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Im aware that he is not a socialist by any means but i watched some interviews of him and he does have some good takes on US imperialism and the Western Hegemony but i also recall hearing that he did some pretty shady stuff but i cant remember any specifics....Im generally supportive of leaders who try to free their countries of the boots of the US even when they're not socialist per se but this Assad guy seems a little off

Today: the clean SS Tomorrow:
  • "okay but have you ever considered how bad the soviet union was?? Like im not a Nazi or anything but they did kinda have a reason to genocide Jews because a lot of soviet politicians were Jews and wanted to genocide Aryan Ukrainians to further spread the cancer of judeo-bolchevism."

    -Some lib on reddit who is definitely not a nazi sympathizer

  • I think i understand the basics. For example, a capitalist buys wood for 20 (money) to make a chair, he employs someone else to make the chair which adds value to the wood...lets just say the value added through the labour is 20 (money) the chairs cost therefore is 40 (money) but the capitalist steas some of the added value to make a profit and now the chair is only worth 30 (money). The worker has therefore worked a significant amount of time for free because the value added does not correspond to what the chair is sold for. Thats already what i understand but how exactly does the capitalist turn this into profit? Yes he has gained some money but he still has 30 dollars in debt due to the production costs and the labours costs...and it would not change in the future as the debt just like the value he steals from the workers grows. Can someone pls explian?

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • sorry, its just absolutely hard to imagine you being a socialist when you're here complementing and defending the democRATS.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • so you're just a socdem.....

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    Americans: “We should be more like progressive Europe”
  • portugal, a "social-democracy", isnt doing much better with its increasing privatization of national industries and growing wealth gap of the poor and the rich....all supported by the, i kid you not, "socialist party of portugal".

    Shout out to the cuban doctors tho, my entire family in portugal is getting treated by cuban doctors as portugal lacks medical professionals because people with degrees keep emigrating from portugal to go somewhere where the wages are better.

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  • oh im sorry, i should have informed myself better before making these critics

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  • will check them out

  • Anarchists

    i am not very fond of anarchism as an ideology. It just cant function without contradicting its own principles....How in a revolution, or US intervention would strategic decisions be made? You cant just make everyone elect some shit every few hours during a war without somebody having to make decisions for other people. Or production? If you would like to have a car, or a house or whatever, you would need to ask hundreds of people for consent to produce the needed commodities as there is no state that regulates what and how much one should work....that would take a fucking long time which in return means not everyone gets to be supplied their needs. Anarchism is just not something you can achieve directly after a revolution, it needs to be gradual, when imperialist forces and other capitalist threats are annihilated, global socialism can deregulate its state-functions and transfer piece for piece more power to the people.

    "Stalin was a brutal dictator"
  • yes yes, at this point its just back and forthing. Keep licking the boot.

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    "Stalin was a brutal dictator"
  • bro you cannot be serious..."hmm why would putin and his oligarchic bros spread misinformation about socialism" dont tell me you're one of those liberals who think russia is still socialist

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    "Stalin was a brutal dictator"
  • "babe wake up! The Dictator of a capitalist, imperialist country said that insert socialist has killed lots of people"

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    "Stalin was a brutal dictator"
  • i love when liberals pull the commie brainwash card, as if we dont already live in a capitalist dominated world where people are taught that capitalism is the only viable economic system. Be it in a TV-series, in the News, in the Radio, in documentaries....pretty much every media-outlet when mentioning socialism treats it as a failed, murderous joke and nothing is presented to us, without explanation most of the time, that socialism is evil, undemocratic, killed 100 Gorbachovillian people and that capitalism is the only economic system that "works". We are not brainwashed you are the one feeding off liberal propaganda

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    "Stalin was a brutal dictator"
  • "learn history" we did, you're the one who should stop using wikipedia as source for controversial political topics

  • I cant stand living in this fake-wannabe democracy. I feel so lonely, nobody shares my views and everytime i try to educate them they mock and ridicule me to oblivion. Western europe truly is a hopeless pile of garbage. Thanks to the social democracies (nice move bourgeois pigs) people dont see the need to overthrow the capitalists when they are already fed the absolute bare minimum (free eduction and healthcare) by them while still being significantly poorer than the capitalists who are still fucking up our economy and politics. People are so liberal here, its like someone made a concentrate of Liberalism and spoon fed it to every-single person from man, woman to baby. *uh but freedome but muh democricuh * i cant hear it anymore. Its not enough that my family is constantly argueing about the shit in ukraine while im just sitting there having to listen 24/7 to "The russians were always authoritarian burglars, thats just their nature" and "Russia needs to be bombed its the only solution". Oh pls just somebody, China perhaps come and liberate the people from the western hegemony. The west needs to fall and when it does while watch with joy.

    ps. Sorry for the outburst here but i really needed to get that out of me
