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[MEGATHREAD] What did you buy in the Steam Summer Sale?
  • Megaquarium, Big Pharma, Bus Simulator 21.

    All of them are solid.

  • I just installed the CR Touch kit on my Ender 3 Pro. Everything is wired up, but I can't seem to get the Z-Axis offset correct. My process is:

    1. Auto-Home
    2. Step the Z-Axis down until there's slight resistance on a sheet of paper between the nozzle and bed
    3. Take that value (Roughly -1.3) and put it into the Z-Axis Offset value
    4. Level bed

    All of this works, but when the bed is leveling, the CR Touch needle is hitting the bed way earlier than the nozzle by maybe a few mm. When I go to print, there doesn't seem to be adhesion in some places on the glass bed.

    What am I doing wrong? :(

    Which apps do you use for notes and reminders?
  • Man, Omnifocus (and most of the Omni suite) seems so good, but it's so expensive. I absolutely am not opposed to paying for services, but a $10/mo subscription service or a $50+ app seems crazy for a task tracker.
