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Percentages [Pearls Before Swine]
  • It's sad most people don't believe this. Team blue isn't your friend. As you said, every once in a great while they might do something that's in your best interest. But it's more likely it's in their best interest and coincidentally also in your interest.

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    The Trek Place
  • I don't care about the woke nonsense. STD has very few redeeming qualities. Bad writing, bad acting. They spent little to no time flushing out the characters. I guess they didn't have time what with the universe about to end every 10 minutes. I only watched for Anthony Rapp, Doug Jones and Michelle Yeoh. Everyone else was a stinker or didn't get enough screen time.

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    Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
  • TIL downvotes = being wrong.


    It isn't a non sequitur. It's simply a made up definition like all definitions. It doesn't mean they're right or wrong.

    You can either refute my statement, or you can't.

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    Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
  • Cool. Don't care about billionaires, and I care equally what some museums definition is.

    And before you run to your search engine of choice to find the "official" definition, know I don't care about that either. Definitions are literally (like everything else) just made up. A group of people came together and said "this word means this because we say so". I can decide what groups fall under the definition of genocide if I so choose. And you are also welcome to accept whatever definition you so choose.

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    Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
  • "whenever a person comments on anything, obviously it's bothering them."

    This is a public forum. This is what you do. You read something, then comment on it. It doesn't mean you're bothered by it. Jesus tap dancing christ. Are you so desperate to "win" the conversation that you'll resort to just making stuff up?

    You are powerless over me. My life is awesome and some sad person on the internet won't change that. I hope yours gets better. Stay safe out there.

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    Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
  • You and your manufactured guilt can kick rocks.

    But you're right. I'll quit my job tomorrow, eventually lose my home, be homeless, and probably eventually die of starvation or some disease by living in the streets. That'll show'em.

    This whole fucking platform is so ridiculously left wing. Fortunately I don't have to interact with your delusional takes in reality. You barely exist.

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    Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
  • They are a group of people who have something in common. If you're trying to kill them for that thing(s), that's genocide. You can sugar coat it in anyway that makes you comfortable, I guess.

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    Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
    1. Being "ok" with anything is completely subjective and a personal choice. There is no law that says I have to have an opinion on every subject.

    2. I'm against innocent people being hurt or killed in general.

    My experience on this platform tells me if a person or persons set out to kill every Trump supporter, or murder every billionaire, you people would be celebrating. Hypothetical I admit, but it's my opinion most of you would be ok with genocide as long as it targets people you don't like/support.

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    Let us never forget the most oppressed group of all, the Centrists
  • I feel you may be somewhat mentally unstable, so discussing anything with you may be dangerous.

    I have taken no action. I have no say in how my taxes are spent, thus I feel no guilt.

    You are using "direct" incorrectly. I have taken no direct action. The person or persons who used my money in such a manner is the one taking direct action.

    I assure you, I feel no guilt. I don't care.
