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Seattle Is Never Coming Back: Reflections on the DNC
  • "so-called" Chicago was "uninhabitable" that week? yeah, right.

    I appreciate the after-action report for its perspective but the hyperbolic first paragraph set an alien tone that did not serve the the rest of the article.

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    How cheap/expensive is your cost of living in a low-cost area and a small paid off home?
  • I spend about $1500/yr on home insurance, average about $4,000/yr on home upkeep (repairs, improvements), another $1500/yr on property taxes, and maybe $2,000 on utilities including garbage collection. 1050sf SFH on Chicago's West Side.

    So let's say $9K/yr, which is about 14% of my income.

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    Where to put a smartphone if you move fast and need it always at hand?
  • I bike and I have a pouch that wraps around the strap of my messenger bag. The trick is I put it on the inside of the strap, between the strap and my chest. Accessible and immobile.

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    Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?
  • Stephin Merritt is the greatest songwriter of my generation. My favorite song is "100,000 Fireflies" but another good one to start with is "All My Little Words".

    My favorite local band is Chicago's Zapruder Point. The song that got me hooked was "You Are Not Your Own" but my favorite overall is the heartbreaking "Big Sister (I Never Had)".

    PSA: All the links I posted have their tracking info trimmed off, which is best practice when sharing links.

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    Thoughts about the 4B movement?
  • It sounds like it is response to a very specific social environment; I don't know how effective it is within that environment but I wish them the best of luck.

    I do think in particular the switch they are trying to make in public consciousness from referring to women as "unmarried" towards referring to them as "single" is an important switch, though, as it fights the framing if marriage as default.

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    Is "retard" a slur?
  • Yes it's a slur. Slurs work like this: "You are like {minority group} and {minority group} is bad so you are bad." It's an insult to the individual addressed and an entire group of people at the same time.

  • "The French don't deserve our thanks!" said Tom mercilessly.
