to say things like "they're laughing at us!"

    No. They're laughing at YOU trump. You are a laughing stock. Not the country. Not the democrats. Not anybody else but you. You are a loser, soon to be a two time loser, with two impeachments and 34 convictions. Nobody in American history loses bigger than you donald trump.

  • My dad tells this story of how he met my mom....and he thinks it's supposed to be endearing. It just comes off as cringeworthy to me.

    Essentially my dad went to a bar. Started talking to a drunk woman, and then he left. Got to his car, realized he didn't have his car keys, and realized they must have been on the tray when he threw out his garbage/food reminants.

    So he goes back into the bar, digs around in their garbage until he finds his keys, makes out with my mom, and they spend the night drinking together. Then he drives them to his house drunk, and that's how he met my mom.

    Now I don't know if that's the night I was concieved. They did stay together for another 6 years. They got married. But the implication seems to be that I was the result of a bar hookup because my dad is an idiot and threw away his car keys. Then my mom was somehow turned on by the sight of a man digging through the trash, that she starts making out with him.

    And based on my dads age, and my age, I can conclude he was 35 years old when I was born. Which means this story likely took place when he was 34.

    My mom has never told me her version of the story, and likes to pretend history never happened. She recently told me she never liked Phil Hartman, which I know for a fact isn't true because I can remember her enjoying him not only on NewsRadio, but also when I was a kid and watching Pee Wee's Playhouse. Then to hear her a few weeks ago say she never liked him makes me question anything she says about the past. So I wouldn't even trust her version of the events. Not that she's exactly willing to tell them anyways.

    I'm 41 now, and hate being alive every single day. Every once in a while I think about how I wouldn't exist if my dad were just not an idiot that one night. Just ONE NIGHT for him to be a well functioning human, and he doesn't throw away his keys. I never get born, and how much better that would be for everybody. It just frustrates me that something SO SIMPLE could have saved me 41 years of daily agony. And then people wonder why I don't want kids.

    gestures to the entire world


    Does anyone else feel this way?

    I guess even Elon has his limit
  • I mean, trump is leading the republicans and has for almost a decade.

    I'd be embarassed too if THAT GUY represented me too.

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    Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • I feel like some people are just emotional reactionaries. They see a certain story, and in their own mind they make the story worse than it is, and treat their feelings as fact.

    I have no sources on this, or proof that this guy in particular is doing that.

    .........wait, am I doing it right now???


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    AEW’s Thunder Rosa dealing with concussion
  • Maybe this is a result of a post-Beniot world, but I remember in the 90s my dad fell in a warehouse. 8 foot fall right onto a concrete ground. He got a concussion. He was at work the next day.

    Do concussions really take weeks to recover from? Is this just precautionary? Or is it a result of new research since 2007?

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    Swifties wasted no time...
  • Right after his first assasination, there was a thread where someone said "If that happened to someone else, they'd probably have PTSD".

    And I said "What makes you think he DOESN'T have PTSD after a bullet that was 100% intentionally fired at him, with the intention to kill him, narrowly missed because he just so happened to turn his head inches away from the path by total accident?"

    The general consensus was that trump can't have ptsd because he's a bad person who ruins others lives.

    And thats total bullshit. Not the part about him being a bad person, and ruining others lives. Thats still true. He IS a piece of shit who seperated families from their children, leaving them to bake, and sometimes die in metal boxes without water.

    The part thats bullshit is the idea that bad people can't get ptsd because they're bad people. I fully believe trump had/has ptsd, and this will only reignite it further.

    I hope he doesn't become president. Harris is the best case scenario in every case except one. I fully believe that if trump becomes president, he's going to make a much harder push for gun reform simply because for him personally it's literally a life or death situation.

    If he becomes president, I would not be surprised if he tries to end gun ownership being legal.

    That being said, I don't expect that plan to come to fruition. I fully expect it to fail because it would be a legal and logistical nightmare. But my point is on this one issue he would actually try. Whereas it's not going to be a major issue for Harris.

    Harris will have many issues she's trying to address, while trump, once again, will only thinking of himself. It just so happens that his one issue just so happens to benefit everyone. Not by design, but as a biproduct.

    That being said, it's FAR more important for Harris to win. Many issues are more important than one.

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    Treat them like people
  • Maybe he expected the police to show up, or some other person who doesn't work there to cause an issue. The idea of a fully wholesome ending is rare these days, so people are FULLY prepared for the moment life fucks them.

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    Treat them like people
  • I just found out that right after that 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the trump administration banned on a federal level this accessory that allows semi-automatic weapons to fire faster. Then THIS YEAR that ban was reversed. So, I guess my point is that we would like life to be more of a black and white complexity on issues (or, red and blue as it were), but often times it's not that simple. Sometimes the people you think are here to protect your views are the ones attacking them.

    I'm sure from republican point of view they probably felt betrayed that a republican administration pushed for a (small) form of gun reform. And I know that I feel betrayed that a democrat administration pushed to repeal that ban.

    But sometimes it's two hands of opposing sides coming together to give everybody the middle finger.

  • So on days where wrestling happens on tv (basically any day that ends in a Y at this point....) we should use whatever hash tag they're using, except on mastodon.

    And in this thread we should all exchange mastodons, and follow each other, and post any helpful wrestling mastodons.

    This is me! I don't think I'll be able to live post tonight....I was planning on it, but things came up.

    Unofficial bot that mirrors All Elite Wrestling’s Twitter feed.

    But please, lets not call them "toots". Toots sounds like what Tinkerbell does if she were to fart out glitter.


    So AEW is coming to my town, and I want to go. One problem. Ticketmaster.

    In order to sign up for an account, you need to create an account. In order to create an account, you need a phone number. They will not accept my voip phone number, which is what I use.

    Ticketmaster says that I need to go out and buy a cell phone, AND sign up for a monthly plan. Just to buy tickets.

    Money is in my account. I can pay for my tickets right now. I've been trying since yesterday when they went on sale.

    But I can't create an account, because of a lack of a cell phone number.

    The box office won't be open until october 18. Show is on October 30th.

    So I'm sure all the good seats will be gone by then.

    Guess I'm not going to a show I've wanted to go to for 2 years. I couldn't go last year because I was dealing with cancer, and had $0 income.


    Because let's say you're Tom Hanks. And you get TomHanks@Lemmy.World

    Well, what's stopping someone else from adopting

    And some platforms minimize the text size of platform, or hide it entirely. So you just might see TomHanks, and think it's him. But it's actually a 7 year old Chinese boy with a broken leg in Arizona.

    Because anyone can grab the same name, on a different platform.


    I just realized that this weeks SNL is going to be can't miss TV.

    With everything coming out of the debate, this is like being thrown a softball. I'm almost certain that it won't even live up to my expectations, because could it???

    How do you make a comedy show based on real life, which in itself has become a comedy show?

    I'm sure they'll knock it out of the park though.


    You stay true to the source material. He's still in the Marvel universe and all that.

    But most Marvel movies are rated PG-13, or maybe even PG. I know deadpool is rated R, but it's not really because of gore and graphic scenes.

    I'm thinking a movie more along the lines of the Saw movies in terms of gore. The movie wouldn't center around Spiderman, and it wouldn't center around Carnage. Carnage would be the main villain. You might even have Venom in there at some point.

    But the movie really would center around some small town. The kind of place where everybody knows everybody. I'm thinking maybe somewhere in Alaska. Just because I think the brutal cold could in itself be part of the horror. The fact that they can't just go outside for long periods of time. Maybe their cars are all destroyed.

    But the ever looming threat is Carnage. I'd treat it like a more graphic version of the first Jurassic Park. The dinosaurs were only actually on screen for 18 minutes or so. The rest of the movie was about building up the suspense of what they're capable of.

    Or like how Jaws, you never saw the shark until the last scene.

    Carnage would just always be out there. Leaving a trail of gore, and blood, and dead bodies. That's why it woud HAVE TO BE rated R.

    And Carnage just appears when he wants, and they're trying to stop him. I don't really have a story in mind, just the idea of that slow suspenseful tone, followed immediately by Carnage killing and dismembering, and leaving a trail of corpses.



    So, over on (a pirate site) I see they have Venom Wars #2.

    Hey, great! I like Venom. But I'm not a regular comic book reader. I'm very much a newbie. So I figure "Well, thats part 2, I should get part 1 first."

    And that's where all the trouble began. There's like 10 different comic branches all called "Venom Wars 1" and they all have different covers. And they all have assumingly different stories!

    I just want to read a Venom comic book, where he does the Venom things! And now I see the description "The symbiot has bonded with Eddie, and his son Derek"

    WHO THE FUCK IS DEREK??? I thought Eddie was supposed to be a high schooler in Peter Parkers class! How does a 16 year old have a son???

    So now I'm REALLY confused! I feel like I need a comic before the comic to get me caught up to the comic, but only if THATS the comic I'm supposed to read, because there's also 10 comics all named the same thing.....and I'm not experienced enough to know what the fuck I'm doing.

    I assume I'M the probem, with my lack of knowledge on the subject, but also.........what the hell even is this? I thought "Venom Wars #1" would be enough in the search bar to get me the comic to read about Venom.

    I'm not even sure what "Venom Wars" is, but I assume it's Venom, having some kind of war from Venom's perspective with Spiderman, or maybe Carnage. Or whomever. But I assume it's a story told through Venom/Eddies perspective. But where do I start? I assumed #1 would be the start of the story.

    And now I'm overwhelmed, and don't know what is going on.


    So I'd like to start off by saying NOTHING I'm about to say is based on anything at all. It's just me making wild guesses with no basis in fact or reality as a wrestling fan. Just asking "What if...?"

    Ok. So what if AEW Shockwave is a 3 hour show that goes live every Monday, and is broadcast.....ON NETFLIX???

    That's right. Technology has never before been able to have two competing shows airing live on the same network at the same time.....UNTIL NOW!!!

    Assuming Netflix payed peanuts for this 3rd show, they would have nothing to lose by allowing it on their network to directly compete with WWE. Because you either watch Netflix, and watch the thing they paid big money to get.


    You watch Netflix to watch the thing they paid next to nothing to get.

    Either way, Netflix wins. And I'm sure WWE has some exclusitivity clause. I'm sure this is just me talking out of my ass. But can you imagine a modern day Monday Night War???

    It's probably not that.

    But what if they start airing a 2 hour show on FOX??? Taking the old Smackdown timeslot. It's been said that FOX major issue with WWE was their dealings with Vince. That wouldn't be a concern for AEW.

    Plus they'd run the show at a fraction of what they payed WWE. They just trained their audience to assosiate Friday nights on Fox with Pro-Wrestling. The formula worked. They just overpayed for WWE. This rectifies that.

    Or, what if it's a gameshow? Kind of like the first version of NXT where they had to do fitness challenge. Except on this version, they're inside an electrified steel cage! Just like that one WCW show from the early 90s. Or maybe they wear shock collars. So the losers get shocked.

    AEW Aftershock!!!


    I'm really liking the worth RetroMags is doing, and notice they have 16K members, so I assume it's about 4K active monthly users.

    I'm wondering if to expand both their users, and the fedizerse's users, if it would make any sense at all to use the servers they use for downloads on a new Lemmy instance, that creates a seperate community for each magazine, and auto populates a new post in the correct community every time they post a new download over on their forums.

    They don't REQUIRE membership to download, which is what this whole idea is based on. Since I assume it would be entirely too costly to have downloads on their forums AND a duplicate set of downloads on a seperate server. Seems costly given their massive scale.

    Am I dreaming pipe-dreams? Or should I let them know about this idea?


    I have been on a kick recently of downloading old physical media....digitally. Old stuff from my childhood. I've found a website where you can download scans of old video game magazines.

    I'm also an obsessive completionist. I'm currently in the process of downloading every issue of Nintendo Power. I'm also downloading the scans of every official stratagy guide Nintendo put out.

    Here and there I've also stumbled upon wrestling magazines. But never full collections. Just individual issues here and there. And while that's great.....I yearn for MOOOOAAARRRR!!!

    Anyways, I'm looking for stuff in .cbr and .cbz formats. I think my reader can handle PDF, but I'd rather avoid it unless there's literally no other option.

    I'm more interested in old magazines, from the 80's/90s, but I'll take any era. It''s all interesting. I just can't find any forums that post that kind of stuff.


    So I just signed up for Mbin at Fedia.IO, and part of the registration says it will send out an email to complete the registration. Great!

    It's been like 10 minutes with nothing in "all mail" and nothing in the trash or spam folders either. Is this something I need to wait a while for, or has something gone wrong, and I should contact their staff somehow?


    I wish the fediverse would just stick to one set of jargon, and everybody uses the same terms to mean the same thing. Even "instances" should just be called "servers". That's all it is. This server talks to that servers, and information is exchanged.

    So, if I understand this right, "magazines" on Mbin are the same as "communities" on Lemmy, are the same as subreddits on reddit. Three names to mean the same thing.

    And a "Thread" is just a post. Like I'm making a post right now on Lemmy. If I did this on Mbin it would be called a "Thread".

    But then I see there's also "comments" which is self explanitory (I hope...)

    And there's also "Posts". But if Threads are posts, then what are Posts?


    ........I keep thinking I have things figured out, until someone says "yeah, but have you tried this?" and then I look into it, and I'm confused again. Arg!


    Toad has good taste! Cherry? Good pez! Raspberry? Good pez! Lemon? Usually that spot is Grape, and Lemon is better than Grape!

    Cameo appearances by Mario and KK Slider.


    Saw this at a local store, and couldn't stop laughing. Although, his love relationship with Catwoman, a woman in leather with a whip, makes a lot more sense now.


    So I feel like I'm doing peertube wrong. I'm trying to find good content, but it feels like every single instance I find is just "here's the linux news, here's the new linux tips, here's the linux gossip, linux linux linux!"

    And I do not give a shit about linux. I learned long ago that I'm not smart enough to figure it out. I just want to find the non-tech, non-video game content. I don't know what I'm doing. I want to search all the instances, all at once, and see what the system recommends.

    I don't have a peertube account. I have a piefed account. I'm not against getting a peertube account, but at this point, it's ruining the whole point of the fediverse. If I need to register for a peertube account to have a decent experience, what's the point in having all these services be interconnected. Registering for peertube account would be the THIRD account I would have for the fediverse. But at this point, I just want to find the content.


    So, I was thinking that I joined Lemmy.World because Lemmy had more users than MBin. But today I was looking at and started seeing MY posts. I knew Mbin could have different instances. I knew Lemmy could have different instances. And I knew they all federated together.

    But I didn't know Mbin could federate with Lemmy. But I'm sure Lemmy/Mbin probably won't federate with Pixelfed, or Peertube.

    Mbin, piefed, and Lemmy are essentially reddit replacements. So they should be in a circle. It doesn't matter how many users Mbin has, or piefed has, or Lemmy has. It matters how many the full circle of federated reddit replacements have. Because thats the true circle of users that you can interact with.

    So what we need is a website that you enter an instance, and it tells you how big your circle would be on that platform, and a list of federated, and defederated instances with it.

    So Lemmy.World would have a pretty high circle. While hexbear would have only itself, if I understand right.


    So I found this rather amusing. This is a Hudson News store, which if you've never been to an airport in your life, is kind of like a corner store....except in an airport. Inflated prices and all.

    Anyways, they have this display, and I found it funny. I work at the airport, and yesterday these two shirts were facing each other. The red one is a trump 2024 shirt, and you can clearly see the other is a Harris 2024 shirt. They're meant to be facing each other as if they're debating. But somebody turned the red shirt to face a pillar. So It doesn't matter if you're outside the store (the perspective this display is meant to be seen from) or inside the store, no matter which direction you see it from, it's just a blank red shirt.

    Now maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I like to think it means somebody saw the image of a trump shirt, and got so offended they turned a lifeless mannequin to reject the message of the shirt. Thus making a political statement about the placement of a mannequin due to it's shirts content.

    And when you think about it, that's the MOST hard a shirt can go in 2024. It's not quite censorship, but it IS sending a message..........or hell, maybe I'm wrong and somebody bumped the damn thing.

    For the record though, I'm pro-Harris. I mean, not enough to buy a $60 T-Shirt that doesn't fit me at an airport, but still.


    So this may have been the weirdest dream I've had in a while. In this dream, MTV was actually still socially relevant to not only the music industry, but also pop culture, and current events. And they promoted the release of Taylor Swifts newest music video at 7:50pm. 10 minutes before that nights 8pm presidential debate. Which MTV would also be simucasting.

    The weeks leading up to this, trump was accusing Swift of being trans, and secretly going to become black after the election. So she made a music viddo, and it became news. This was it's first airing.

    It's a rap diss music video, in the style of Weird Al, except it's Taylor Swift. She's not doing black face, but she has an 80s style black guy mustache, and an aftro wig. She's wearing a grill apron with a grill filled with footlongs on one side, and cocktail weenies on the other. Behind her were 5 women in bikinis dancing near a pool, wearing trump masks. And whenever you saw this shot with Taylor grilling in the foreground, and dancers in the background, Taylor sang the chorus.

    "Grillin weenie's, yours is teeny, mine is jumbo, like Mr Feeney."

    And everytime they said "Mr Feeney", it cut to a quick 1 second shot of Mr Feeney from the 1990s ABC sitcom "Boy meets world". Each time he's holding a hot dog. They sing this chrorus 5 times in the song. Each time, that quick 1 second shot he's holding a bigger hot dog than the last shot of him.

    Also, every time they sing the chorus and you see the dancers, one of their heads explodes, and falls down out of frame. Then she gets back up, still wearing the same trump mask, but this time with a bandage over the ear. She walks off screen giving the thumbs up. So each time the chorus runs, there's one less dancer.

    I wish I could remember the whole song, but the only other line besides the chorus I remember was:

    "If you think trump's financially hot, then you must be smoking pot, three casino bankruptcies later should tell you he's not. One presidency later left him looking like Darth Vader, took the files back home and prompted some FBI raiders. We're not putting a convict in power running scams with NFTs, Harris in white house, 2024 just trust me!"

    And after the song is over, you see a 90s style crt tv turning off effect, and the perspective shifts to see Hank Hill having just turned off the tv. Ladybird sleeping on the floor in front of him.

    "My god, that was completely disrespectful! She was using CHARCOAL while grilling those dogs! They must taste AWFUL! Boy I tell ya, Ladybird, that girl ain't right!"

    Then he walks outside, and the batmobile is in his driveway. And Hank is confused and slightly annoyed.

    Thats when I woke up.

    WTF brain?
