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What's something you've improved at recently?
  • What advice? "Change your life, move outside, study" that's middle class shit, I'm not allowed plus my city doesn't give you any type of help. I literally looked the online site for the town, it hasn't being updated in a year.

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    What's something you've improved at recently?
  • Negativity? Is a reality I don't think you understand. I don't have access to any help. And I'm not alone. Why do you think many people low class and immigrants like me become criminals? Do you think most of them love it? No, but even criminals need to pay the bills or they will get evicted.

    You sound privileged, I don't expect you to understand. But realize that many people aren't like you, I can't even get a fast food job. That's how impossible my life is.

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    What's something you've improved at recently?
  • Absolute Bs, I want to work, do some stuff yet nobody gives me the chance. Is like I'm invisible and that's out of my hands

    "Then become someone else, grew and be better" AKA invest money and time I don't have... I'm fucked either way

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    What's the point of living?
  • More than that. Being dead will save me from pain, but unfortunately dying is painful. And I can't handle that. I wish I could have lots of money to kick my problems away and buy me company, maybe a wife.

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    What's the point of living?
  • You're a nice human being. But I'm sorry reading never did ANYTHING for me. I don't read anymore, I would trade being more ignorant over getting some of satisfaction in my life.

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    What's the point of living?
  • I've done most of what you asked and failed at it. I got rid of my guitar and I don't plan to touch it ever again, it depresses me trying to play. And bores me most of the time. I had a shit warehouse job were I was abused. I can't get any calls for a job anymore and I don't live where you live so no, the government of this city won't help me to get a job.

    And I'm a bad person, I don't wanna help anyone, I'm tired of being used or feeling that I'm doing something for someone without getting paid.

  • I'm aware that I'm worthless but still can't turn off that libido or sexual desire and is killing me. Another thing to add to the list of failures as an male adult.

    No job, own place, car, friends, virgin. Why am I even alive?


    I saw that other post about worst dates and honestly can't relate since I've never dated anyone, I just wanted to know if I was the only one here. That's it, you don't have to go deeper if you don't want to


    I'm doing the driving lessons and I dread them every time. I don't feel like I'm improving much and it's just stressful. I feel like giving up. I'm only going because I passed the theory exam with that school, and i would had to spend more money (that I don't have) if I start again with other school, basically I'm too deep into it to stop.

    Btw I now understand the hate towards manual cars. Automatic should be the only option, one less BIG distraction on the road, especially when you're new on these things, being too soft or too rough on the clutch is a matter of millimeters is ridiculous, watching the road, the signs, the traffic lights, the cars around you, the stupid people with their bikes, while fumbling in the car with the pedals is the worst... (unfortunately you must learn manual where I'm living).
