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Daily Discussion Thread: 🏠 πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆβ€β¬› Saturday, September 14, 2024
  • Assignment due tonight with an extension. Almost finished it and then I realised I missed something that means I have to change the whole thing. I start work at 7am tomorrow, so I don't have time to stay up and redo it. I'm going to have to start it again tomorrow and take the late submission.

    If it isn't the consequences of my own actions.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ•πŸŽ Wednesday, September 11, 2024
  • Got banh mi yesterday from Bun Bun bakery in Springvale. Was pretty good. No prices, and with a quick assessment of other places, I think Bun Bun was the most expensive in the proximity. My friend said the place that she normally goes to in the area was better.

    Very interesting to see the amount of competition. Also got iced coffee and it tasted like tiramisu. So much better than the one from Roll'd.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ“–πŸ“–πŸ“– Monday, September 9, 2024
  • Read my Year 7 journal today and it made me sad. Oh, sweet summer child. It puts things into perspective though, because in some years from now, I'll feel the same way about myself now.

    my sad teenage life

    As a young teenager, who had no real friends or deep connections, I was thrown into a class with people who bullied me. I thought I was the problem, when the problem was that I just didn't gel with those people. I desperately wanted the approval of people around me, and couldn't bring myself to leave the only "friend" I had who I knew was a really bad influence on me. She ended up being a bully too. I also grappled with low self-esteem, body image issues and constantly felt like I was never enough. Not smart enough, not pretty enough, etc.

    There were so many signs I was dealing with ADHD and potentially autism too. I was constantly losing things, was never focused in class. I had specific rules for journalling, and limited interests. Most of my time was spent wanting to do my work, but doing nothing instead, hyperfixating on people, random special interests that would leave in a week, and the thoughts in my head. The being in my head thing hasn't entirely left, and I'm not sure it ever will. But the self-esteem thing has gotten a tiny bit better. I have awesome friends now. I have more freedom and independence to explore the world.

    So now I have another reason to become a teacher or do some kind of wellbeing work. To somehow help kids have a better experience than I did.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ“–πŸ“–πŸ“– Monday, September 9, 2024
  • I'm starting work at 7 everyday next week. Going to set my alarm starting from this week so hopefully I will be acclimatised. Hoping I'm not too sleep deprived, because this week and next week are assignment hell weeks and also hell week (iykyk).

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🌞 πŸ§€ πŸš‚ Sunday, September 8, 2024
  • One 10% assignment done. Now to do a 20% one today, then the 40% ones due this week and the week after. Not even worrying about the ones after that yet. I feel like I'm making a tiny bit of progress.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ† Saturday, September 7, 2024
  • Idea for Halloween costume (I don't celebrate Halloween though):

    1. Get group of people
    2. Dress in all black, guitar optional
    3. Stand in line, stare at camera
    4. There's your metal band
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    Daily Discussion Thread: πŸ† Saturday, September 7, 2024
  • Dog keeps peeing inside the house. Been going on for too long.

    We've ruled out any medical conditions like a UTI, so it's probably behavioural. He was doing it when no one is home, and even if he was fenced off in the laundry, he'd do it in there.

    I'm here thinking it's a separation anxiety thing. I went over to my aunt's house who recently got a puppy. He peed in front of us. Maybe it's a fear thing.

    Either way, it's driving my mum insane. We've done the whole take his water away thing, positive reinforcement for when he goes outside, yet he still has accidents. I don't know if we can call them accidents anymore.

    Yay to a potential vet trip :)

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    Daily Discussion Thread: Thursday, September 5, 2024
  • Going to try to get part of Big Assignment done today!! Shall report back.

    Can't wait until this is all over and I can finally study my education course (that has no lectures yay)!

  • I was feeling a bit antsy and there wasn't a thread yet at 22 past midnight.

    Have a great day everyone. May you and the animals of the DT who like sunbathing get some sun.
