This, I've known people who got knocks on their door by the FBI and SS for posting dumb shit they weren't serious about as a "joke." They take that shit seriously I guess only when its lone wolves that can't do as much damage and not people rich enough to fund a small army.
Which would be worse for him: someone actually trying to do so as a result of said post, or realizing that no one wants to because no one cares enough about him?
Actually, I suspect he's implying that nobody's trying to assassinate Harris because all the democracy-hating assassins are on her side, or she's the one setting them up, or something to that effect.
It's still the sort of slander which in a reasonable world he'd be called on, but that seems unlikely
Conservatives love the quote "the shrub of freedom needs to be watered with the blood of parrots from a time to another time", so they've got a healthy dosage of normalizing violence.
They also LARP about Rome, which had a long and storied tradition of assassination. Famously, citizens of the republic were encouraged to strangle anyone who tried to become King... right up until they didn't.
Anyway, the Romans weren't always monsters; they just usually were.
Typically the first amendment is going to protect you when you say most things. The types of things you definitely don't want to say are specific threats.
But there was a sad situation in Colorado where the courts ruled that a guy could be locked up for saying that he wished that bad things fell upon some judges, even though he definitely didn't say or imply that he was going to do them. So if you want to rely on the Colorado precedent, maybe there's something to work with, but it's a pretty terrible precedent.
That all being said, let's not wish death on anyone. Even if it's someone who's done horrible things, let's just wish that they're forced to retire early and either get locked up in prison, if they committed crimes, or live out there lives in miserable condition in some community that we never have to visit or think about.
The big thing seems to be “is there reason to believe that the person saying this believes it will cause people to illegally act in accordance”. I’m some lady on the internet, if I say Nazis should be punched I don’t think I’m going to convince anyone to actually do it, instead I think I’m contributing to a cultural milieu of hostility towards fascists. Elon musk has fans, he has a legitimate platform. He has every reason to think someone might shoot the vice president over this, especially since he’s calling to the same group that has already attempted to shoot the other presidential candidate twice in three months, and particularly because that group in question is people who voted for that guy.
Closed my X account a couple days ago. He's truly gotten out of control and my feed had become riddled with conspiracy theory fear-mongering garbage. Good riddance. I encourage others to leave as well, it's the only way he's held accountable unfortunately.
Yeah because everybody everywhere doesn't want then dead/irrelevant.
I get a kick out of it STILL only being trump people who are trying to kill trump. It's like if reality were trying to paint trump supporters in an overly negative and biased light.
The left has been fairly successfully persuaded not to initiate violence. For better or for worse, and I believe it to be better, that’s the case. The right wing is being radicalized to violence and the emperor has no clothes. It’s not surprising that it’s his former voters shooting at him, he keeps lying to them and telling them to get violent.
That's not exactly true. He has lost a massive amount of public respect. He bought Twitter and now the company is worth much less than it was before. His credibility has gone down considerably in the last few years.
With the way klansmen in Ohio fell on the local Haitian automotive workforce like ravenous hyenas, I don't think you need more than that to turn certain people in the US absolutely feral.
Just whisper "Kamala Harris ate my dog" into the Internet and you'll have a military parade of psycho rednecks calling for her head.
hmm. This gives me an idea, do you think we should just manufacture an entire campaign, only to come out and be like "haha got you, get trolled idiots"
that would be really funny, i think. It would probably make the republican party worse, but they would probably get closer to imploding anyway.