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  • I must be combining scenes, but I distinctly remember one where it was made a point that he was naked at a point.

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  • My 4th grade teacher read a chapter to the class every day, same with the sequel. I specifically remember the part where he was standing outside naked in winter and some tree bark just kinda exploded, and he was freaking out trying to decide if the freezing bark caused it to expand and explode or if a hunter was out there shooting bullets at him. Also, the part where he finds an orange-drink packet in the survival supplies of the plane and describes the taste of it.

    Edit: I think the tree bark part was in the sequel, Brian's Winter.

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    Is The PlayStation 5 Pro Price Really That Crazy? - FullCleared
  • Some people don't have the knowledge or confidence to build a PC or go through the process of installing everything to run games like a pro PC gamer, and for them, the do-it-for-me approach of console gaming is the best route. With the upcoming generation of iPad kids, I feel like console gaming is going to be bigger than ever.

    Disclaimer: I'm a PC gamer almost exclusively.

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    Ubisoft shares plunge again after investor urges company to go private
  • It's almost as if being publicly traded is bad for the stability and longevity of a company. Who would have thought?

    [Disclaimer: I only read the headline]

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    Me when I learn a new NT social rule
  • Just yesterday, a coworker mentioned my insulated water bottle and remarked on how they always seem to keep ice for over a day, and I proceeded to describe the thermodynamics of vacuum insulation at 4am in the morning to a NT that was half asleep. Once I noticed they were staring at me, i said "haha sorry its probably too early for this."

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    Donald Trump Says Elon Musk Will Lead 'Government Efficiency' Task Force
  • Governments should not be measured in "value" of any financial aspect, but rather the quality of living of the citizens they govern. Electing a leader of questionable human rights morals would be a disaster.

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    Which anime do you enjoy with a mostly adult cast of characters?
  • Saga of Tanya the Evil

    Uhh, the main character is technically a child, even though they >!have the mind and soul of a middle-aged man!<. I'm not sure I'd include this, but the other characters still work.

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    Boyfriend confessed to lying about his drug usage
  • I'm not a therapist or anything, so don't weigh my words too heavily.

    I feel that if you truly love care about him, then you will do what you can to get him out of using drugs, such as treatment and therapy for the depression.

    On that same note, if he truly loves cares about you, he will listen and seek the help he needs.

    It doesn't sound like an easy situation, being so far away, but something needs to be done at this point. [Edit] whether that be him getting clean or you leaving to focus on yourself.

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    What is the best concert you have ever been?
  • Rob Zombie put on a hell of a show back when I saw him a decade ago. More recently, Municipal Waste was sick. Their mosh pit was a blast.

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    Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • I kinda got grandfathered into Youtube Music by using (and enjoying) Google Music, and since YT Premium was only like $2 more, I got it. I primarily use it for the music. The no-ads is just a bonus for me, I guess.
