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Capitalism is killing our planet
  • I don't think greed is necessary. I'd argue markets exist to cater to human wants and needs. If someone is using an inherently fucky system (as all non-voluntary systems are to some extent) to find happiness, then it's working at least a little.

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    Man crushed to death by robot in South Korea
  • Weight and speed. The arm itself is hefty and requires a fair bit of torque to move around and you want these operations to be completed quickly.

  • NSFW
    Baldur's Gate 3 is the horniest RPG I've ever played and honestly it's a bit much
  • Nah. I'm a prude: I prolly won't play BG3 now. I'm big on sci-fi and I've never liked overtly horny interactions. The Culture novels handle it well and it didn't annoy me. Vernor Vinge had problems deciding if he was writing scifi or rape fantasies.

    I'm here for motherfucking space lasers.

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    What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • Of course it is. It's an infringement on the individual that society makes. Society should remember that their political flavor of choice is floating on a raft of fucking bones. Every little thing you want the government to do is your own goddamned blood.

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    Is there a more politically conservative part of the fediverse?
  • You can be someone that's not inherently against capitalism and for free communications platforms. I think stuff like this is a good start for polycentric regulation, which I see as important for any type of a voluntary or anarchist future.

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    Is there a more politically conservative part of the fediverse?
  • I'm socially pretty left but a voluntarist and it feels pretty hostile. Even socially moderate or liberal cons will feel pretty bad. I'm just used to chillin' in left spaces so it's whatever.
