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Not a man but the very unrelenting spirit of justice..
  • “Now, there’s this one thing that keeps puzzlin’ me, Mr. Godzilla… if your shoe size was 500 like you said it was, and you said you weren’t stompin’ over in New York City in 1998… then who else could have a shoe size of 500 stompin’ all over New York City? Couldn’t have been Mecha-Godzilla, nobody’s seen since him since ‘93.”

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    Helldivers 2 director turns to community for advice on how to get meta-enthusiasts to stop kicking other players
  • Regarding your point on not being able to be matched up against blocked players:

    This is not healthy for a game with matchmaking to allow players direct control over its matching system like this. In a PvP game this would especially be a problem, but it has problems in PvE games as well. In this situation, meta players would just block other non-meta players, effectively lowering the matching pool to two different queues in a single large pool. In this scenario, it would be more efficient for the matchmaking system to just have two separated queues, which brings me to the next point.

    I would argue the opposite. Vermintide 2 employs this exact thing and it’s been working pretty well - it actually does punish people who get blocked a lot by other people, and if you’re being blocked by a ton of people, there’s probably more than just “skill issue” and “you’re not running meta” going on. You do get sweaty people who block non-sweaty people, yeah, but it’s not hampering the community of the game in the slightest - and that game is waaaaaay smaller in size than something like Helldivers where you can get blocked by a ton of people and still play with other people due to the sheer size of the playerbase.

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    TIL you can improve your google search result by adding "before:2023"
  • Nah, DDG is arguably worse than Google now with their search results - I just ended up going back to Google after a couple of years of using DDG.

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    Donald Trump stung as new poll shows how unpopular he is
  • I’ve been saying this more and more, but ever since 2016, the system has gone away from “vote for who you support” and more towards “vote against what you don’t support” for the presidential elections. We have somehow managed to have a good chunk of the US view these actually really important political processes as nothing more than blind fanaticism for “their team” - and that goes for both Team D and Team R.

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    Roku got hacked
  • Yeah, but then both OP and The Verge wouldn’t have such a juicy headline for sick internet points and clicks.

    It’s more accurate to say “~15,000 Roku users were hacked due to reused passwords”, and reusing passwords is one of the worst things you can do security-wise because if your password got leaked on one website (doesn’t even need to be the full password, just the hash would work), you are now entirely compromised everywhere you reuse that password.

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    Trump's plan to end the Ukraine war is to totally cut off funding, says Putin's closest EU ally
  • Unfortunately, a lot of our government is crooked as hell and Trump was basically able to put people that align with him into certain positions, such as two of the supreme justices that oversee very high profile cases such as the one where Trump argued presidents should have immunity from crimes done during presidency.

    Then you compound that with the actual literal fascist party that is the Republican party who only care about lining their pockets with money and being ok with corporations running things, and you get the shitshow that is the US today where citizens will actually support a fascist insurrectionist who clearly wants to align himself more with Russia and potentially even China, and says things such as “I will be a dictator for one day” and “the US should pull out of NATO”.

    I fear for this country and genuinely am glad I don’t live in the mainland USA - and I wouldn’t be too opposed to having my state go back to being a British Territory if Trump gets elected again.

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    Watery-Wiles 🐸
  • What did she say?

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    The Super Mario Bros. Movie sequel is coming in 2026
  • Super Mario Bros: Into The Marioverse?

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    Tesla starts shipping $3,000 Cybertruck tent, looks nothing like what was unveiled | Electrek
  • Adam Something has an infallible equation that explains all of this kind of stuff: rich asshole + stupid idea with tons of nice CGI renders = dumb shit

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    No tip
  • I never tip if I’m picking up takeout food, but I will always tip if I’m eating in or if I’m getting it delivered to me.

    I wish tipping was not a thing in the States, I’d rather pay more upfront and not have to tip :V

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    What is your socially unacceptable guilty indulgence?
  • Picking my nose, then eating the booger.

    I am in my 30s.

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    "Man Media" by Shenx Comic
  • Don’t forget that the main protagonist will somehow be with a goddess of some sort who inevitably falls in love with him, alongside his totally not 12-year-old waifu and his waifu with big humongous honkers (that’s her entire personality).

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    Nintendo doing the smarting
  • Tbh, is it really pirating if I bought the game and wanted to play it on a different unofficial platform?

    I understand the main thing was Yuzu was apparently offering builds that work with unreleased games (which how tf does that work) via Patreon, but if the game’s been released and I bought it, I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to download a ROM or even dump my own and play it on an emulator that offers better performance.

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    If Disney Movies were on the alignment chart
  • Off-topic, but there’s a character in Disco Elysium that perfectly encapsulates your comment: Evart.

    In addition to helping you find your police-issued gun, the dude is an absolutely corrupt asshole, and does everything for the wrong reasons. However, he’s in charge of the labor union for the harbor in the city you are in, and he actually does a lot of good things for the workers - not because they are good, but because it furthers his political base and, if you take him at face value, he truly does believe in protecting the working class. Evart does everything very lawfully, so you can’t really arrest him for anything illegal because he hasn’t done anything illegal. So while it’s very easy to write him off as LE, he does have enough nuance to arguably be considered LG in some cases.

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    "I'm hit!"

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    Unmoderated and now extremely delayed federation - is it time to move?
  • Kbin is working fine for me.

    If you want to use mbin, just use it - who gives a shit what instance you are on? Innit that the whole point of federation?

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    What's a entertainment franchise (movies, games, etc) that has been milked but still puts out good products?
  • I really wished we got more stuff like Andor, Rogue One, and Knights of The Old Republic II that explore more of the universe outside of “here’s a bunch of themed planets with wacky CGI aliens”.

    Andor and Rogue One are really good at showing what it’s like to actually be a Rebel and live in a universe being dictated by an empire, while KOTOR 2 was a really cool look at the metanarrative of the Jedi, the Sith, and the Force as a whole.

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    Is it normal to forget your own age?
  • I would say I started having to think about my age after I was 25 or so, so I would say that’s normal. The only ones I don’t think about are the decade ones since those are easy enough to calculate lol

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    Choose your items
  • Gun with bullets, then set out to change history by shooting 4 kings or something with a bullet. Then I’ll save the last bullet as a very last resort for anything.

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    committed to genocide
  • So because this “uncommitted vote” bit is new to me: if I were to vote uncommitted for the Dems, does that still count as a vote against Trump/Republicans, or is it effectively the same as not voting? Because if it’s the former then I would very much like to vote uncommitted because while Biden sucks, Trump sucks worse.
