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  • If the Democratic party gets to be too large of a tent, and the Republican party shrinks, eventually the Democratic party will fracture too, and we might get a real progressive party out of it.

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    There's a rule banning gas water heaters in 2027
  • Those are local outages due to trees causing downed lines, squirrels getting into transformers, motor vehicle accidents, etc. They aren't the same as the blackouts like you get from an overloaded or strained power grid like they have in Texas.

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  • I just hand them my debit card inside and tell them what I want. Usually with an apology that I haven't filled out a deposit/withdrawal form. Most of the time the teller will say it's fine and the same amount of work for them either way. I'm sure it depends on the bank or branch, and I personally try to avoid the bigger banks like Bank of America or Chase just because their fees are so much higher and I hear their service is worse, so that's probably a factor as well.

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    Slut shaming rule
  • I'll be impressed when you that down to a subatomic size so you can fuck a solid block of steel because your penis fits in the space between the atoms.

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    Gamescom Date Reveal Trailer - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
  • I want to like this, but some of that mocap animation looks really off. Especially in those scenes with the idol and where indie is slamming down that stone. Looks like the mocap actor was holding back and that the idol weighs less than it should. It's probably going to be okay, but after the excellent mocap work in games like God of War, where the animation really conveys a sense of weight, and in comparison to the Indiana Jones films this looks a bit floaty and like Indie is pulling his punches.

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    'Let's Go!' Top Economist Applauds as Harris Signals Support for Billionaires Tax
  • I'm hoping she's mostly just playing soft on Israel for now is to avoid more criticism of being antisemitic. When Israel started their attempted genocide, most of the Biden administration was silent on it, and we didn't hear or see anything from Harris, when she did eventually have a public appearance about a month later, she was pretty much the first person in the administration to say anything remotely pro-peace.

    I'm probably just huffing copium but I hope she's just taking AIPAC's money (not sure if they are giving her any, but better in her hands than theirs) and getting through the election, and then going to go full prosecutor on Israel/Netanyahu.

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    Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure | Proton
  • As someone who has been skeptical of Proton and avoided their services because it seemed too good to last (or be true), this really boosts my faith in them.

    Not saying I'm going to stop self-hosting my own mail, etc. or become a customer tomorrow, but I'm much more likely to recommend them to friends and family who ask, and will absolutely keep them in mind for myself if I ever do have a need.

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    Invasive Species
  • Chromium is to the modern internet what Internet Explorer was in the mid 2000s. It's not as stagnant (thankfully), but as far as market share and giving one oversized tech giant arguably too much power over the internet, we've basically come full circle.

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    Nova Launcher, savior of cruft-filled Android phones, is on life support
  • I felt like Nova's not being special was what made it special. It was the closest to stock android while having a bunch of little tweaks here and there that allowed for more custom setups.

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    The Government Spends Millions to Open Grocery Stores in Food Deserts. The Real Test Is Their Survival.
  • Ever been to a dollar general that sells groceries? The ones near me frequently sell out of 25-30% of the groceries they offer, and then don't get restocked for a couple of weeks. And we have traditional grocery stores nearby and a Walmart 10 miles away. I wouldn't trust DG Market to reliably provide groceries for a community if no other options were available.

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    Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win | Trumpist county election officials are preparing to throw the process into chaos.
  • Watching Trump's press conference from Mar-a-lago the other day, and hearing his excuses for why he isn't out on the road campaigning, it struck me that the narrative that he's moping around depressed that he's losing isn't the whole story.

    He's got Vance out pretending to campaign, while he and his buddies are sitting around coming up with plan B. He's probably had calls with dozens of Republican governors and is getting teams of "alternate electors" together (the Stephen Miller interview on Ari Melber's show made it pretty clear that they still see that as a perfectly legal strategy). Donald may know "it's over" but that just means he's going to get more desperate and we've already seen what desperate Trump can do with 2 months of prep, I'm not looking forward to seeing what he can do with 5 months.

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    Gay student says "Coach" Tim Walz protected him from homophobic bullies
  • Because good people - the people who would make the best leaders, aren't narcissistic enough to believe they should run for president. They're happy helping in whatever way they can, but they generally don't have the audacity to think they have any business trying to run for the most powerful position in government. Partially because they're humble, but also they aren't in it for power, they just want to help people.

    There's definitely a conversation to be had that the role of president should be one of humility and neighborliness, but there's a group of voters in America who just want somebody who can throw their dick around on the world stage and intimidate the rest of the world like a pro wrestler. And most politician types try to be both the helpful neighbor and pro wrestler, but end up seeming fake and not very genuine because usually both the macho and the neighborly aspects are an act, and they just want power.

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    Cate Blanchett Just Wore 102 Old Spoons On The Red Carpet
  • The article doesn't mention anything about the weight, so to satisfy my own curiosity I just got a rough measurement of the weight of a spoon head (I didn't remove the handle from the spoons I measured, so instead I let the handle rest on the counter, off the scale). Based on what I could come up with, that many spoon heads would weigh between 1.5 and 2 kilograms. Which seems quite high, and many of the spoons on that outfit look quite a bit larger than the ones I measured (although they might be thinner or a lighter metal).

    I wonder if the designer did anything to dampen the noise as well, because that many spoons rattling with every step seems like it would be quite loud.

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    He's too old to be president. Sleepy Don.
  • There is more to schedule when doing large rallies than just the flights, Even just getting venues lined up on what is probably a short notice compared to most events those venues host. It's probably easier to spend a little extra money and time on flights than try to coordinate all your venues and flights to minimize travel distance.

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    Democratic Party’s choice of Harris was undemocratic − and the latest evidence of party leaders distrusting party voters.
  • When those of us who actually bothered to vote for Biden in our primaries this year, Kamala was on the Ballot as well. And while I can't speak for everyone, I voted with the understanding that Biden probably wouldn't live to complete a second term, and my vote was as much for Harris as it was for Biden. Harris was democratically elected as Biden's replacement if something happened to him. It's valid to say the circumstances were a bit unexpected, but we still voted with the understanding that she was almost certainly going to have to step up at some point.
