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What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • Yeah - really confusing. I worked it out as (c.) 6 inches and then further confused myself as to why I was thinking inches from metres. Wild. Luckily I’ve lived with both metric and imperial and am apparently bilingual.

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    What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • Smoking (anything) close to non-smokers is a person problem. Like folk who play their music audibly on transport. It’s selfish and anti social.

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    How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • An actual, real, self-confessed, Hitler-loving Nazi? Yes. I’d punch them until my arm fell off and then I’d borrow my friend’s arm to punch them some more…

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    is it safe to let a water heater to be unplugged for ~3—6 months at a time?
  • Pretty sure UK law is/was: hot water stored at 60+, distributed (i.e. out of the tap) at 50+. Cold should be stored and distributed under 20. It’s astonishingly common in the UK for hospitals, hotels, care homes etc to have a tap-running check list where an individual runs unused taps for a set time (30 seconds?) every so often. In my limited experience your shower head is the badboy you need to pay most attention to - but that’s purely anecdotal.

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    is it safe to let a water heater to be unplugged for ~3—6 months at a time?
  • Legionella’s disease is probably what the someone was on about. Have a quick scan of the wiki article if you want. Any water that is left in a system and does nothing “may” become an issue. If the system was drained down before hibernation and crucially refilled BEFORE powering up you would be in safer territory immediately. Whoever definitively answers this question for you should have no problem with you asking for their qualification and experience in the water safety field.

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    jordan peter(ule)son
  • Yeah, sorry. I forgot the cows. His entire diet is: “beef, benzos and word salad.” I wish that, just for once, he’d drink a large glass of “shut-the-fuck-up” one day.

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    Keith is a giant crab
  • I think this dude is the guy I remember from Mastodon - I didn’t spend much time there. Pens some real bangers if so.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • I’m sorry to hear that. I hope life becomes slower and calmer for you in the future. I don’t read anything into up or down votes. I just open my fat stupid mouth and anonymously comment. Sometimes people like it, sometimes they don’t. Voting is more a reflection of the people you talk to. I’m sure the first person who said the world was round and circled the sun would have been downvoted into oblivion back in the day, but… gestures broadly at modern astronomy. Don’t sweat it.

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    What stands out the most about you?
  • Couple of teeth, bit of an ear, part of a finger plus a couple of dents on my flesh. Something very big went “boom” near me. I’m also a bit deaf in one ear. I am incredibly lucky to have survived, let alone walk out. All of it will be patched up apart from the finger - even my hearing might come back. You might not notice if you pass me on the street but if you sat opposite me you probably would. It’s no big thing.

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    Why limit immigration?
  • It’s easier for most people to believe that different coloured or dressed folk, or those that look the same but speak differently, are the reason your life is difficult. It couldn’t possibly be the people that look and sound like you that are your problem. In the UK it’s been said before that a white British guy in a factory job has more in common with a Jamaican bricklayer or a Polish chamber maid than they do with Boris Johnson. I believe that position.

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    What stands out the most about you?
  • That I’m missing a couple of body parts… nothing that big, major or important though so it doesn’t really hinder me.

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    Time for it
  • I don’t think they’re suggesting the entire world becomes a giant foster home. That’s not really the spirit of this post.
