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  • Funny enough, not in the cynical, depressing way William Goulding postulated and many of us were forced to read in English class. :D

    It's nice when humanity isn't the tragically disgusting thing we're often forcefully told it is. (Usually as some way to justify State-enforced law and order via violence.)

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    One big happy family.
  • I'm running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and finally completely dumped Win10 as it was BSODing itself apart during games anyway.

    Constantly impressed with how many games "just work", and not even just with Steam. Heroic for GoG stuff, Lutris, Bottles for classics I still got on's awesome!

    But you mentioned Windows Only VR and I got all excited...except I've got a Samsung Odyssey+ (WMR) and realized Monado is the only hope of it not being an expensive blackbox brick. :(

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    Be careful.
  • Thanks, I was about to suggest this too. Aegis is awesome. :) I can't understand why most banks sms a code instead of using something like this. It's insanity.

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    Decision time
  • On one hand I have my personal firstname-lastname-dot-com I'm still hosting for years. I'm not a webdev but WordPress is awfully bloated and everything else needs a touch of webdev skills.

    So it's been at "coming soon I'm working on it welcome to sample example theme page" for years, but hey it's indexing well based on age alone!

    The other is a fun clever one I route through cloudflare to access all my home server stuff via HTTPS over TailScale. Never have to expose any ports to the big scary world wide web. :p

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    And another
  • He definitely does not believe. He clearly is beyond lacking even a base shred of empathy.

    So if he had even the vaguest belief in God, the slightest self reflection would leave him stricken paralyzed with grief for all the malice, petty hate, murder, and ruin he and his ilk have influenced or directly brought about in their wake as they profane the very ground on which they tread.

    We would have seen even the slightest effort of repentance at this point. If not out of a transformed heart, at least out of fear, at realizing what a just God would eventually visit on such a petulant and cruel creature who could stoke a cult of hatred by perverting the message of a Gospel of love.

    I'm always reminded of the passages when Satan tempts Jesus in the desert. He says something like "Bow to me and worship me, and I will give you rule over every nation of this earth." (Matthew 4:8)

    It's not a temptation unless the tempter can deliver on their claims. And that tells us all we need to know about power and those who seek it...

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    On extinction
  • There's more than just Cunk on Earth!? Glorious!! Her delivery had me rolling that entire time lmao. She's awesome.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Yeah YouTube ads are stubborn! But hey, por que no los dos? I run pinhole as my DNS on a little server and Ublock on all my end user machines.

    It makes the web...bearable again.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Used to work in a public library. Majority of the job was walking people through "forgot password" which was never a simple affair, and getting to see what a Hotmail/Yahoo/AOL inbox looks like with like 90,000 unread because they gave their email to every store and web form they ever encountered.

    Near drove me to madness.

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    Lemmy right now
  • Ah hah! I was wondering something like that. I was like "Is this miscolored or did I find some kinda dark/anti-Waldo??" Lol

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    Unity is canceling the Runtime Fee
  • I got personally screwed by this when I sunk the cash into Substance Painter / Designer, and then they "joined the Adobe family."

    At this point any software in my pipeline that's not FOSS would be considered a point of vulnerability.

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    Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
  • Magnets near computers at all while we're at it LOL.

    We learned to tolerate a big purple-green splotch in the corner of my family's ultra heavy CRT display after I held one of those neat telescopic-magnet-wands too close to it once.

    Then I learned there was a "degauss" function!

    That seemed like magic how fast it made the unsightly blemish, and my parents' irritation, vanish. XD

    I remember seeing tutorials on making a neat degaussing contraption using magnets and an electric drill, too. O.o

    Hard drives though...probably not as easily fixed.

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    Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
  • Haha the secret is you gotta...

    ((Malicious instructions leading to wiping out your family's E-machines beige-box if followed go here))

    ...then push enter and a triforce will appear!

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  • Guarantee you'll walk away with a new vocabulary of delightful one-liners and inside-jokes you might have once encountered, that will suddenly make sense. :D

    I've been wanting to watch it again for a while now haha.
