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‘Time is now’ to step up efforts for Ukraine peace, says Germany’s Scholz
  • Considering their idea of peace is the total capitulation of their opponent and systematic erasure of its population, I dont see what tangible benefit inviting them would be.

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    Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet
  • The evidence in the geological record shows that this level of ocean acidification has never been hit this quickly before. This level of ocean acidificaion is the highest its been in 300 million years and there is nothing indicating it has any intention of going down.

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    Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet
  • It's a great show, I've seen it. The problem is the rate of ocean acidification is unprecedented at this speed in our geological history, and that our current level hasn't been hit in 300 million years, and we're still trucking. This could create an irreversible change.

    The other thing to factor in is this will be it for intelligent life. We won't get another chance at a species progressing the way we did because much of the world's easily accessible oil has been used up.

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    Regarding the “Rust” shooting.
  • "Realism"

    They were testing the shot by pointing it directly at the DP and Director so they could see what it looked like if he drew the gun. There was no reason Baldwin wasn't using either of the two non-firing guns during the rehearsal other than wanting it to seem more real. Yes, the armorer was inexperienced, but who hired the armorer. Yes, the 1st AD called cold gun and supposedly handed it to Baldwin without checking it. But who chose to then point the gun at people while simulating a quick draw motion?

    It was completely reckless and there was a pattern of dangerous behavior on Baldwin's part, which coupled with his role as producer, and the fact that the production had numerous complaints about safety and corner cutting, doesn't look good at all.

    The situation was so bad, that the DPs entire camera department WALKED that day, and had previously complained about gun safety being an issue. They were replaced by non-union scabs. When leaving, a producer threatened to call security if they didn't hurry up. Others on set previously complained because prop guns had already accidentally discharged TWICE before the shooting.

    Additionally, rather than finding suitable nearby accommodations in Santa Fe, as they were initially promised, crew were forced to travel 50 miles away to Albuquerque every day. For anyone unaware, film set days are usually around 10-15 hours per day of physically and mentally demanding work.

    Everything that transpired was because of a perfect storm created by the production department. It shows all the hallmarks of the systemic abuses that occur between above the line and below the line players, and in my opinion the production department is responsible and should be found criminally negligent at the very least.

    Currently: Alec Baldwin has gotten to walk away from this mess, all charges dropped. Gutierrez is now the sole person still being charged and being blamed for drinking and smoking weed after her shift, as well as new testimony from an anonymous witness who claims a bag of cocaine was handed off after she was interviewed by police. I guess production has found their lamb.

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    Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet
  • No, I absolutely do not. In fact, that's my most optimistic outlook. If ocean acidification continues at the rate it's going, we'll have complete collapse of the oceans, which are the core and source of our entire planet's biosphere.

    It's also beyond fucking stupid to read some asshole playing the "gotcha" game when the answer won't be visible in our lifetimes, and the solution needs to start happening today.

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    Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet
  • It can't be solved on an individual level, but that's exactly where it has to start. Any movement begins with one person convincing another, who convinces another, and so on until it weaves its way through the zeitgeist. Nothing will ever be accomplished if we just say "nuh uh, it's the companies and the government's fault!" Once a critical mass is reached, the corporations and governments will have to bow to the people's will or face a revolution. It's the only way it works, and it's the only way it has ever worked.

    Nuclear power is opposed because people are afraid of it. People are not logical and they're definitely not smart, so when they think of a nuclear reactor, they imagine an atomic bomb blowing up over and over while it powers a generator, like a more powerful combustion engine.

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    A Pro-Putin Facebook Network Is Pumping French-Language Propaganda Into Africa
  • Russia will simply destabilize anything it can. They tried to get all of Africa, but it turns out they can see through their bullshit like everyone else, so they've decided to fuck with a handful of countries instead. These countries, by the way, are often responsible for vast diamond mining operations, with Russia being the number one country for both sourcing and laundering blood diamonds on the planet.

    The people organizing this shit are the ones who are becoming African mining oligarchs. It's essentially the same as Russia's attempted playbook in Ukraine.

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    Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet
  • No it will not. There is absolutely zero evidence of that, and if anything, the ocean warming levels point to the contrary. It can just as easily spiral into the opposite direction and create a greenhouse style system like you see on Venus. Even if we died today, biodiversity levels would take millions of years to get back to pre-industrial levels.

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    FCC fines robocaller a record $300M after blocking billions of their scam calls
  • They will never collect. This is like busting a guy selling grams on the corner, releasing him the next day and claiming you've shut down the entire drug running operation.

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    FCC fines robocaller a record $300M after blocking billions of their scam calls
  • These aren't some rinky dink operations, these are huge shell companies housed in office buildings with cubicles employing hundreds of scammers. It's part of an organized crime syndicate, and somewhere along the line there's some near-billionaire and a number of politicians behind the entire scheme. That's what they mean by the nebulous statement of it being "transnational."

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    Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet
  • Things will never get better. When we can't sustain an industrial society then people will start murdering each other for the dwindling resources we have left. This is the best it's going to ever be in anyone alive's lifetime.

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    Ocean heat record broken, with grim implications for the planet
  • Remember when climate change was identified for the past 60 years and people just ended up buying bigger houses, bigger cars, and consuming more?

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    Montana otter attack leaves 3 women hurt, including one flown to the hospital
  • I didnt claim they were adorable all the time, but they're cute as shit when they're floating on their backs and washing themselves. Dolphins are cute too, and they'll rape anything that isn't bolted down.

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    Montana otter attack leaves 3 women hurt, including one flown to the hospital
  • They're fucking adorable, are you kidding me? That just doesn't bypass the fact that it's a wild animal that doesn't give a fuck about your instagram stories or your need to pet it.

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    Canada has zero pro-choice Conservative MPs, watchdog says
  • It didn't "infect" anything. It was always here. I noticed it when I moved from Vancouver to Calgary as a kid. If you live in one of Canada's three major cities, you just aren't exposed to it, but the second you get into the suburbs or further, it's on full display. There's a reason we had Harper for an entire decade, gagging scientists, cutting corporate taxes, cuts to education and health care, and driving profits into the hands of the rich.

  • https:// /c/housingcrisis

    It's something on nearly every young person's mind: the housing crisis. Once limited to places like San Francisco, NYC, Hong Kong and London, the real estate crisis has gone global.

    With house prices at abnormal heights and rent prices following suit, it's only a matter of time before certain cities hit their breaking point.

    Let's post information, discuss how we as individuals can make a difference, or even just vent about the complete absurdity of the situation and how we got here.

    This is one of the defining issues of our generation. Don't just stand on the sidelines.
