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Bon Apetite!
  • It makes very good food (mostly meat) and due to above observation many sous vide recipes call for a quick sear at the end of cook time.

    Ideally it's done with specific bags designed to be used at high temperature, even if the temperatures aren't as high as oven temps.

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    So foraging?
  • Shooting guns is fun and while I don't morally completely oppose hunting, I think that's the bigger factor in what you're referring to as opposed to killing an animal.

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    Kotaku being Kotaku
  • Sandboxes are literally grounds for infinite creativity. Just look at The Lego Movie. No, if there's an issue with this movie it's that they aren't using the sandbox to its full potential, at least as far as our initial impressions can tell us. We have all seen every single one of the story beats shown in the trailer before in other movies.

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    'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • The system leaves us with a binary choice. Even the third "option" of inaction is essentially leaving it up to fate at best, and at worst is just handing the controls over.

    The room you're in is sealed, filling with water, and you can access a snorkel or a fire hydrant.

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    'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • In this instance, the moderators specifically refused to be fact checkers and declared that fact checking would be left to the candidates. It was a bit of a missed opportunity that Biden didn't refute more of Trump's falsehoods.

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  • I don't think so. It requires at least some inherent knowledge of tape decks, that they have "head" readers and that those need cleaning.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Death and Blood] The trolley problem USA edition
  • Super fun, pardner. That horse is looking a little sparse, though. Maybe you could draw that horse winning the lottery and subsequently losing most of that money to gambling debts?

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    Amazing attitude
  • Fundamentally I agree that work shouldn't need to be a priority in this situation if the individual doesn't want it to be, but this is like basically the optimal scenario. I wish more companies respected their employees' time and strictly valued results over the appearance of business.

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    Have you ever been to a movie so terrible that you saw people leaving the theater? Which one was it?
  • I can only think of one. The original movie of The Barnyard. It's a kids movie, of course, and it was never going to be great, but kids were asking to leave that movie. That's impressive.

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    Take your FICO and shove it!
  • And your business is highly successful but never profitable because you're always in debt and so are most of your employees and customers.

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    Star Trek: Enterprise x Deep Rock Galactic
  • Spider-Man: Miles Morales x BNA. Of all the superheroes this is probably one of the best crossovers, being a city-bound teenager with animal-themed powers grappling with the establishment.
