Is FF16 worth it? Story-wise it didn’t seem like they learned their lesson (just going by the pre-release summary) so I checked out eaaaarly.
Is FF16 worth it? Story-wise it didn't seem like they learned their lesson (just going by the pre-release summary) so I checked out eaaaarly.
Do you like 2d zelda as well and 2d zelda-likes like Binding of isaac?
How is princess peach? I played the demo and liked everything but the cake making. Does the difficulty ever ramp up tho or should I not go in expecting challenge?
Learning to drift in Mario Kart 8 200cc. I like platformers, so been switching to Mario World 2 when too many 12th places finishes in MK gets me down.
Still waiting for Odyssey 2. Yea nintendo is evil but even the bad marios are better than most of the best AAA
Eli5 the differences between imperialism and neo-colonialism, or shoot me some recommendations to read? ty
Just remember to pack pepper spray and bear spray
Good?? Ig. Fan service shouldn't be girls being objectified. And most of the time its underaged girls
Now ask me what I think about the two piece bathing suit
How's Witcher 3 politically? I stayed until the Baron, then dipped, because afaik they wanted me to feel sympathy for a monster? Been a while. Also does the gameplay improve? I do love Gwynt and Gerald is an ok protagonist with that sexy Henry Cavill mod installed
How far long in Mandarin do you feel you are? And is it your second language?
So uh how do I actually use the other instances on mobile like hexbear? Going to instances at the bottom just takes you there without the ability to post.
An actual good example of a 3d anime, too!
I also didn't like it then and had dropped it before the plot started. Idk if they sexed it up or not, but it had me nodding my head the entire time, and the next season (last thing written by Toriyama before his death), is just about a revolution.
E: the pacing was also decc, only the first episode dragged imo
It has an anime too! And a sequel series written by Toriyama before his death
Anyone seen Sand Land, the new series by Akira Toriyama? It's a desertpunk and has great politics, if that matters. Way better than Dragon Ball
Hey guys, can you share some good quotes on liberal "neutrality?" IE, excuses to not stop the nazis, so the nazis will kill the Soviets for them. Basically quotes that reinforce a 'negative peace,' it doesn't necessarily need to be about the above example.
Who in your opinion is most likely to succeed Xi Jinping whenever he retires as head of government? No I'm not asking who the "CCP" will "imperially appoint," but who is likely next. I'm looking to learn more about Chinese political figures! Also, who would you choose?
Another name added to the victims of communism, if only he hadn't already been braindead
Yea the ban isn't at all about tiktok really, tiktok is just excuse for further limiting rights and erecting the american firewall
Agreed, imo video games were only not like this for the better part of the 00s and for like two years before 3d was invented. Pre-Nintendo games are quarter eating bastards, nes games are 10 minutes long, cost 100 dollars, and take 1,000 hours to beat. Then afterwards you have early 3d jank that lasted into the 00s
An interview with Hearthstone World Championship finalist Kolento at the Hearthstone Europe Championship.Follow us for updates!
Ofc it's because of a lack of electricity, cus gamer gonna gamer, but I recall a live version of this where the interviewer just... stops for a second, with no idea how to respond lol
I missed it when it happened, then everyone kept talking about it for a few years. I just know Blizzard commented on it or something
A brief rundown or some sources would be great! I already generally know how Hong Kong came to be, came to be under China again, that dope ass Jiang Zemin clip, etc.
I've listened to this episode of a podcast and would love to know more. Books preferred but I'm ok with more podcasts and ig youtube
Sorry if I chose the wrong community to post in!