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Programmer tries to explain binary search to the police
  • go halfway. if bj at halfway, go .75. if facial at .75, go the middle of halfway and .75. boom: vaginal intercourse.

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    Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates. Behind Every Self-Made Millionaire is a Father with Money
  • this thread makes me realize even lemmy users are far up billionaires assholes

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    They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed
  • you can share your screenshot with the mechanic before you go in for repairs

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    The Girl in the Window, Kabukicho 歌舞伎町
  • Tumblr photography vibes

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    Group seeks to clear names of all accused, convicted or executed for witchcraft in Massachusetts
  • lmao this would literally take them being like "lol we're down". then the secretary of the board will take their pardon something symbolic template and Ctrl+r. then the same secretary will edit the MS word doc of the agenda with like one sentence "Resolution to pardon witches" whatever. media will get wind of it maybe, people will come out and celebrate something fun and symbolic, they'll pass it. good spirits woopdiedoo fun for the community. why your heart made of stone bro?

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    Colbert Rips New Speaker’s Pathetic Maine Shooting Response
  • it's called an analogy you donkey

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    I don't dream of labor
  • not outsmarted because the people on top are complete idiots, but essentially yes. the people on top will always have the power to revolutionize(not in a good way) the instruments of production to suit their needs and the common working people of the world will be the ones living in the consequences of their actions.

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    Even the Tesla Cybertruck's Brake Lights Don't Make Sense
  • yeah they're still capable cars if you can get over the terrible QA off the line. but like it or not, buying a Tesla these days is almost like making a political statement. it's just way more annoying to own one these days than something that's more low profile

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    I don't dream of labor
  • I'd type more but I'm at work and don't have the time to go into further detail.

    enough said

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    Add-on: same password, same identity.
  • you literally described the exact use case for password managers. in security, it's not about IF you get breached, it's WHEN and how to recover from it. this includes cloud password managers. you can hack all the data you want from these companies but any reputable password manager company will employ a Zero Trust model where your data is stored encrypted. they can completely upend the company and destroy their whole infrastructure, but they still can't do shit unless they have your master pass or a time machine.

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    Even the Tesla Cybertruck's Brake Lights Don't Make Sense
  • honestly, if you even buy an Elonmobile these days, it's kind of embarrassing... people will make fun of you behind your back now because of it and weird Elon bros will approach you. I had so many middle aged Elon bros come up to me and peddle crypto to me while I was charging, it's crazy. you really really have to be a super moron Elon fan to buy one today

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    Netanyahu: Defeating Hamas will make prophecy of Isaiah a reality
  • crazy how people are finally paying attention to Netanyahu now but I still remember him as fuckin donkey who can't form a government to save his life. nobody liked him before this, let's try to remember that...

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    MBTA's new Green Line Extension problems worse than reported, Eng reveals
  • the people of Boston realize that the politicians have completely fleeced us right? has there been any city works project that hasn't been an absolute failure that the people of Boston aren't still suffering from? they keep building things that fail immediately...

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    Colbert Rips New Speaker’s Pathetic Maine Shooting Response
  • I used to never smoke weed because it was so hard to get it just wasn't worth the effort. Now that it's legal and there's a dispo right there, I always have my weed on me. availability matters.

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    I don't dream of labor
  • this reads like a capitalist propaganda leaflet that falls out of the sky for you to read in the 1940s. what if I told you that you can have a functioning society that isn't predicted on exploitation of labor and doesn't require you to live like a hermit in the forest. you should read some Adam Smith or some shit if you're going to talk about labour division and specialization as if it's a good thing. you can laud it all you want, but Smith is very clear this is a system of masters and labourers where society is built on your masters giving you just enough rent so you can afford to pay another (or even the same) master back while you and the other laborers compete against each other in a labor market while the masters watch. he even warns if you divide too much, you end up with a pile of shit. we're there now. we're a pile of shit. nobody wants to work their meaningless job that was sold to them on this capitalist American dream thought up by a bunch of anglos from 1790.

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    I call iggy
  • ty beanies are infinitely less of a scam than crypto too. even if your beanie baby was worth nothing, at least you still had a physical stuffed animal that you can wipe your tears with. wtf are people doing with their Google drive hosted jpeg?

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  • "fuck around find out" usually comes after the stupid
