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Worse and worse
  • I mean the only answer that I can really give you, is there are so many a multitude it is almost endless quite literally, of AI apps on the Play Store and online it's incredibly ridiculous. I personally have a fuck ton of AI apps on my phone because I'm tired of chat gpt3 also but the only way you're going to find something better is if you do the leg work yourself and try them and find out okay. Usually the mass popular opinion about something takes time for whatever that is that got popular to get a shit ton of exposure to a lot of people. And I quite frankly don't have fucking time for that you know I would rather just do this on my own and try them out myself and see for myself if they're worth the shit.

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    HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION: Do You Think Refusing To Transition A Child, Should Be Considered Child Abuse?
  • They should be able to take blockers until they decide but they must also as a condition be testdriving what its like to do other gender stuff (dress, name, vocal, etc).

    Thank you for answering my question, appreciate your response. So for this part, would you consider any age appropriate for a child to get on blockers? Or do you feel more like there should be an age limitation? I know that's a hot issue, so I'm just curious what your thoughts on that are.

    For the rest of your comment. If I think you're talking about what I think you are, then I do agree with that.

    Are you at all thinking of Jazz and her mother? If so, do you have any thoughts on that specific case at all?

    Thanks again

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    Any Lemmy community suggestions for solar lights?
  • You can try our Instance. We are un-federated though.

    You're welcome to create any community you want if it's not already there. Up to you.

    We've got OSINT, technology and tech news, apps, weird, random shit, alternative fashion, gadgets, news and current events, Android, ios, horror, ask men, shitty ask, arts, bio hacking, money, best internet resources, discussions, crime, DIY, caption This, and others. These are just a few

    Thanks for your time

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    Are There Any Lemmy Content Creators ?
  • Thank you. We're looking more for people who create their own stuff that doesn't rely entirely on AI.

    I'm open to it, I think? I can see their posts being useful for our weird and random shit community.

    But idk 🤷‍♂️

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    Are There Any Lemmy Content Creators ?
  • Really on hexbear?

    They're welcome to come if they want to and post their creations.

    But unfortunately, they have us defederated even though we are not federated at all or plan to be

    I'll leave that for them to decide, the invitation is there I'll leave it at that

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    Are There Any Lemmy Content Creators ?
  • Oh ok awesome! We do have an art community too. Also we have a peertube instance you can use to upload your creations, if they are videos. You'll see the information about it pinned on our page.

    We are

    Let me know any questions if you have them. We're excited to have you !

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    Are There Any Lemmy Content Creators ?
  • Really!? 🙌 I really hope you are being serious and not just getting me all excited. Ha ha, that's cool. What do you make ?

    Would you maybe be interested in checking out our instance? Possibly join if if it's up your alley?

    All up to you. We understand if you're already committed to your main instance.

    Let me know if you have any questions and I appreciate your response

  • I'd like to invite anyone who is interested and feels our Instance would be a good fit for them, to join

    If you feel like you don't fit in with most of lemmy, Hilarious Chaos might be for you.

    We are not federated for safety reasons. We'd be defederated anyways, and lastly, we do not want the drama that comes with federation.

    Most lemmy users will not like our instance, and that's fine. If that's you, please do not join. Keep it moving, zero interest in unnecessary negativity.

    You will like our Instance if:

    • You are weird
    • Tired or bored of politics all the dam time
    • Want to focus more on having fun
    • Can take a joke,
    • Like to be ridiculous
    • Not easily offended

    Yes, politics from both sides (left and right) are allowed.

    However, our instance is not a political instance or meant to be one. It was created and is meant for fun.

    Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.


    Hopefully I posted this in the right place. Apologies if not.

    Basically the title.

    So far cant find anyone. This isn't a nsfw community it's just basically posting either outfits of your own or stuff from models online. Clothing, accessories, makeup.

    I really want to grow this community as to why I'm asking.

    Let me know if you might be interested and I'll send you our Instance.

    Thank you have a good one


    ***Please DM me if you are interested ***

    Standalone Instance If Your Interested In Joining

    We are NOT federated with the rest of lemmy The reason is safety issues when it comes to weirdos posting disgusting crap and it's just chilling on your server.

    Our admin team doesn't want that liability.

    One advantage with no federation is that we welcome you to post content you've created. Like memes or funny videos.

    As long as you're chill, posting in the appropriate community, we're not going to lay the hammer on you. Or take down your post over dumb stuff.

    Lastly, you should join our Instance if you feel your values align with ours. It's important to note that we understand that at the end of the day, lemmy is just a hobby.

    We don't have a desire to be, we'll, tyrants. People disagree, and we get that. Not everyone thinks the same or believes the same things. That's just the truth.

    We're just regular people like anybody else and want a place where we can actually be ourselves and not walk on eggshells.

    If you feel we might be a fit for you, feel free to sign up or message me with any questions.

    Also, we understand the appeal that federation has for some folks. I'm not trying to push the idea that being standalone is better. If that's not for you

    We totally get that and hope you find a lemmy server that better suits your needs.

    Thank you for your time
