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looking for HRM

Hello! i'm looking for an HRM where i can store a list of my staff and get emails when its time to do 1 on 1 chats every 90 days and then put notes in that the HR team can see. i don't care about time sheets or payroll or leave as that's taken care of elsewhere i really just need something to be able to have a list of a staff and get email reminders to chat with them. i've tried orangeHRM and IceHRM but they don't support reminders like that... Monica Personal CRM was amazing in that it did do that stuff, but the email system isn't functional and theres no working documentation :<

How do you all monitor your server performance?
  • We use zabbix here. Zabbix is amazing and we put it in all of our templates so any new servers and hosts pop up on zabbix dashboard preconfigured just like that. For logs and security we use an Elastik "ELK stack" which gives us a heads up if anything is wrong in the logs, and zabbix gives us a head up of the systems health all together. Between the two, our health monitor panel combines the two windows so we can see full server health and any problems right there as a todo list for the IT team

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    Looking for Specific Backup Solution
  • and bacula kept failing so now i'm using duplicati. thank you /r/lilolalu and /r/lazyzyf for suggesting borg and kopia but idk, i just wasnt able to get it working in the deadline time i needed it up in. but i will try them more now i have a temporary solution running. duplicati so far isn't bad though. it pretty much only does exactly what i need of it with no extras.. i like it so far.

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    Looking for Specific Backup Solution
  • I settled on Bacula. It seemed to do everything I needed and can be expanded in the future. All backups can be on a dr8ve and it doesn't matter about OS or anything because it's hosted on a docker and acts like rsnapshot

  • Looking for Specific Backup Solution

    Hello! I've read some other posts about backup software posted here and i thought i'd ask a more specific question i haven't seen asked that i feel might be helpful to others who share my specific setup.

    my setup: I have proxmox backed up with proxmox backup server. super wonderful. but i also have hosted a ceph share that connects everything together. one ceph is for VMs and thats already backed up and all, but i have a second ceph to store media, game server data, minecraft server data, file backups, etc... basically a massive drive of just loose files.

    since i'm really happy with proxmox backups and have my vms/lxcs under control, i'm only worried about this big massive share of "just files" i need to back up. i've been using restic but need an webgui to be able to perform prescise restores of specific folders or specific files.. and i have terrabytes of data there that backs up nightly. resticwebui glitches constantly and i've seen restic not be 100% trustworthy on some very very large files, so i'm willing to switch completely to a different system which makes this question so much more easier to answer. i'm not looking to back up a PC or a VM or something. litterally just nightly backups of a massive share (mounted as a folder already so dosn't need any special support) just able to back up a massive size of data and allow me to have a working webGUI with the ability to restore specific things.

    does a tool like that exist? just something i can set up easy, backs up a massive folder, to a local harddrive store i've already got set up, and then allow me to do specific restores whenever. kudos if it supports OIDC or SAML, since thats what i've been using as SSO for my home servers but the only thing that matters is specific restores and the fact that it doesn't take up all of my ram like restic does

  • Firefly is my self-hosted goto but nothing i found beats mint. I wish there was a self-hosted version of that

  • Question: Music Organizer Webgui?

    Hello! I run a community that like many other communities has a web radio but unlike many other communities, we make the music we play on it, so its exceptionally hard to organize it automagically when musicbrains doesn't know anything about 90% of anything in your library..

    Anyway, i've been trying to hunt down a music organization webtool. we already have radio software and stuff running off our central library.. and so this tool would need to run from and manipulate a library where it is (not import and move it around.. unless we want to change how its sorted or something) and it'd need to be able to be able to classify genre and other things at the touch of a button, not through a complex menu, as we have terrabytes to sort by hand it needs to be easy.. like a spotify app screen with editing tools on screen for every song that's playing.. that'd be wonderful but i'm sure nothign like this exists..

    but, through trying a bunch of different tools we got kind of desperate and we're now even developing and AI trained to sort genres (although its not very good yet so we still need other manual tools)

    what are some tools you guys suggest? its a big massive library with mostly nothing in any database anywhere to identify it, but we want to sort into genres to be able to at least play it on the radio less randomly.
