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I wonder what Bor, norse king of the gods, has to say about Isr*el that warrants mentioning.

General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 18
  • I just encountered a man on Twitter who has a suspiciously bloodthirsty and fast responding audience despite being a literal nobody with nothing to his name. Bots or is the right wing reactionary brainrot just that strong?

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    Israeli troops refusing to follow commands for Rafah ground invasion
  • Probably more out of fear than compassion.

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    One thousand protestors board Gaza Freedom Flotilla in a heroic attempt to break the siege on Gaza
  • More power to them, but there is a 90% chance Israel is going to blow them up.

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    US intelligence agencies are now admitting that Putin likely did not order opposition leader Navalny's death.
  • I'm going to assume that most people who reply to this article are suddenly going to doubt US intelligence because their hate for Putler trumps all common sense.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • They think that getting rid of TikTok will make all the protests disappear.

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    Columbia University threatens to deploy National Guard to evict Gaza solidarity encampment
  • I think they're hoping that a massacre of college students will shut this shit down and scare everyone into never questioning Is*ael ever again. Which is probably not how that's gonna go.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • It's so obvious that this was expedited because Israel asked them to. I see people on Reddit and Twitter still acting like this is a good thing and I'm not sure how many of them are just stupid and how many of them are bad actors. Anyone talking about TikTok only being banned because it's "Chinese Spyware" is a fool.

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    Columbia University threatens to deploy National Guard to evict Gaza solidarity encampment
  • I'm expecting a false flag any day now to paint the protesters as dangerous

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    🤡Blinken🤡 discovers a genocide, just not the one his regime is aiding and abetting, turns out the actual genocide is not in Gaza it's in Xinjiang.
  • It has never been more clear that Xinjiang shit is pure, unadulterated projection. There is 100% a genocide against muslims going on, but it's nowhere near China.

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    At Kent State University hundreds protest speech by homicidal neofascist Kyle Rittenhouse
  • If Kyle wants to be on the news so bad, he should weigh in on the Gaza Genocide. Nice, easy clout for him.

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    What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #24
  • Yeah I think that's a big part of it. My desire to learn what happened was so overpowering it's all I could think about.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 16
  • Personally, I'm pretty sure Taylor Swift is a federal agent at this point. So her new work being AI generated would be a hilarious cherry on top.

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    What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #24
  • Terrible lol. Well hopefully the new story is good enough to suck in me fast

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 16
  • Not to be melodramatic but I think whatever was left of our Democracy just died today. The new defense bill went through, meaning Billions of dollars to our satellite countries, including Nazi occupied Ukraine, and the remarkably unpopular Israeli regime. The TikTok ban just got pushed through, which has a lot of language that basically means the US government has just severely limited free speech online.

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    What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #24
  • I just started Horizon Forbidden West. I actually loved the first game, but trouble is I finished it about 6 years ago. So I'm struggling to remember the characters and game echanics.

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    US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • I feel like the fact that we have troops stationed all over Africa and no one ever mentions it until they leave is concerning.

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    Yes, yes, we are all paid by the Chinese government 😂
  • I always wonder about memes like this. Is it more projection because our governments have to pay people to act like they're content with the current regimes?

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    The “lesser evil” condemning Iran act of self defense after Israel destroyed their embassy and killed top military officials
  • Both sides bad, but only one side is actively trying to provoke big wars in 3 different theaters

  • Hello friends, if you're a Zoomer like me (Well maybe, I was born in '96 so I'm either the last Millennial or the first Gen Z) you may have noticed that we're often the butt of many jokes. "The worst generation of snowflakes ever" or something of that nature. I will admit, we seem a little strange compared to old folks but when you actually take a step back and look at the facts it makes perfect sense.

    1. Zoomers have dumb language. One of the biggest things Zs get mocked for is lingo: Skibidibop rizz with the gyatt, deadass smh at my goofy ahh uncle. Took me a while to realize it, but when's it's not just memespeak the reason there are so many nonsense words floating around now is because big tech and social media has become so ludicrously censor happy that you need to talk like a fucking baby to avoid getting your post flagged for one reason or another. Even saying too many normal words in the "wrong order" is enough to get shadowbanned these days.

    2. Kids are inside and on their phones too much. What the fuck else are you expecting them to do? Putting aside the 2 year lockdown due to a pandemic, there's not many options for outside activities. Parks and playgrounds and other things just aren't safe a lot of the times. Whether it's animals, shady characters, or the jungle gym being delapidated. Teens can't go to the malls anymore because they're all closing and anywhere they gather is immediately swarmed with the cops. Nowadays, you go to any big city and the most happening spot is a McDonald's or something because at least you can eat and socialize without getting dirty looks.

    3. Z's are immature and rely on their parents for everything. I had a professor tell me that a not insignifigant amount of zoomers show up to job interviews with their parents and that's bad. I'll admit that everyone needs to grow up eventually but...when did attentive parents become a bad thing? Most older people I know had a bad relationship with their folks or they passed away early, so they were forced to mature sooner. Now this one is purely subjective because I can't speak for every 20 something and their parents but this just seems like another generational gap that's caused by shifting social values.

    I can go on but I just had to jot all this down. The kids aren't crazy, you're just just not noticing how hard they've been hit by the downward spiral of the western world.


    Not even going to post a particularly cringe and creepy NAFO meme I found but that's what sealed it. Acknowledgement is confirmation as far as shill sccounts go.


    Steam accused of deleting reviews for the Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

    I don't doubt it, but I think what's really happening is that they're getting rid of spam reviews by people who don't actually own the game and just leaving negative feedback for culture war purposes.

    A lot of outrage over Kill the Justice League. Just imagine how much better life would be if young people could get this spun up over real problems like, you know, genocide or gas prices.


    This shit is only going to escalate now that soldiers are able to come back from the genocide with absolutely zero reprecussions. The fact that this isn't front page news, that two foreign military personnel just carried out a chemical terrorist attack, is insane.


    Apparently the 14th Waffen SS was unique in that it was the sole branch of the Nazis that didn't do anything Nazi like, and never attacked the other Allies. Nope, just fought the communists.

    How convenient.


    First of all, it's written in the most flowery and self aggrandizing way possible. The group is referred too as a "successful counter to Russian propaganda", meanwhile their actual sponsors and leaders are left notably unmentioned.

    What do they actually do? Oh they just post irrevent memes. NOT PROPAGANDA, memes. Nothing meant to be taken seriously of course lol.

    There is a reception section, and a recognition section, but no "criticism" section. Surely there are people out there who don't support this group right? According to Wikipedia, there is not. Every pushback comes from the Russians, the vatniks, and the orcs. No one cares about the harassment or the slurs, at least no one who matters.

    As you can see in this image, the way Wikipedia is set up you'd need some notable source that claims that the group is divisive in some way...except there are no notable sources because all of the approved media says they're the heroes.

    If there was ever any doubt that the doge pfps had government/corporate backing here you go. You aren't even allowed to mention them in a negative context. !

    6 South Korea U-turns on 69-hour working week after youth backlash

    Protesters claim proposed increase in hours would risk health and fail to boost low birth rate

    They were fully prepared to turn the working populace into slave labor and then the government was shocked to see that descision was unpopular.

    One thing that catches my eye about this article is that the Guardian specifies "young people" as the cause for the pushback, Gen Z and Millennials, as if everyone else would be perfectly fine working until they fucking die. Just more "Zoomers bad" rhetoric.


    Isn't it interesting how libs and cons are both fine with the romantic idea of revolution until someone actually seriously suggests doing something drastic? Y'know, in minecraft?


    How fucking deep does this go?

    I know I sound like an r/conspiracy poster but this is absolutely insane. Even the Pope is telling everyone to send all they can to Ukraine. No other charity, no other warzone, JUST Ukraine. The same Ukraine that just outlawed Orthodox Christianity and suddenly has Neo-Nazi rituals and witches all over their social media. This is a scheme, there's no other explanation, this is a massive money laundering operation. If a person can't see that at this point, they're beyond help.

    Maybe the US finally ran out of free money to give and that's why it's being called "donations" now instead of lethal aid or humanitarian assistance.


    Ron is more concerned about people looking for food and supplies after surviving a disaster than the actual relief for the disaster.

    4 - YouTube

    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

    The entire "joke" is that the evil Chinese are spying on you and you should be afraid of them. At this point, I that every TV show over here that gets really popular is obligated to start blasting pure propaganda at the viewer.


    Putting aside all the Elon Musk drama, this stuff is just annoying to have to see. "I hate the far left !and the far right." First of all, false equivalence, secondly like that's such a bold statement. Newsflash: Everyone hates extremists. I defy you to find a single person who likes them. But more than that the problem is how many people quietly believe far right bullshit and think it's normal. Most Nazis aren't goose stepping Hitler cosplayers, they're just bigoted people who don't see themselves as such. The kind of people who claim to be centrists that "hate both sides" are just fashies who are afraid to be upfront about it.**

    1 Newspaper Ad for Raunchy Tawawa on Monday Manga Draws Ire

    The global gender equality group UN Women deems ad "unacceptable," calls for explanation from The Nikkei newspaper

    Basically some genius thought it was a great idea to put a teenager with gigantic boobs getting fondled "playfully" in a newspaper and the fine men and women of the UN did not care for it.

    I missed it by a few days but the weeb community is in an uproar that all those stuffy politicians can't see the beauty of sexualized minors like they can.


    On Reddit, there are two ways to see Russian people: Brainwashed toddlers who have no idea what's going on in Ukraine or hordes of viscous, evil orcs (the amount of Tolkien lingo I've seen to describe this conflict is disturbing. I don't think he'd want anything to do with it.) that should be destroyed. On Twitter, it's common to see Ukranian journalists, probably Nazi simps themselves, call for the average Russian civillian to be punished and equate their culture to some warlike barbarian tribe. And on Facebook, you can just say "Kill all Russians" and get away with it.

    Like I always knew that the West was slowly sliding into fascism, but I did expect it to happen this quickly.
