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Film crews became 'collateral damage' of Hollywood strikes
  • They're not collateral damage of the strikers, they're collateral of the same executives that dragged their assets thinking they would win.

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    Push It Somewhere Else
  • All of this was meant as a joke as well, I thought it was obvious, but I guess I should've mentioned that. I didn't mean to offend you pal. Sorry for not being clear.

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    Push It Somewhere Else
  • Shut up Musky. There's amazing public transport here ya carbrain. No space for those fragile masculinity trucks.

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    Alternatives to
  • Penpot is quite easy to use and show a presentation in. Use unsplash or pexels for images and the prototype view for presenting. If you're not looking for FOSS there's a lot of AI presentation tools out there.

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    Stockholm to ban all petrol and diesel cars from city centre
  • Not by much unfortunately. Car tires and brakes release very dangerous particles that are even smaller than PM2.5, but considering that the majority of cars are petrol cars, the pool of vehicles should be smaller.
