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CNN Presents Health and Wellness
  • I have but only for the length of the initial honeymoon period. Once the new and shiny wears off, every job has been a net drag on my mental well-being or at best- inconsequential to my overall mental health.

    In hindsight, had I stuck out the ones that felt inconsequential for a little longer, then I'm sure those would have been a drag as well

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    "participants who had access to an AI assistant wrote significantly less secure code" and "were also more likely to believe they wrote secure code" - 2023 Stanford University study published at CCS23
  • It seems to me that if one can adequately explain the function of their pseudocode in adequate detail for an LLM to turn it into a functional and reliable program, then the hardest part of writing the code was already done without the LLM.

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  • The Dems will preserve a political model that’s at least malleable.

    Much like during covid when they gave preferential treatment to themselves while simultaneously working to remove the Green party from ballots.

    -More to the point your comment runs contrary to reality and the very nature of the joke pointed out in the meme.

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    What are some words you swear people use to try and sound smart?
  • Peach, plum, cherry, apricot, pluot.... and it goes on extensively. There are lots of different stonefruits out there all with very different flavors.

    Tangentially related there's an artist that has been trying to make a tree with the most diverse number of storefruit producing branches grafted onto it.

    A Tree Grows 40 Different Types of Fruit

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    Iran backs China-Brazil peace plan for Ukraine war
  • ...since its been two years...

    Ten. It's been ten years and the fact that so many people ignore this unfortunately makes the "Russian assets" argument look all that more legitimate. –It is a dumb argument but people really need to stop acting like this just started in 2022.

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    Jon Stewart presses for a breakthrough to get the first 9/11 troops full care
  • In his Weekly Show podcast this past week he offered a lot of commentary about his experience trying to get that initial burn-pits bill passed in government. It was interesting and worth listening to.

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    She ate a poppy seed salad just before giving birth. Then they took her baby away.
  • When I did some reading on this subject in the past what I came across was that there is a difference between washed poppy seeds an unwashed poppy seeds which Is exactly as it sounds. Unwashed poppy seeds have a higher opiate content due to a thin coating on the outside that they likely picked up while still inside the seed pod. That seed pod is the primary source of opium. So, basically It can boil down to what company the poppy seeds were sourced from and whether or not they had been rinsed off with water prior to hitting the market.

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    How to deal with exhaustion?
  • It won't solve everything but exercise and eating right can go a long way to ensure you're not antagonizing what I am assuming is your clinical depression that I suspect is what you are in treatment for.

    The dealing with "everything" -you could try to find what specific issues are most important to you. Find out what you can do about them locally and participate in doing that perhaps through volunteering or otherwise. -That's what I try to do. Volunteering keeps my mind occupied and engaged in a healthier manner than doom-scrolling. It also makes me feel like I'm contributing to a solution (limited though it may be.) It's also good to figure out and try to accept that which may be beyond your control, but I don't want to overstep.

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • Do public schools not teach keyboarding anymore? I ask because I had a keyboarding classe two-hrs 1day per week in grade school plus a full class one year in 7th grade and then again for a full year in high school, and they were always taught by some of the oldest teachers in the school. -My high-school teacher started his career teaching typewriter typing something like three or four decades prior to teaching me in 2004. It seems strange that new young people aren't getting that same basic education.

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    Onion in shame at what reality produces...
  • ...but they are a legitimate government as much as you don’t like it and the people have the right to sort their...

    I'm Indifferent, though I see your point. I thought your numbers undercut your argument before you elaborated. Thanks for the follow-up.

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    Onion in shame at what reality produces...
  • 30 years of war? Are you including their initial war with the USSR in that statement? Otherwise that sounds like a 50% rounding error.
