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Herbalism text suggestions?
  • I'm interested in seeing an answer to this, too.

    For terpenes, please try Ajwain seeds. or pine-needles.

    I prefer pine-needles: the ajwain seeds are just too strong.

    _ /\ _

    Oh, maybe search PubMed for the specific plants you're considering?

    That might provide some medical research papers..

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    Why is predictive text so hard to disable?
  • It's simple:

    Beat the population into learned-helplessness,

    & then all the AI molestingware that the device can run, can be running in it.


    It's just a conditioning-step, is all.

    The profit is in having the population not have any privacy left, & living only within the neuromarketing-platforms that the mainstream operating-systems are becoming.

    It's just a step in the suckerpunching humankind, is all.

    _ /\ _

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    Advice Needed: Viable grass for a catio
  • Try oats: they love eating the shoots.

    When you buy "cat grass", it's oats.

    Just get some whole oats from your local health-food store, & plant 'em, & let your friends eat the stuff to their hearts' content:

    it'll do their health good, too!

    _ /\ _

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    Do you want to tell us something about your religion?
  • I'm of a kind of Vajrayana ( Tibetan AwakeSoulism/Buddhism ) which apparently died-out centuries ago.

    ( I've earned Soul/CellOfGod/Continuum memories from previous lives, in meditation: only 1 of those previous incarnations was human, the rest were mostly insects, like a hornet/bee/wasp probably in central Africa who saw a few humans )

    it's abstract.

    All material-forms, all rituals, etc, are misleading, fundamentally.

    OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/Brahman/G-D/EmitterOfUnconsciousSouls hasn't any form.

    The old testament had something on that: "commandment that no-one ever mistake any form for G-D".

    Carlos Castaneda's guru "Juan Matus" spoke of the real Universe being abstract.

    Basically, it's Science/Engineering of one's Continuum's future-condition.

    Want to be crushed under suffering more? Then crush others under suffering, & wait for the action->reaction, of the meanings emitted by one's continuum eventually are forced back into one's continuum.

    Want to be liberated from reincarnation/Universe's-recycling & all the perpetual cycle-of-birth-life-sickness-injury-death-bardo...birth..?

    THEN all one has to do, is earn shedding SurfaceMind/ego duality ( which Castaneda's tradition called "Crossing Over" & Buddhism calls realizing of Zen: same thing: ego-annihilation ), so only the 2 more-fundamental minds still are in-play,

    then earn the dissolution of one's LifeMind, which is our unconscious & our dreaming-mind, but it can be made fully conscious & capable..

    Earning the dissolution of that leaves only the Soul/Continuum/3rdAttention ( as Castaneda's tradition called it ).

    Once that's done, then one only has to purify it enough so that not-only is it free from Universe's containment/perpetual-recycling, but it eventually gets from inside Universe to outside ( which is Enlightenment: dissolution into OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/GreatSpirit/Brahman/G-D/etc )

    There are 3 kinds of mind which obliterator-force can't understand, from our perspective:

    • Wisdom-seeing-through-phenomena's-lack-of-inherent-nature
    • Faithing ( surrendering-to, relying-on, & being gratitude-for, LivingSpirit, one's BuddhaNature, or other LivingInfinity/SoulGuru )
    • Bodhichitta ( immeasurable compassion for all sentiences, incapable of insecurity. It's what Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph meant when he said "be born in spirit", as NOTHING else comes close to that sentience. I experienced it only for 1-1.5seconds, some years ago )

    Anyways, it's all self-evolution, eradication-of-the-ego/self, sublimation-from-ignorant-matter-to-pure-spirit, & that kind of thing..

    Just providing this for a bit of perspective: most assumption-rivers/religions don't hold that there is some mathematical-form/judo required for a someone to get from their current-condition to their desired improved-condition, but that's essentially how mine works.

    Current condition, desired condition, what is the geometry-of-intent which produces the alteration-of-one's-unconscious-mind that one wants..

    _ /\ _

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    Requirement Management Tool
  • I'm suggesting you invest in reading a book on called "Algebra-Driven Design".

    the reason I'm suggesting it is that the complex-requirements you're being persecuted-by, are exactly the sort of thing that that book can help with.

    ( I'm presuming you code )

    By creating the domain's algebra, & using meta-programming, you can prevent whole categories of bugs.

    I only got part-way into the book ( I'm braindamaged, & have beenfailing to learn programming since the 1980's, when I lost 1/10th of my brain-volume ), but being able to create an APi with ZERO bugs in it, is part of what I'd seen in that book.

    I'm a huge believer in keeping requirements divided into dimensions, & keeping those dimensions orthogonal, because once you fail in doing that, you're fscking doomed.

    Here: got the link for you:

    _ /\ _

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    Can electric woks produce great stir-fry?
  • Sorry, but air-quality damage from gas cooking & air-quality damage from burning cooking-oil have nothing to do with each-other.

    Both create harmful air.

    Cooking with electric stove ( induction seems to be the cheapest, next to microwave, in terms of energy ) removes the air-quality harm done by gas.

    Burning cooking-oil harms air-quality no matter what heating-technology was used to produce the mistake.

    _ /\ _

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    AI Is a Black Box. Anthropic Figured Out a Way to Look Inside
  • To the best of my knowledge, back-propagation IS learning, whether it's happening in a neural-net on a chip, or whether we're doing it, through feedback, & altering our understanding ( so both hard-logic & our wetware use the method for learning, though we use a rather sloppy implimentation of it. )

    & altering the relative-significances of concepts IS learning.

    ( I'm not commenting on whether the new-relation-between-those-concepts is wrong or right, only on the mechanism )

    so, I can't understand your position.

    Please don't deem my comment worthy of answering: I'm only putting this here for the record, is all.

    Everybody can downvote my comment into oblivion, & everything in the world'll still be fine.

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    What is Cara, the anti-AI social media app for artists?
  • You don't have to do ANYthing in order to have copyright on your images.

    That is standard throughout the Berne convention & has been for decades.

    Registering makes court-cases easier to win, but having copyright on one's renditions isn't in any way requiring that one have registered anything with anybody.

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    Text-to-speech options?
  • IF they've the horsepower to run it, I gather there is a reversal of Whisper, called WhisperSpeech, or something like that, which uses an LLM to convert text to speech.


    Here: found it for you.

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    Beehaw, what are your thoughts on Thomas Berry's 10 principles?
  • A question to consider, in the frame-of-reference of these 10:

    What are the rights of rabies-virus?

    It is a form of life, so it must have rights, then, yes?





    Malfunctions happen, chaotically: including malfunctions in genetics, in evolution, in ecology, etc.

    Sometimes correction is required.

    Within an individual, within a population, or within an entire-ecology.

    This 10 doesn't allow that.

    ( also, it is life, not existence, which is the fundamental-validity: lumps of lead exist, they aren't living )

    just the opinions of an autistic rando, is all:

    pay no attention to meanings of mine.

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    “It’s a Silent Fire”: Decaying Digital Movie and TV Show Files Are a Hollywood Crisis
  • Use CD-RW: it records the information in the crystallization of metal.

    It's the ONLY method I've encountered that seems damn-near eternal.

    I've no idea if the DVD-RW discs also are metal-layers.

    The record-1-time media deteriorate, though the AZO chemistry is supposed to last longer.

    Magnetic media all deteriorate.

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    Hi, bees! Outside of news and politics, what kind of topics would you like to see more on Beehaw?
  • Decades ago, I discovered that there are 4 dimensions that need to be covered, in balance, in community news:

    • the Strategic issues, 7+y as a rough guideline, for significance
    • the Tactical issues, 1-3y as a rough guideline
    • the little Pervasive annoyances that never get given a headline, but are a "tax" on people's wellbeing
    • Grow The Good!! community, culture, accomplishments, anchoring people's hope, humanity, validity, etc.

    Leaving-out any 1 of those 4 dimensions has long-term costs.

    this is just what one autist discovered, it doesn't mean you have to think there's any validity in the concept.

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    Democracy is at stake. | An address from Bernie Sanders

    Anybody who pretends that the US hasn't operated as an empire, there is even a book named "How To Hide An Empire" on it.

    That insight ( the link ) of Glubb's was important.

    Please glance at the history backing it, in that table, on that page..

    I believe it is partly that the empire-rulers identity becomes sooo completely mis-matched from the actual composition of the empire, that it is an inevitable self-destruction, at that age of its evolution.
