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  • Is that why all digital computers use binary?

    This may actually be an example of where a word's meaning had changed over time. Not sure of the etymology.

    Some random dictionary has "one of the elements that combine to form numbers in a system other than the decimal system" as one of the definitions.

    I spent way too long trying to prove something there...

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    Our approach to road safety
  • What the fuck are the tests and license for if this person is able to obtain one. We need stricter testing and license requirements

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    Reusable Falcon 9 Go Brrr
  • No competition or less competition is generally bad. What keeps SpaceX from raising prices now they are one of the only in town. Obviously there is still ula and such.

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    New Report Argues Private Rail Is a Train Wreck, Public Ownership Needed
  • We already spend billions on "public transport services". We just spend it in one of the least efficient ways possible. Roads and highways. It costs so much to maintain the infrastructure is crumbling and people are too car-brained to admit how awful the situation is.

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    Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows
  • I don't think most people would consider their religion a conflict of interest. I would agree that it is for scientific research, and probably a whole lot of other things...

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    Philippine officials say Chinese forces seized 2 navy boats in disputed shoal, injuring sailors
  • You can't beach a ship in your own territorial waters and then get upset when China comes to take your stuff and harass you? Do you understand what is even happening in the South China Sea?
