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https:// /2024/02/23/1233424762/tucker-carlson-putin-interview-analysis

Tucker Carlson did not ask Putin about how so many of his opponents wind up imprisoned and murdered, or the warrant the International Criminal Court has out for his arrest for war crimes in Ukraine.

https:// /2024/02/15/1231690415/plastic-recycling-waste-oil-fossil-fuels-climate-change

Recycling "does not solve the solid waste problem," the head of a plastics trade group said in 1989, around the time the industry was launching its recycling campaign.

https:// /2024/02/06/1229490663/congress-devolves-into-chaos-over-border-and-national-security-funding

After months of bickering Congress remains completely unable to agree on any legislation on border security or aid to Israel and Ukraine — all priorities that a majority of lawmakers agree are needed.

Right-Wingers Say Super Bowl Is Rigged So Taylor Swift Can Endorse Biden
  • I like how you casually drop a ridiculous conspiracy at the top. Just how exactly would the rigging work? Are all the owners in on it? The players too? The refs? Vendors? What about Kapernick? Is he in on it too? Maybe I am in in it too?

  • https:// /2024/01/28/1227459949/house-gop-impeachment-articles-homeland-security-mayorkas-border-immigration

    Republicans contend Mayorkas' "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" on immigration amounts to "high crimes and misdemeanors" for failing to manage the U.S.-Mexico border.

    https:// /2024/01/27/1227116952/fulton-county-ga-2024-election-workers

    Even though two 2020 election workers in Fulton County, Ga., endured an onslaught of threats and harassment following baseless fraud claims, people there are eager to serve as poll workers this year.

    1 Is Trump Really, Truly Going to Be a Dictator?

    His intellectual defenders make their case that the danger is overblown.

    His intellectual defenders make their case that the danger is overblown.

    https:// /2024/01/22/1225915161/new-hampshire-primary-trump-haley

    The state could be the last stand for Republicans who don't want Donald Trump to be their nominee again. There likely won't be another opportunity with such a moderate Republican electorate.

    Four more years of unchecked misogyny. In a second Trump term, women would once again be targets
  • Anyone who votes for this asshole is, at the very least, okay with all kinds of shitty behavior. From making fun of people with medical conditions, denigrating all stripes of non-white, non-male folks, all the way to attempting to prevent the transfer of presidential administrations through force; All of it is owned by anyone who votes for Trump.

  • https:// /2024/01/10/1224021556/hunter-biden-surprise-contempt-appearance

    Hunter Biden, the president's son, appeared in the audience at a congressional hearing on holding him in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify behind closed doors.

    https:// /2024/01/06/1222875311/voting-rights-act-section-2

    Republican state officials are advancing new legal arguments in the courts that threaten to erode the Voting Rights Act's protections against racial discrimination in the election process.

    Trump says he hopes any economic crash would happen before he could serve a possible second term
  • It's remarkable how little this guy understands how economies work. And what the fuck does this bone head know about Hoover? Is he parroting one of his advisors?

  • https:// /2024/01/09/1222887973/trump-immunity-from-prosecution

    Lawyers for the former president will make a sweeping argument that he enjoys blanket immunity from federal prosecution for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

    9 Which 2024 elections are flying under the radar?

    The under-the-radar elections to watch in 2024.

    The under-the-radar elections to watch in 2024.

    https:// /2024/01/05/1222859510/supreme-court-colorado-ballots

    The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a dispute about whether Donald Trump should be disqualified from the ballot after the Capitol riot three years ago.

    6 Utah Bills Itself as “Family-Friendly” Even as Lawmakers Have Long Neglected Child Care

    Federal relief had improved access to child care. But when funding expired, the state rejected proposals to replace it. Some advocates say the historical influence of the LDS church has added to the resistance.

    Federal relief had improved access to child care. But when funding expired, the state rejected proposals to replace it. Some advocates say the historical influence of the LDS church has added to the resistance.

    https:// /2024/01/04/1222896035/foreign-governments-paid-millions-to-trumps-companies-while-he-was-president

    A report by House Democrats documents $7.8 million in payments from at least 20 foreign governments to Trump's businesses during his presidential term.

    This year is set to be a consequential one in U.S. politics
  • Wish Biden had stepped aside, regardless, I like many, would vote for a piece of lettuce over Trump. Don't get me wrong, Biden has been better than expected, but he is so old!

  • https:// /2023/12/31/1219801308/china-covid-restictions-one-year-later

    A year ago, China lifted its draconian COVID restrictions. Many expected the country to bounce back quickly. That hasn't happened.

    70º in December
  • Two years ago, a "once in a hundred years" wind storm downed trees that had been around for decades. Many of them fell on houses, garages, etc. Last year, the once in a hundred years wind storm took down even more. We haven't had the every hundred year storm this year yet but I am expecting it. The issues are serious.

    On a positive note, more of us are adding our voices and resources to combat the profiteers. Join us if you can.

  • https:// /2023/12/16/1219849745/fda-lead-applesauce-children-cinnamon

    The Food and Drug Administration is working with Ecuadorian authorities to investigate Negasmart, who has been supplying cinnamon to the three recalled applesauce brands.

    https:// /2023/12/15/1219048410/giuliani-defamation-trial-money-georgia-election-workers

    The former mayor of New York helped Donald Trump try to overturn his 2020 election loss, and in the process spread lies about election workers in battleground states.

    What is your unpopular flim opinion
  • Batman returns is really dumb. The movie craftsmanship (or whatever) is well done but the premise is just so stupid (to me). I feel this way about all super hero films, I just can't get past that the source is comic books for kids. I cannot take them seriously.

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    About 30% of Denver’s downtown office space is vacant — and that doesn’t include “zombie buildings"
  • I wonder if real estate investors are still hopeful of a comeback or if they are trying to think of new uses. Office park real estate, must be particularly hard hit - who would rent those horrors now that they can afford a place in a highrise.

    It's hard not to schadenfreude thinking about all the predicament of the owners of the cynically bland environments they tried to stuff us in.... And they wanted us to pay for parking on top of it. Hoping we never go back.

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    Judging from the level of complaints, air travel is getting worse
  • I, for one, would like to see more water-based everything. Especially motion pictures. For instance, a movie about that swimming guy, what was his name? Aquatic Man was it?

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    'Make me look sexy': Don Jr. urges courtroom sketch artist to work her magic
  • Since policy, facts, and that sort of thing don't seem to matter, let's focus on what does. The Trump family is really ugly, grotesque even. Donald looks super weird because of his skin tone and that ridiculous hair style. The Juniors both have fairly ugly faces which can't be 'normalized' even with a beard. Therefore they should lose all court cases + lose any future elections. Also, these facts are proof that the 2020 election was legit.

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    The World's Map of Billionaires: inherited vs company founders vs executives
  • The link to the source of the data was broken and I didn't search around but I was curious how they defined inherited. To be in this class, did they have to inherit a billion dollars? A million? Come from upper middle class? If close to 30 percent are inheriting upwards of a billion, that is a lot.

    And look at Russia, yikes! Shows a deep corruption. How that country doesn't devolve into a Venezuela/Liberia/take-your-pick, I do not know
