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What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • Same. I'm still primarily a Plex user for the player (it's just easier for sharing libraries with everyone) but I love the arr stuff. Just got readarr setup for audio books and audiobookshelf for the player which is really nice.

    Probably my favorite feature of the arr suite is in Radarr and list subscribing. I've got mine connected to some good letterboxd lists along with things like tmdb popular to keep my library up to date with recent stuff. Also there's some podcasts I listen to like The Rewatchables. I just subscribe to the lists of movies on letterboxd and I can easily keep up with the podcast.

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    Be careful.
  • Exactly. Furthermore they'd probably just include it in those instructions "Step 1: when the box pops up with clipboard press allow"

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  • I wish those worked for all the mirrors too. At least mine won't do that anyway

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    Double exposure
  • Cue True Detective theme

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    Be careful.
  • Exactly, copy requires a click but there's no rule that the copy button has to look like anything particular

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    Dog Search
  • Also the word "good" is in there a few times (two of them in the bottom right corner). So this is a Good Dog search.

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    Oddly accurate...
  • "Mr Rogers miraculously raises from the dead only to go around diddling kids"

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    Oddly accurate...
  • Is this a reference to someone?

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    United Airlines to Provide Starlink-powered Wi-Fi For Free on all flights
  • Probably throttled for free and paid if you want the speed to stream video. Still though, I'd take that. Would be great for just checking messages and emails and stuff.

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    ‎ArcEmu - Watch Emulator
  • Reminds me of this watch I had when I was a kid

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    The entire staff of beloved game publisher Annapurna Interactive has reportedly resigned
  • This is not the stray team, the article picture confuses the story. They should've used the Annapurna logo instead but they probably wanted more clicks.

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    Calling in healthy
  • Yes, I think that is a different situation than what were referring to. Long term disability doesn't fall under odd day here and there.

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    Calling in healthy
  • I don't think I've ever had a job where I had to prove my sickness. I know that doesn't apply to everyone but as long as you don't abuse it, taking the odd day here and there doesn't cause issues

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    Exclusive: Jon Stewart's Live Post-Debate Episode Delivers Highest 'Daily Show' Ratings in 7 Years
  • I'm so glad he's back right now. I never got into the Trevor Noah version of the show, it was just a different show.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • No, none of the consoles require a subscription. You add it on if you want the extras and multiplayer.

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    I could make a great PC for that...
  • ** Insert guy with stick do something meme **

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    Art transcends reality
  • "like that one time I was on Dragon Ball Z"

    Looking back now the whole family schitk was pretty lazy and could be applied to anything but damn was it effective.

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    Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • Brother in carts 💪

    All the people here saying "you're creating work over overworked employees" has clearly never worked in a grocery. You're creating breaks. The only exception is people who left them out at close time when you're all going home. Those people can burn.

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    Does the Minecraft movie really look that bad? Only a 10-year-old can tell us
  • My nephew is stoked for this. All the grown ass adults getting bent out of shape about this need to relax.

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    Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • I was also a cart pusher for 3 or 4 years. It wasn't my only task most of the time I was actually in the store bagging groceries. I loved cart pickup. It meant I could walk around the store parking lot, grab some fresh air and listen to some music. It was a cool little escape from the monotonous in store work and no one was really keeping an eye on me out there so I could take a little extra time.

    I'm not weighing in on whether people should leave their carts out just adding some perspective that gathering them up wasn't like this huge added labor, quite the opposite. If I wasn't gathering carts I would've just been assigned to something much less enjoyable.

  • Canon EOS 70D

    f/16.0 1/640 18.00mm ISO160O

    I don't remember the exact location, we were on holiday in Rome. We were on our way to a restaurant called "I Porchettoni" after seeing it on Anthony Bourdain. Looks like the restaurant is rebranded to Trattori Pigneto. It's not far from here but I can't seem to find the exact street:

    Don't know the guy, just thought his jacket would look cool in a picture with the bricks and graffiti


    Basically as the title says. We have semi frequent power outages where I live. The noise machine in my daughter's room goes out and wakes her up. If I were to buy a USB powered one, plug it into a power bank like one of those 10000ma ones you get for charging cell phones, would it have continuous power. Basically like a cheap UPS


    We were traveling through Malta in 2018 when I came across this. According to the locals it had crashed up on shore about a month prior. They didn't know what to do so they tied it off until they could come up with a solution. My personal favorite of the photos I took. The two guys below were exploring the ship. Thought it would ruin the shot but it ended up adding some good scale.


    I'm thinking about moving my PC out to the living room and streaming back to my office when I need to. I've used a number of moonlight clients with mixed results.

    Apple TV and Xbox Series X, terrible with massive lag.

    Android with Nvidia shield pro or Chromecast with Google TV, not bad but not amazing,

    MacOS client on MacBook pro and Google pixel 6 pro over wifi 6, perfect feels like it's on the same machine.

    Before I go through all the effort of setting up the Raspberry Pi 4 just wondering if anyone has any first hand experience on the quality of the stream


    Most of my collection is just the movie rips of just the video that play fine in Plex or Jellyfin. I've got a couple of full disc rips though that have the menus and features and all just like you would if you put the disc in. I can open these in VLC on my computer by choosing the folder.

    My living room setup is an Apple TV as the primary streaming device but I also have an Nvidia Shield pro and Google TV Chromecast.

    Is there any way to stream these over the network into some kind of app on any of these devices?


    After some looking around Kodi might be able to do what I want. Going to investigate further.

    EDIT 2

    The Kodi repo with the required addon (HEVC kodi bluray addon) seems to be down, maybe permanently :/ Still looking for a solution


    Ok so here's the rules

    • I just bet on red every time
    • I start with 1 dollar
    • every time I lose, I triple my previous bet
    • every time I win I restart

    I'm going to simulate 10 games

    • Game 1 - Bet $1 Lose
    • Game 2 - Bet $3 Lose
    • Game 3 - Bet $9 Win $18
    • Game 4 - Bet $1 Lose
    • Game 5 - Bet $3 Lose
    • Game 6 - Bet $9 Win $18
    • Game 7 - Bet $1 Lose
    • Game 8 - Bet $3 Lose
    • Game 9 - Bet $9 Lose
    • Game 10 - Bet $18 Win $36

    In this simulation I'm losing at a rate of 70%. In reality the lose rate is closer to 52%. I put in $54 but I'm walking away with $72, basically leaving the building with $18.

    Another example. Let's pretend I walk in with $100,000 to bet with. I lose my first 10 games and win the 11th.

    • 1 lose
    • 3 lose
    • 9 lose
    • 27 lose
    • 81 lose
    • 243 lose
    • 729 lose
    • 2187 lose
    • 6561 lose
    • 19683 lose
    • 59049 win $118098

    $88573 spent out of pocket, $118098 won

    Walk out with roughly $29525.

    I get most casinos won't let you be that high but it's a pretty extreme example anyway, the likelyhood of losing 10/11 games on 48% odds is really unlikely.

    So help me out here, what am I missing?


    This feels like a common courtesy I don't see enough, particularly the second point. In a conversation circle, always try to keep your side vision open to people trying to find their way in. It can be awkward to try and find your own way in so giving them a spot tells them they're included then drop a quick brief on the conversation "We're talking about pineapples on pizza, good or bad" gives them context to jump in immediately.


    I'm looking for some game recommendations. I feel like a ton of these games exist but they're riddled with IAP. I don't mind paying a little to buy the game. I have the play pass but so many of these games are active involvement and landscape orientation. I like to have an extra hand free and landscape requires both hands on. But really want passive engagement. Like as soon as I stop playing the game is waiting for me. Example games:


    Magnet Balls

    Free Cell


    Card Thief

    Knights of Pen and Paper

    Games like Slay the Spire (but portrait). Although I've never really found a Slay the Spire-like that didn't feel like a watered down version of STS
