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17 September 2024
  • Don't get too close or they'll charge you. And water should be free.

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    A Plan
  • On the contrary, during World War II, French prostitutes would purposely spread venereal disease to nazis. They would also get nazis hooked on heroin.

    Unfortunately, MAGAs tend to already have both those issues.

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    Barely holding everything together
  • Also, you're being co-habited by just a massive amount of bacteria, each of which has their own priorities.

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    "We're creating a story": Vance admits he's making up Haitian immigrant smears
  • Because you don't want your voters to have to think about nuanced issues. You want them to react with pure emotion.

  • Made for my brother's birthday (acryllic paint on canvas). Only problem is, every time I see it, I get the song stuck in my head.


    Acryllic on Canvas.

    My brother's birthday gift, based on Bambi Thug's Eurovision performance of Doomsday Blue.

    Strong Female Characters
  • The Space Between Worlds vy Micaiah Johnson

    A Half-Built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys

    Pretty much anything by Octavia Butler.

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    Trump Says He's Done Debating: 'THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!'
  • Strong Bad said it best: "It's like, even when we win, he wins."

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    Thank you, but nobody is actually eating dogs.
  • Ew, at least shave it first.

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    unutilized instruction
  • No one in Hollywood or on YouTube recalls this. Everytime i see someone on fire I shout "STOP DROP AND ROLL" at the TV, but they just stand there and flail like morons.

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    awHell Naw
  • Just had to spend over $10k on a new air conditioner in the 90F degree heat.

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    Sweet Potato Biscuits with Ham and Cheese, and a Side of Green Beans
  • They were baked. They have a sprinkle of smoked paprika on top. I try to do humaning well by filling up my plate with veggies, but I'd be lying if I said they were anywhere near as good as the sandwich.

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    Burning Up
  • 50F is the perfect temperature.

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    Metazooa Animal #405
  • It helped when I saw the descriptions beneath the tree

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    w h a t t h e h e c k
  • Do you have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?

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    w h a t t h e h e c k
  • Do you have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome?

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    Chili Lime Street Corn Pizza
  • I used this recipe and it's one of the best crusts I've ever made. Or eaten.

  • Acryllic on paper. Inspired by Sonia Purnell's A Woman of No Importance. I normally only paint based on fiction, but after reading about Virginia Hall, real World War II spy, I wanted to do her portrait.

    I tried to do it in the style of this video. I don't know if they thinned out their paint or just have transparent paint, but I immediately covered over my sketch with paint too dark and gave up following along. I still like the way it came out.


    Acryllic on paper. Inspired by Scott Smith's The Ruins. I tried doing this abstract botanical style but it didn't work out for me. I used so much paint on this stupid thing.

    And didn't even like the book. I think it's been too highly praised online. If you go into it expecting a B movie of a book instead of a literary masterpiece, you'll have a better time.


    Recipe. Made on sourdough crust. Forgot the cilantro, but it's still delicious.

    For health reasons.
  • Yes but you have to use twice as much.

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    People need to remember this.
  • I've been told at one office that they didn't allow patients to switch doctors within the same practice. Currently, I live in a very small town, and am on Medicaid. I've been trying to switch to the only other practice in town (my current doctor has made 5+ screw-ups with medication, and has declined to write down my information and make requested referrals), but they're dragging their heels. So I'm not holding my breath that it will be any better. Anyway, I guess my point, apart from the rant, is that the system is even more fucked than you say.

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    What are you looking forward to this week?
  • I'm baking sourdough tomorrow.

  • In almost 5 years of making sourdough, I've only gotten an ear once before. Turns out my starter sucked. When it died (broke the jar, got glass in it) I spent 6 weeks trying and failing to make a new one. I still don't know why it wouldn't work, but I ordered one from King Arthur, and it's healthy and functional.

    I was worried about fermenting this lemon rosemary sourdough since the directions basically only do it for an hour. I wasn't ready to bake yet, so I stuck it in the fridge for a couple hours. It came out beautiful and delicious.


    Mixed media on paper.

    This was inspired by SJ Watson's novel Before I Go to Sleep.

    In brief: Christine suffered a head injury 20-ish years ago and she's had amnesia ever since. Every day she wakes up remembering nothing from her adult life. Recently, she's begun journaling to help herself build a life, and has discovered multiple mysteries. I enjoyed it, found it suspenseful even when I predicted the ending.


    Paper collage inspired by Claire North's novel The Sudden Appearance of Hope.

    Hope has a condition where no one can remember she exists. You could spend an entire day getting to know her intimately, but if she's out of your eye line for 60 seconds, you forget her. The next time you see her, you're meeting her for the first time.

    The concept was great, the execution started off great, but towards the end, the pacing slowed down and it kind of fizzled out.

    Incidentally, I don't have aphantasia, but my inner eye is incapable of holding onto an image. This collage is very similar to how my imagination works. I can picture a person or object, but if I try to focus on it or hold onto a detail, it morphs into something different.


    Acryllic paint and marker on paper.

    Part of my series inspired by fiction books. This is based on Deb Rogers' Florida Woman. The book takes place on a macaque reserve, and some of the monkeys are dangerous carriers of the Herpes B virus, as depicted in the painting.


    This book was more red herring than plot. I don't recommend it.


    Acryllic paint on paper.

    Part of my series inspired by fiction books. This one is based on Ursula K LeGuine's The Lathe of Heaven. I attempted to paint in the style of Alexej von Jawlensky. I didn't enjoy it, and don't feel it turned out well.

    Mount Hood overlooking the city of Portland, OR is a big motif in the book, as is the moon. It's a short read, and a philosophical look at whether we have a responsibility to change things for the better, or avoid making them worse.


    I used king Arthur's whole wheat crust, and loosely followed this recipe for toppings. I could have browned the top a little more, but I was hungry.



    On whole wheat rolls made for !


    Acryllic paint on paper. Part of my series based on whatever fiction I'm reading. This was inspired by CJ Tudor's The Other People.

    I've been trying to do abstracts, but since this book evoked no feelings whatsoever, I had to go in a more literal direction. It's a mediocre thriller with a weird paranormal subplot that leads nowhere.


    We had a Deadpool theme party, one of the activities was a bunch of unicorn coloring pages. I made this one my own with gouache paint.


    Acryllic paint on paper

    Part of a series of abstract paintings inspired by whatever fiction book I'm reading. This one is from Paul Tremblay's The Pallbearers Club.

    Brief book review: Imagine Stranger Things but the only characters are Robin and the kid that bullied Eleven in season 1, and absolutely nothing supernatural or even interesting happens, whatsoever. If you're not into a lot of navel-gazing by self-admittedly unlikable characters and lots of name dropping bands, give this one a miss.


    Ink on paper.

    I'm trying a new thing, where I make abstract art based on whatever fiction book I'm reading. This was inspired by Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus.

    Brief book review: ignore the blurb, the book is no where near as exciting as it promises. But if you're interested in a slow-paced gothic story, with an almost steampunk style of magic and a beautiful aesthetic, it's worth a read.
