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What song still emotionally "destroys" you today? And why?
  • Apollo 440( with Billy Mackenzie) - Pain in any Language

    It's a beautiful, depressing song and Billy Mackenzie's vocals are just haunting. A girl I was hopelessly in love with introduced me to the song, so that adds to its effect on me...

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    What song still emotionally "destroys" you today? And why?
  • Apollo 440( with Billy Mackenzie) - Pain in any Language

    It's a beautiful, depressing song and Billy Mackenzie's vocals are just haunting. A girl I was hopelessly in love with introduced me to the song, so that adds to its effect on me...

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    What song still emotionally "destroys" you today? And why?
  • Apollo 440( with Billy Mackenzie) - Pain in any Language

    It's a beautiful, depressing song and Billy Mackenzie's vocals are just haunting. A girl I was hopelessly in love with introduced me to the song, so that adds to its effect on me...

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    Food safety rule
  • That sound marginally better but honestly I've never experienced a kitchen where it would be okay to thaw meat outside the fridge. This might be a Danish thing, but if the health inspector came by and saw that, the restaurant would probably get fined.

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    Food safety rule
  • Having worked in several professional kitchens, I have to debunk this. You don't throw unpacked, raw meat into a zink (with or without water) to thaw it. You leave it in the fridge, preferably in a closed container until it's thawed. leaving it out in room temperature makes it a feast for bacteria.

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  • One of my friends is having this tattooed on his back. The tattoo shop has a strict "no Nazi symbols"- policy, but they're making an exception with the armband of this motherfucker.

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    Anyone know if it's good?
  • Yes, I'm surprised the internet is still talking about Starfield and hasn't moved on to hyping Elder Scrolls 6 yet...
